Gonna go to Valve tomorrow (for real)

Chances are you will just get to meet the receptionest...if that.
Well, there are multiple ways this could go down.

1.) You show up w/ 5 sheet pizzas. Chances are the receptionist won't just say "Go away" when a guy walks in with 5 pizzas for the Valve team. Most likely she would atleast alert someone from Valve that some nut with pizzas is here, and what they want her to do. They may think it's funny and wanna see you, or they may be way too busy to deal with idiots and tell her to ditch you.

2.) You show up alone, no food. Gabe isn't seeing anyone. Bye bye Cod. Chances are if you show up without anything that seperate you from the crowd, they will turn you away. You have to show some effort.

3.) Food gets attention, but personally if I was Gabe, and some guy shows up with food, not sealed, I would probably be wary of it. Not that assassinating video game developers is a real issue, I'd still probably decline.

4.) You sneak around the outside of the buiding and try to get photos. Risky, and most likely will get arrested. I'd shy from this one. Or last resort if you get kicked out.

Personally I think if you came in dressed up like some character from HL, like Gordon or a Scientist, with food, and some witty comments like lines from the game, the receptionist would possibly give you the time of day. I mean, let's say you do that, and she tells you to leave, you go. 20 mins later she sees Gabe "Oh hey Gabe, man you shoulda seen this guy he came in dressed up like Gordon with pizzas and wanted a picture with you, you shoulda seen him" Gabe : "WTF, why didn't you get me!?"

Actually, I think you're screwed. But atleast snap a picture of the receptionist before you leave, for proof. Or something.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
We might be all jumping the gun here. When you ring even ask for Gabe to talk to. Your allowed to do that. If he isn't available talk to Erik or someone. Go straight to the top.

I once rang up Dynamix from Australia to put a friend on the Tribes 2 beta. And it worked. These guys can speak over the phone aswell you know ;)

you really think i'd have a shot at getting gabe newell or erik johnson on the phone?

"Valve Software, may I help you please?"

"Yeah, Gabe Newell, please."

"May I ask who is calling?"

"No. Gabe Newell, please."
Spitcodfry, be sure to get pictures, I would love to see what Valves offices look like! I would defineatly go with the cake thing, that seems to be your best option. Good luck with it tommorow.
If going to the office itself doesn't work...

Go to a building across the street or something. Get a powerful camera with a zoom lens. Go at it.


If you do get in, try to plant a tiny microphone or something INSIDE the office. I feel bad spying on Valve but it would be kind of cool....
Originally posted by DarkStar
If going to the office itself doesn't work...

Go to a building across the street or something. Get a powerful camera with a zoom lens. Go at it.


If you do get in, try to plant a tiny microphone or something INSIDE the office. I feel bad spying on Valve but it would be kind of cool....

Yeah, I'll just phone my friends the CIA and ask them to secure a 24/7 surveillance unit for me.

EDIT: "Shhh!! I think someone said gold! Wait, no, that was just Gabe farting."
Originally posted by spitcodfry
you really think i'd have a shot at getting gabe newell or erik johnson on the phone?

"Valve Software, may I help you please?"

"Yeah, Gabe Newell, please."

"May I ask who is calling?"

"No. Gabe Newell, please."

Not to mention I'm sure they have caller id with a list of known contacts and phone numbers. That and anyone that Gabe or Erik would even care to talk to would most likely have more personal extentions or numbers inside the office to use. The president of ATi isn't calling a receptionist I don't believe.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
im totally serious, if you walked in there, with some coke and/or pizza and just tell whoevers at the front desk you wanna share with the valve guys to thank them for all their hard work, you'd so be in.

and i guess you cant buy alcohol at your age where you are, so nix the beer.

