Girl Jeans


Jul 9, 2004
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Do any of you hombres wear them?
I think I have a good legs for them and my waist is about 32 - 30 what size does that compute to in girl jeans?

Ive never been into the baggy style I've always liked near to tight fitted clothing, no im not gay im wondering if anyone is into this style. I do enjoy wearing men jeans also IM just going to try something different best put the "other" side
I wear skinny mens jeans.. Lee do a range of men's skinny jeans.

I love tight fitted clothing :D
of course the lovable harry is first to reply :D
what are they called?
are they straight cut or something?
what are they called?
are they straight cut or something?
Skinny jeans is what they're called. Like this yeah?




Oi, I enjoy fashion is all :p
That guy has the same shoes as me. Then again black converses are all over the place these days. I've lost my individuality.

But back on topic, no, I don't wear girls clothes. Jeans or otherwise. I leave crossdressing to the professionals.

And here in the UK basically every clothes shop seems to stock jeans similar to those above. Seems to be in fashion these days. I don't really keep up with trends and whatnot, I just rely on my 'does-it-look-good-ometer', it usually does the trick.
they aren't pre-ripped, badgie! a step in the right direction! <3
Baxter Low Rise from Abercrombie.

But yes, they're pre-ripped.

And no, I don't care.
My Gosh you guys are gay. Girls Jeans are for girls ><
Now I wear tight shirts sometimes, but why would i restrict the space for my penis? I need all the room possible.

Good Heck
I can't even remember the last time i wore a pair of jeans, i know i don't own any. I wear khaki, they just look nicer.
I just buy skate jeans. They look good, last long, and don't cost an arm and a leg.
<shudders> I hate tight clothes. I prefer loose clothing.
I knew this thread would come to the gay vs. straight battle, hmm
any tips on size like 30 - 32 is that a girls like 8 - 12?

i dont like the pre ripped and washed out look tho, i rather do that myself.
I buy absolutely normal, blue, non ripped, non faded, non fashionable, boring jeans.

I just can't bring myself to care about fashion, I haven't got the body for small peoples clothes.
I buy absolutley normal, blue, non ripped, non faded, non fashionable, boring jeans.

I just can't bring myself to care about fashion, I haven't got the body for small peoples clothes.

Yep. My jeans are blue(not light blue), rugged, cheap, and loose.

Just the way god intended man to wear jeans. :cool:

Or not. :LOL:

I prefer a nice pair of loose cargo pants to jeans though. Cargo pants have alot of character.
I wear overly baggy, overly long jeans that almost cover my trainers. Same with trousers. When I used to wear combats, they were the same. I hate tight clothing, no room to breathe etc.

1. Fashion
2. My own health
3. My girlfriend
4. Money

In that order.
Haha, much the same as me :p

I like those jeans, not too expensive.. those Lee ones are somewhere in the region of $130 :p

I don't tend to buy pre-ripped jeans, since mine get so damaged so fast. f0rked not all of the high-street ones are very nice..

I find jeans from Topman et all wear out really damn fast..
I knew this thread would come to the gay vs. straight battle, hmm
any tips on size like 30 - 32 is that a girls like 8 - 12?

i dont like the pre ripped and washed out look tho, i rather do that myself.

i'm a 32 waist or 34 depending on some stores over here but i tried a pair of womens baggy jeans in the store i work in as alot of my colleagues had them, including men who weren't ghey :hmph: , they were very loose fitting and baggy, not like those jeans rappers wear or anything, i fit into a size 14 fine, they were a lil' big on the waist, try a 12 i guess, i actually bought the pair but they were a lil too tight around the crouch :p shame most comfortable jeans i ever wore...

a good place for those tight fitting jeans like badger described that are affordable is h&m, dunno if you have them in the states. A bloke who works downstairs in Topman who comes into my store looking for tight fitting, non flared jeans gets his there, they come under the 'bragg' fit afaik.
I dunno what brands in particular, I just get whatever they have at my local skateshop that looks good :p
Haha, much the same as me :p

I like those jeans, not too expensive.. those Lee ones are somewhere in the region of $130 :p

I don't tend to buy pre-ripped jeans, since mine get so damaged so fast. f0rked not all of the high-street ones are very nice..

I find jeans from Topman et all wear out really damn fast..

You should stop spending so much money on those cheap jeans if they're wearing out so fast! A good pair of jeans are cheap, look good, and last a long time. Not a lifetime, but a long time.
I own four pairs of pants that fit me, that I wear. Two pairs of jeans- one is pretty loose, but it's got some gay pre-ripped up shits in them (my mom got them for me without my consul) and some others, which are sort of in between, tightness-wise. I think they used to be tight, but then I wore 'em so much... and the bottoms are all ripped up (from use, bitches) and I cut little slits on the insides so they would fit over my boots.

I also have a pair of black jeans I wear for special occasions... they're starting to fade :(

And right now I'm wearing boy scout pants, which actually fit pretty good and look alright. The only downside is that the pockets are sown on, which makes scrathing my itchy balls harder than it needs to be.

As for girl pants... if I see you wearing any, I'll kick your ass, simple as that.
I dunno what brands in particular, I just get whatever they have at my local skateshop that looks good :p
err... you wear skates?

ps. you think thats bad, you dont wanna know what ive just seen.
I have some vintage Levis from the 80s, they still haven't worn out :)

So yeah :D - I don't buy cheap stuff cos they generally aren't the best. You get what you pay for.

And LOL @ Que-Ever.. sure mate :)
I like tight fitting stuff... btw Dreadlord, do you happen to have a RL pic of the Baxters? Cause I've been thinking of buying a pair, but I donno if the wash and fit is the way I think it is
Yeah, I think in the US we stop using sizes after 28 inches or something like that.
I usually baggier clothing but not gangsta-baggy like this twat.

I had a pair of really good fitting girl jeans but I put themon one day and my mom started freaking out about btw, shes baptist.
Pfff..what was she saying?

A few of my mates didn't believe my jeans were lads jeans.. I had to show em the size label :LOL:
I like tight fitting stuff... btw Dreadlord, do you happen to have a RL pic of the Baxters? Cause I've been thinking of buying a pair, but I donno if the wash and fit is the way I think it is

Why certainly my good sir! They come in MANY different styles and washes by the way.. I have a pair that is just slightly faded with no holes, all the way to my Ezra Fitch Baxters that have paint all over them.. They also come in different shades and patterns.

Here are two fairly different ones (Both Baxter):

On the left are the darker shaded only slightly torn ones. On the right are the more expensive painted / destroyed Baxters.