Gold Package just arrived, yay!

iamaelephant said:
As I said, it's not my sort of music. I'll end up downloading it, listening once and deleting it. the way I see it, that's no different from listening to a CD at a music store.

That's some pretty twisted logic you've got there.
I just popped in the CD a minute ago. Ho-ly crap... I expected it to be good, even great, but this is damned near perfect. You are all, trust me, in for a serious treat. One thing, though... If you don't for some reason have a powerful subwoofer, buy one immediately for this game. It's beautiful...



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Whoa, kick ass. I hope I get mine soon. Though I'm a little bummed about the t-shirt. Were'nt we Goldies supposed to get it?
Please stop!! im a poor student but it looks like i will have to stop being drunk for a while an spend my money on this instead!!

btw thanks for posting the pics, they are actually really sweet!!!
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see the big deal about downloading the soundtrack, unless VALVe offers it seperately. As it stands, the only way to get it is to buy the Gold package, which I didn't want to do. I haven't heard anything about VALVe releasing the soundtrack as a stand alone item, if they don't, then all you holier than thou folks can suck it while I'm listening to the music in my car.
Posters are 1.5' x 2' (exactly). Gordon is as cool as ever, Alyx as beautiful, and the G-Man looks even more creepy than you'd expect. Interestingly enough, they re-did the eyes on each character which makes them look all the more realistic. Pics coming in a few.

vorinoch said:
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see the big deal about downloading the soundtrack, unless VALVe offers it seperately. As it stands, the only way to get it is to buy the Gold package, which I didn't want to do. I haven't heard anything about VALVe releasing the soundtrack as a stand alone item, if they don't, then all you holier than thou folks can suck it while I'm listening to the music in my car.

Relax, with the SDK and the game files for HL2 it would take you a few sceonds to extract the songs you like convert them to MP3s. Downloading a ripped CD is illegal. Converting a game sound track you own is not. (As long as you don't burn it to CD and try selling it or using it for commercial things)
Please please, pwetty please get a rip of one of the cool tracks. :D

Just want to get a taster, or sample of the soundtrack.
The music is awesome huh??

Could you list the names of the tracks so we can get a feel for the type of song it is and how the game goes. put a spoiler tag if it needs one...thanks!!
Downloading a ripped CD is illegal even if you own the media with the music in it in the first place?

I've never used an SDK before, and I lack expertise, but eh, good point. I'm sure there'll be tutorials on how to use it out soon after release, and either way I don't want the music ruined for me, so to speak, by listening to it before I hear it in game. More ambience, and all that.
I'd absolutely recommend buying the soundtrack when it's out. And check this... it's got 42 tracks to enjoy. That's a whole lot of music. I've listened to about a quarter of the tracks so far and they're completely amazing. There's truly something for everyone here.

UnmarkedOne said:
FedEx just dropped off my Gold package. I was just burning a CD to listen to on the way to class, but cancelled it when I saw my shiny new Half-Life 2 Soundtrack :D

I'll post some pics in a min if anyone's interested.


Did you recieve an email notifying you that it was on its way?

Or did it just show up?
cspencer said:
Did you recieve an email notifying you that it was on its way?

Or did it just show up?

Just showed up. I checked the email, no shipping confirmation. Funny set of circumstances actually, I had just finished reading a thread about a guy getting a notice about his Gold package coming across the border, and went downstairs to find the box leaning against the door.

What kind of music is it?

Techno, rock? what? :D
UnmarkedOne said:
Strat guide pics (NO SPOILERS). These are shots of the cover only.


Man, I'd have a hard time not reading that strat guide before the game comes out.
Can you please list the track names.....there is nothing wrong with that is there??
UnmarkedOne said:
I'd absolutely recommend buying the soundtrack when it's out. And check this... it's got 42 tracks to enjoy. That's a whole lot of music. I've listened to about a quarter of the tracks so far and they're completely amazing. There's truly something for everyone here.


42 tracks?! That's amazing. I can't wait for mine to show up later today.

:eek: :eek: :eek: I was expecting the Gold thingies to appear like 3 months after the release :D I wonder when we SWEDES will get it though ;( Next millennium?

Also, does it contain HL2 on a cd? ;)
Track names sound like potential spoiler heaven. :) Eh, as long as it's camouflaged.
I just got mine too!!! I'm listening to the soundtrack now. I like it, only on the 3rd track. I looked in the walkthrough book, and I have a weapon spoiler or two if anyone wants to know, just post and I'll put it in spoiler tags.
Cool stuff cant wait for pics.

EDIT: Sweet pics.
Hyperjag3 said:
I just got mine too!!! I'm listening to the soundtrack now. I like it, only on the 3rd track. I looked in the walkthrough book, and I have a weapon spoiler or two if anyone wants to know, just post and I'll put it in spoiler tags.

I want to know!!!
could post a little snippet of some songs, i dont think thats illegal
T.H.C.138 said:
42 tracks..sweet...wait a minute..isn't 42 the answer?;)

:LOL: Good call. Didnt notice that...hmmm perhaps Milliways is in Half Life 2...
can u check the guide and just tell me if the oicw is still in game. With that info i will be happy till hl2 is released :)
can't you post some pictures of inside the strategy guide? New pics... ^^
SimonomiS said:
:LOL: Good call. Didnt notice that...hmmm perhaps Milliways is in Half Life 2...

No, not Milliways. But I hear Gordon has a towel in some parts.
Some of the tracks are very cool remixes of the first game's music. Track 34, for example, is a remix of HL1's credits sequence and it's freakin' sweet. To all the people worried about the music from the Binks in thinking that it was a little 'too' techno-sounding, fear not. There are plenty of tracks on here that are really atmospheric. Basically, whatever you do, don't play the game without music. It's really going to help enhance the adventure.

flupke said:
can't you post some pictures of inside the strategy guide? New pics... ^^

Unmarked doesnt want to spoil it for himself just to satisfy someone else, so I dont think so.

Hyperjag doesnt mind, ask him to.
T.H.C.138 said:
42 tracks..sweet...wait a minute..isn't 42 the answer?;)

Actually I was lying about the 42 tracks. There are 43, and every one is worth owning the CD.

Wow i can seriously feel they HL2 hype rushing through my veins. Now that we are this close its going so fast!!!!! whew
I'll just post everything here so I don't have to answer each pm seperately.

Weapon Spoilers:
The manipulator gets upgraded in the citadel to be able to lift organic AND nonorganic material. The incendary rifle is called the Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (OSIPR). Bugbait are called Pherapods. Gauss is not useable handheld, only on buggy.

EDIT: Weapons list:
Crowbar, 9MM Pistol (all the guide calls it), .357 Magnum, SMG (again, all the guide calls it), 12 Gauge shotgun, OSPIR (see weapon spoilers), Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator (later becomes Zero Point Energy Gravity Gun (organic manip), frag grenade, RPG Launcher, Crossbow, Pherapods.

Vehicle spoilers (possible):
There are only 2 vehicles, the buggy (called Scout Car) and the hovercraft.

HEV spoilers:
The wall rechargers are back, health and hev, also a combine recharger, capable of giving 150 hp and 150 armor. There is a health vial that restores 10 hp

I'll post more later if I find them.

EDIT: I can't find the names of the cd tracks, not in windows media player.