Gman + scientist conversation, translated (partially)

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RakuraiTenjin said:
I agree with these :D. Although.. I think Gman 3 could be (basically VERY similar) "I won't be giving you an answer that you want"

Probably what you put though :]
Well it kinda helps that im partially deaf... I can understand mumbling or the toothpaste language (talking while brushing teeth)
:flame: Stupid heartburn..​
well i can hardly understand the normal hl voices , . . .
I tested out the sounds, stretched them out and played with them. The closest I came to finding the right words were:

G-MAN 1 - This is not your decision to make.
G-MAN 2 - You must not get in the way.
G-MAN 3 - I wont be giving an ... one again.
G-MAN 4 - If I had wanted to speak with ....
G-MAN 5 - My employers dont agree.
G-MAN 6 - The Scientists and the gaurds....
SCIENTIST 1 - I've told you a hundred times I am opposed to pushing all this equipment beyond this level.
lol thats awesome... i wonder how you did that.. its hard to read lips on that game.
G-man: -How's it coming along?
Sci: -You know how I feel about pushing the equipment, and for this reason, its totally irresponsible, and childish!
G-man: -Just do what you're told, if you have any complaints why don't you bring it up with him?
Sci: -I tried but the administrator just won't listen, he's fanatic, he desperately wants to play Doom 3 AND Half-life 2 on our computers at full settings and maximum resolution. I tried to tell him the system couldn't take it but he insisted. He's mad!!!
eber knows what lol means. I've seen him use it before.

This sort of thing is why I've got him on my ignore list...
The last two sylables in the 6th Gman line is "Ta Ta" as in good bye. problem solved.

not all of the problems solved, just that one.
Well I'm joining late on this conversation but I must say excellent work to TriggerHappy and everyone who helped out. I never thought they really said anything; this is a real wake-up call! :cheers:
I think what they are saying is something like this. (story wise)

Scientist: I dont want to push the equitment!
G: you must!
Scientist: He will not do this!
G: If I had a suit, I would do it to!
Scientist: This is insanity!
G: My employer is destined to lead.
G: You are a scientist, afraid. Shut up.
Sitherizaki said:
The last two sylables in the 6th Gman line is "Ta Ta" as in good bye. problem solved.

not all of the problems solved, just that one.

it can't be, its WAH WAH! (because the gman is mentally unstable)- see? you can just make up new plot!! :)
how did you translate it? if you tell me how, i can help you figure it out
what makes you think that gordon will end up joining the rebels? i say they look too pansy to be any good and that gordon will stick to the dark side and become some sort of darth-vader like supervillain.

actually, no, but oh well.
Scientist: Ive told you a hundred times how im apposed to pushing this equipment beyond its testing levels.

gman1: This is not you're decision to make

gman2: This must not...

gman3: I wanted to remind you once again

gman4: If i had wanted this opinion i would "state it"?

gman5: My employers destiny is to lead

gman6: You're scientists ...i think he might be saying a name at the end

Thats what ive gotten outa the whole thing.
not sure if im right tho
I opened the sound files in SAW and sroom2 seems almost dead on...minor inconsistencies though
Well, forgetting the specifics, it goes like this:

Scientist: I am afraid of science!

G-man: I will ignore your input!

The end. :)
This is what I've been able to decipher out of the sound files. I've put words that sound like they could be something else in parentheses.

sci_mumble.wav: "I've told you a hundred times, I am opposed with pushing this equipment beyond its test levels."
gman_1.wav: "This is not your decision to make."
gman_2.wav: "You must _not_ get in the way."
gman_3.wav: "I won't be giving you an answer you want to know." or "I won't be giving you an answer you won't regret."
gman_4.wav: "If I had _, would you think that I would fit in it?" or "If I had wanted this opinion, I would _ it."
gman_5.wav: "My employers think it's greed."
gman_6.wav: "You're a scientist, and applied ... data."

Some of these have been posted before, but they've helped me make sense out of most of them, thus I hope these help someone else too. Either or, it's fun figuring out what's being said.
I think GMan 6 says:
"You're a scientist and a fraud, shut up! "
Well, that's what I hear anyway...
The Pope and the Hungry Cow

Hi, my first post in this forum!

I've listened to these wav files a few times and while I think alot of you guys really come close to what these two guys are actually discussing I've taken the time to clear my head and create my very own interpretation of what they might talk about. I'm doing this just to show you how these things tend to snowball once one has found reasonable meaning to those mumbled words!

sci_mumble: And, aren't you a hungry cow, and I am a pope! This could mean a deficiency on distance levels.

Of course I'm not helping at all, but with a little imagination you could interpret anything into those sentences. Thumbs up to all the guys out there who pretty much figured these mumbles out correctly. :thumbs:
i like hitting the gaurds and taking their weapons then killing the scientists while being shot at by the turrets :p
ne0_shiny said:
i like hitting the gaurds and taking their weapons then killing the scientists while being shot at by the turrets :p
That's all, folks.
DuffBeer said:
sci_mumble: And, aren't you a hungry cow, and I am a pope! This could mean a deficiency on distance levels.