DO NOT DO THIS. think of the crazed emails they have gotten, possible death threats for lack of clarification on the release date (it wasnt me i swear) that will spell psycho and poison all over you. like a stamp on your forhead.

id advise emailing gabe and saying you live in the area and want to tour and take pics of the office for hl2.net forum goers. he seems nice enough, he might just let you in and give you the grand tour.
You take a camera in...your done...escorted from the building....you call ahead an try to make an appointment AFTER you've already tried to get in, that way you get two shots
Originally posted by xxxedgexxx
DO NOT DO THIS. think of the crazed emails they have gotten, possible death threats for lack of clarification on the release date (it wasnt me i swear) that will spell psycho and poison all over you. like a stamp on your forhead.

id advise emailing gabe and saying you live in the area and want to tour and take pics of the office for hl2.net forum goers. he seems nice enough, he might just let you in and give you the grand tour.

Who could turn down a thank you cake?
Originally posted by spitcodfry
you really think i'd have a shot at getting gabe newell or erik johnson on the phone?

"Valve Software, may I help you please?"

"Yeah, Gabe Newell, please."

"May I ask who is calling?"

"No. Gabe Newell, please."

Just be honest and confident. Say I'm a fan of HL2 from the HL2 community and I would like to speak to Gabe Newell or someone else about a a HL2 community gift we would like to give to Valve.

But dood Gabe and Valve read this forum all the time aswell. I don't know for sure but they will probably be expecting a phonecall of some kind anyway tomorrow.

EDIT: Remember say 'community'. Hasn't Gabe always stated HL2 is for the community??? Don't be afraid of calling him. Hmmm. I live in Australia and I have no STD on my phone. I would of done it for you...
Originally posted by GJaaGular
You take a camera in...your done...escorted from the building....you call ahead an try to make an appointment AFTER you've already tried to get in, that way you get two shots

somehow i think someone would remember him, you'd call first so they don't know you.
Re: Re: Bad idea?

Originally posted by GJaaGular
Screw that ! if you call ahead you'll never get past the door...thaaaa Preciousssss wants to be ours!

I agree. Show up unannounced but be dressed professionally, be extremely polite (but at the same time persistent,) and ask for a few minutes worth of time. (Lying at the front desk about how far you'd travelled would be a plus.:devil:)

Ask to talk to anyone of decent status (doesn't have to be Gabe himself,) and say the you represent this site and that you've travelled out here to represent all of us for just a few quick questions.

If everything fails, politely ask for a gold or release date verification as a last chance.

Again, be professional and polite. They aren't obligated to talk to you, but if you present yourself well and sweet-talk whoever you've got a good chance at a release date verifcation at the least.

Good luck.:cheers:
What makes you think they would remember the idiot dressed up like a headcrab?
Originally posted by infin|ty
Personally I think if you came in dressed up like some character from HL, like Gordon or a Scientist, with food, and some witty comments like lines from the game, the receptionist would possibly give you the time of day. I mean, let's say you do that, and she tells you to leave, you go. 20 mins later she sees Gabe "Oh hey Gabe, man you shoulda seen this guy he came in dressed up like Gordon with pizzas and wanted a picture with you, you shoulda seen him" Gabe : "WTF, why didn't you get me!?"

I wonder to what extent the receptionist has even played Half-Life.
Run in an scream Blo Jobs for everyone !
that'll get their attention
make sure you have a hand full of Blo pops
just in case
... maybe they don't even have a receptionist, maybe it's just one big room filled with computers and valve employees having a huge lan party 24/7
Originally posted by GJaaGular
Run in an scream Blo Jobs for everyone !
that'll get their attention
make sure you have a hand full of Blo pops
just in case

in case his mouth gets tired?
Yeah I don't know. Maybe if you just show up you might be lucky.

But if the receptionist says 'sorry but they are all busy' just say who u are and who you represent and it would mean alot to 1000's of fans if I spoke to Gabe or someone with power. :)

Don't be rude but firm...

