gold status next week still might be true

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SubKamran said:
I won't believe it till I see it on's front page and a new forum style with the words "GOLD" in the header in HUGE block letters. :naughty:

He didn't post it yet. :p What's he gonna do, wait till it's released? A lot of good that will do.
Well heck, it was on the main page for a little while. That is what got me so excited.
Neutrino said:
Pure speculation on the administrator part, if it's not just an outright lie.
Pure speculation? am i missing something here? he said they had an interveiw.
Neutrino said:
Pure speculation on the administrator part, if it's not just an outright lie.
I do believe it's purely speculation.

I reckon that all the interviewee at Valve did was indicate that it'd go gold sometime late August or early September and he's put 2 + 2 together to get about 4.5.

I do think it will be within the next week or two, but that guy knows no more than us.
I agree totally with chris.

I don't see it hitting gold on monday. I don't see valve knowing the exact date until it does go gold. Since for it to go gold vivendi has to pass it. The thing is I do believe its very close 1-2 weeks away from going gold.

So I don't see this guy havign any inside information next to whats been reported previously. Since in order for them to get some sort of inside info, valve themselves would have to have the RC approved for reproduction.

i personally say 1-2 weeks(speculatively speaking)
Chris_D said:
I do believe it's purely speculation.

I reckon that all the interviewee at Valve did was indicate that it'd go gold sometime late August or early September and he's put 2 + 2 together to get about 4.5.

I do think it will be within the next week or two, but that guy knows no more than us.

Link in your sig is ownage. :borg:
Unless Ramzi is a lier about the interveiw than i do believe its going gold this week. But i dont want to get hyped up about it. And Chris_D's post would make sense if the interveiw never took place.

EDIT: LMFAO yes CHris_D your sig link is funny as hell
B.Calhoun said:
Unless Ramzi is a lier about the interveiw than i do believe its going gold this week. But i dont want to get hyped up about it. And Chris_D's post would make sense if the interveiw never took place.
If you are a little more conservative in your thoughts, it will end up causing less stress in the long run IMO.
Yeah i hear that Shadowfox, last thing i need is more stress lol. But all im saying is that i DO believe Ramzi's post IF the interveiw took place. If not then hes a lying dummyhead (pffft whatever lol). I want to just spectate this one out and see what happens tommorow.
I predict it will go gold Late September, and the game will be out mid October. Half Life 2's black and orange theme will coincide with that of Halloweens :) Muwahahha
razorblade kiss said:
I predict it will go gold Late September, and the game will be out mid October. Half Life 2's black and orange theme will coincide with that of Halloweens :) Muwahahha
I would hate for that to happen....

BTW is your sig an accual quote? if it is LMFAO GO GABE!
well i e-mailed gabe like 5 days ago and he hasnt answered yet so thats a sign they're working on sumthing big........................or it could mean he doesnt like me or he just doesnt care
razorblade kiss said:
I predict it will go gold Late September, and the game will be out mid October. Half Life 2's black and orange theme will coincide with that of Halloweens :) Muwahahha
Black and orange eh.
halflifeguy said:
well i e-mailed gabe like 5 days ago and he hasnt answered yet so thats a sign they're working on sumthing big........................or it could mean he doesnt like me or he just doesnt care

LOL...we should form a religion around this conundrum.
Gold before CS:S Beta is still going? I do not think so!!!

When CS:S beta ends then we can start thinking about gold dates.
Mr-Fusion said:
Gold before CS:S Beta is still going? I do not think so!!!

When CS:S beta ends then we can start thinking about gold dates.
CS:S can still be in beta when HL2 is announced as gold, Why should CS:S have anything to do with HL2 being finished?
dont forget about what gabe said about the hl2 preloads , they will be having set dates for a number of preloads... god only knows how many preloads they have in store for those that are preloading the game.
Mr-Fusion said:
Gold before CS:S Beta is still going? I do not think so!!!

When CS:S beta ends then we can start thinking about gold dates.

I was wondering about that too. Valve is going to want to solve as many problems with CS: Source on Steam (and in general) before considering shipping.
that latest CS:S update was very small, 1 fix right? that may be a good sign that its nearing the end of the beta? or does anyone know if CS:S still has many bugs that need to be fixed
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
why dont we just ask gabe

I can't imagine how many e-mails Gabe gets about the gold date. It stresses me out just thinking about it. Anyway, I think as Mr-Fusion said, the CS:S beta has to end first. It should be ending shortly though, as the last update had only one fix.
CS:S is being shipped with hl2 right... well if they havnt said anything about css beig complete why would they think of having hl2 GOLD. Think about it
poseyjmac said:
that latest CS:S update was very small, 1 fix right? that may be a good sign that its nearing the end of the beta? or does anyone know if CS:S still has many bugs that need to be fixed
I don't know, there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of complaints. Except about the hit-rego...

CS:S ships with HL2. They both have to go gold at the same time for this to happen. CS:S is clearly still being beta tested therefore gold status is still a month or 2 away.
just yesterday i sent 2 bug reports for css, there will always be bugs no matter how good you are at fixing them.
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
dont forget about what gabe said about the hl2 preloads , they will be having set dates for a number of preloads... god only knows how many preloads they have in store for those that are preloading the game.
We've already got about 1/3 of the game on our computers now. I imagine they'll have another 2 or 3 and the last preload will occure when you actually buy the game through steam
Mr-Fusion said:
I don't know, there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of complaints. Except about the hit-rego...

CS:S ships with HL2. They both have to go gold at the same time for this to happen. CS:S is clearly still being beta tested therefore gold status is still a month or 2 away.

Just because it's being beta tested doesn't mean gold status is 1-2 months away....thats crazy :eek:
i really dont thinks its going to go GOLD for another month or so, knowing valve they want to have the best game on the market, and as far as i have seen , it could have been the best game out there last year. Personally i think the game will be released in 1st Quarter of 2005"
i am so sick of waiting for this game goin g to work go home check site go to bed goin g to work go home check site go to bed goin g to work go home check site go to bed im so tires of this
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
i am so sick of waiting for this game goin g to work go home check site go to bed goin g to work go home check site go to bed goin g to work go home check site go to bed im so tires of this

You need to do some other stuff in your life ;)
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