Yes! If you listen to it while reading this it could also be considred a possibility. ROFL The first sentence is outstanding! :D :D :D :D
i wonder if any1 else found anymore easter eggs in HL1,...i found a bunhc of letters inthe wall on one of the later levels,.RILLFP
will post it up ona URL,..any1 else find this
Wow! You all have put great effort into this, and it seems to me that you've gotten the gist of the conversation, but haven't put it into the context of the situation in which it was said. I see this as the G-man cornering the lead scientist behind a closed door to, in essence, brow beat him into forcing Gordon into a situation that would lead to the cascade. Both the G-man, and the scientist knew of the consequenses. They were not unforseen, except to Gordon. There is no link, or clue to HL2. It is just a sinister conversation dooming Gordon to his fate. The G-man decides when to rise and shine, and who is the right man at the wrong time.

Am I right?

Here we go:

sci mumble - "I've told you a hundred times, how I'm apposed to pushing this equipment beyond the test levels."
(I think we're all in agreement on that one) 100% sure

gman1 - "This is not your descision to make."
(That was easy) 100% sure

gman2 - "He must not get in the way." or "He must not nu nu nu nu."
(The last part is so uninteligable) 75% sure

gman3 - "I want you to give me an answer you won't regret."
(Fairly sure on this one) 80% sure

gman4 - "If I had one of those suites, then I would, certainly."
(I am also fairly confident on this one. Talking about the HEV suite does make some sense) 60% sure

gman5 - "My employers don't agree with that!"
(I am very sure about this one. sorry, it's not "destined to lead". listen to it again, the "agree" is very clear) 99% sure

gman6 - "You're a scientist and a fraud, shutup." or "You're a scientist and afraid... to die."
(This one is very uncertain, but I'm sure it's not "Wah wah!") 50% sure

Hope that helps some!
My take on it, reached by comparing what others have said to what I can hear myself, which is why on most of them I agree with general consensus.

sci_mumble.wav: "I've told you a hundred times, I am opposed to pushing this equipment beyond the test levels."
gman_1.wav: "This is not your decision to make."
gman_2.wav: "he must _not_ get in the way."
gman_3.wav: "I won't be giving you an answer you want to know."

gman_4.wav: I am beginning to think that this is actually both the gman and the scientist talking, for instance:
Gman:"If I had wanted to..." or "If I had wondered..." or "If I had one/won *---*..." etc...
Sci: [sigh] "Do you think then that I would?"
Gman: "Certainly"

gman_5.wav: "My employers think it's greed."
gman_6.wav: "You're a scientist, and *---*
The thread has awakened, anyway, if you listened carefully, can't you make out a "keep"?

What i hear is.

" I told you a hundred times that i am opposed to keep pushing this equipment beyond the test levels"
Ack, I just realised the last post was on the 23rd of the 8th month, not the 23rd of THIS month, which would be today...

My bad...
Well, i think this is going somwhere, Certainly a few of thiese sentances are dead on, and fitting for the context.

I think we should take some of the dynamics into account to. Most likely this is an actual dialogue, read by the voice actors, for all we know they may have decided to mute it down later in the game development, as to not give away to much already at the start.

Taking this into acount and comparing it with data from the other half life games and various scripts this is my interpetation of what the dialogue means.

The g-man is sent to force/convince the scientist of using the "more pure" sample from XEN and to use the anti-mater spectometer at 120% (This is what ultimately causes the resonance cascade)

He is there on behalf of his employers, and has this arguement with the scientist. The scientist is skeptical and thinks the risk is to big.

The g-man accuses the scientist of "just" being a scientist (Classical scientist/government arguement)

As for the pure script it self the sentances in bold i agree 100% with as they make a lot of sense in the context and they work with what im hearing, both with regards to talking speed, syllables and such:


The scientist one i think almost all of us agree on now:
I've told you a hundred times, I am opposed to pushing this equipment beyond the test levels.

Gman 1 is pretty clear to:
This is not your decision to make

Gman 2 is unclear imo, but something like "You must not get in the way" makes sense.

Gman 3 is also a bit unclear, although im petty sure it starts with "I won't be giving you and answer you would..." (here it sounds like its cut of) so one could assume its I won't be giving you and answer you would want to hear. (This makes sense in the arguement)

Gman4 could be both talking, i agree. All im hearing is (If i had wanted .... i wouldnt ... )

Gman5 is definately:
My employers don't agree I thought it was my emplyoyer want lead too, if you put half life 2 into the whole thing, but i dont think they had though that far ahead at this point. And as stated the g-man refers to his employerS in plural throught the game so this makes more sense. Either way it indicates that he is not the top dog calling the shots, someone sent him to the labs to make sure the test was done a certain way (and maby to ensure there was a resonance cascade, (the fact that he employs the opposing force guys before the incident indicates this)

G-man6 i think is, "your a scientist, and a fraud, f*ck off"
The g-man is basicly fed up with argueing with what he percieves as "only" a scientist. this coincides with the reasoning i did in the start. the g-man and his employers concider the scientists and their worries anoyances in their scheme.


If infact the g-man knows this will cause a resonance cascade, and that is his plan, its understandable that he doesn't care much for the worries of this scientist.

Feel free to come with you own interpetations and views on this.

My main point is that in trying to decipher this you have to take the story and context into consideration, if indeed they are saying anything of meaning/interest.

I atleast choose to believe this interpetation as it gives more depth to the story and fits in with the rest of things quite nicely.
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