EDIT: Don't take no for a answer. Don't take NO for a answer. But don't be rude about it. Be nice and polite but firm. Yep i reckon this would work. Works for me often...
Originally posted by dbsynergy
Who could turn down a thank you cake?

your right, ive under estimated the force that is gabe. i say you dont walk in with pizza, you just start screaming "PIZZA FOR EVERYONE!!!!"
and then 20 or 30 tired weary valve employees come out of their cubes/offices in a zombie like state and you rejuvinate them with cheesy goodness, and jolt/bawls.
Originally posted by GJaaGular
Run in an scream Blo Jobs for everyone !
that'll get their attention
make sure you have a hand full of Blo pops
just in case

lmfao...that was great, dude. I'm at a crossroads here, people. Should I call, e-mail, or just show up?
why don't you go in with a live grenade demanding to know the release date?
I'd just show up, that way it's an unexpected surprise. Those are always nice. :)
Originally posted by spitcodfry
lmfao...that was great, dude. I'm at a crossroads here, people. Should I call, e-mail, or just show up?

hmm, it might be best to email, thats a surefired direct link to gabe. the worst thing he can say is they dont have time, and if they dont, we all should respect that. just email him saying that on behalf of hl2.net forum goers you want to treat them to pizza and drinks, shake gabes hand, snap a few pictars, and get out unscathed by the combine legions.
Don't email.

Wait. Wait. Maybe not call. maybe i'm wrong.

It's a known fact in customer service. It's harder to say no in real life than it is in person...

Yeah maybe just turn up. Dress very neatly. DON'T look like a slop. And yeah don't take no for a answer dood. Say who u represent. The HL2 community mainly hl2.net forum and everyone requested me to be here today...

Dood saying all that and being confident I really think you have a chance you know. :)
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Don't email.

Wait. Wait. Maybe not call. maybe i'm wrong.

It's a known fact in customer service. It's harder to say no in real life than it is in person...

Yeah maybe just turn up. Dress very neatly. DON'T look like a slop. And yeah don't take no for a answer dood. Say who u represent. The HL2 community mainly hl2.net forum and everyone requested me to be here today...

Dood saying all that and being confident I really think you have a chance you know. :)

thats true, but id be pissed if someone showed up demanding to see me without even mentioning it prior.

but, who knows, if you just show up and say the customer is always right over and over again in a downsyndrome filled fit of rage, you might just make it in.
Go in an scream "Aight everyone this is a stick up...nobody move or i'll execute every muthaF***in one of ya
Originally posted by xxxedgexxx
thats true, but id be pissed if someone showed up demanding to see me without even mentioning it prior.

but, who knows, if you just show up and say the customer is always right over and over again in a downsyndrome filled fit of rage, you might just make it in.

lol..down syndrome fit of rage...I should do that
What i mean is be polite. Don't raise your voice. Be nice. But don't take no for a answer. If the receptionist starts to say no blah blah say

"I travelled here representing the HL2 community. If you look on the HL2.net forums you will see a multiple page thread. hundreds of people are waiting for me with any form of information about this trip to Valve. Please can I speak to someone"

Know the type of tone of voice I mean? DON'T Be arrogant
Here's an e-mail I'm contemplating sending him...tell me what you think and give suggestions...I don't wanna screw this opportunity up:

Dear Gabe,
on behalf of the HL2.net community, I would like to extend the thanks of thousands of fans by treating your team to food and drinks. If you think I'm just making this up to get a sneak peek at the game, then please go here: http://halflife2.homelan.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7753&perpage=15&pagenumber=1 and read through the barrage of gushing responses by your countless fans. If this is a possibility, please let me know a good time that I can come in and drop it off. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
Andrew Lovvorn
hey, you could pay for a ticket to fly me out there tonight and i could go with you.
I don't know bud. ummm. what do other people think about the email first?
lol telling him food and drinks just doesn't seem right, maybe you could ask for a tour or something.
This is your mission..this is your quest... You alone are The Fellowship of the Presciousssss gone gold info...
On second thought, maybe I shouldn't...he'll see what kind of raving lunatics we all are by reading this thread