Gonna go to Valve tomorrow (for real)

If I was you, I would dress up nice, and bring a camera. Take pictures of the whole trip from your house, to Valves office so we can see what it looks like traveling to their office. Take pictures of things like the Valve sign in the hall too. When you get to the receptionist, quick save (heh kidding on the quick save..), ask if you could take a picture with him/her, then ask if she could contact Gabe Newell, to take a picture with him, and after that you can perhaps ask him a question or 2, and then be on your way home. I bet you could ask the receptionist for a free HL2 hat or something too.

Do NOT bring food or beverages! No developer in their right mind would accept that from an outside source, fan or not. Also, don't expect them to allow you into the offices, odds are they don't want anyone seeing anything anyone else hasnt seen yet in HL2. I mean, what if everyone is play testing the final boss battle? You think they are going to let you wonder around viewing all that? Lets not forget that they will EXPECT you to have some kind of hidden camera on you. So they will most DEFINETLY not allow you into the offices.

Just be open with the receptionist, and take a picture with him/her. They are a Valve employee after all so its still kinda cool. Then ask if she could ask Gabe to come for a picture too. You know, we as the community could just email Gabe as usual, and just ask if he would allow you to come over for some pics or what not. Atleast if Gabe said it was ok, they'd be expecting you. Also another suggestion, go there EARLY in the morning, at like the exact point where Valve just starts working. Its better to try this early, than later when they are deeply buzy doing something important or are stuck on an odd bug for hours on end and then you all people show up...

If none of this works, theres always the final full proof plan...

If you can stay inside the Lobby where the receptionist area is for long enough, you should eventual see Gabe and the gang pass by on their way to lunch break or whatever other reason. Here's how you can stay there long enough without being asked to leave:

In WordPad, make up a FAKE Valve Software employment form. Print it out, and bring a resume and pen with you. Go to the receptionist area, but don't talk to the receptionist! Just sit in those chairs that they have scattered around the lobby, and take out your resume, employment form, and pen, and start SLOWLY filling out the form! (Its best to make multiple pages on the form so you can flip the page if you fill it all out early) Keep pretending to be filling out this employment form and if/when the receptionist questions you, just say your applying for the carreer opportunity posted on Valve Softwares website. Then quickly look back at your fake forms and continue filling them out. And say "Thanks, but I don't need any help yet until I finish filling out this form." She will hopefully go back to her business at her desk. At this point, keep looking back at your resume as if looking up some info, and then adding bull to your forms to buy more time. If she still questions you, just say that you emailed a Valve, and they replyed to you with this form, and that you were told to fill it out and leave it at the receptionists desk, and they would get back to you. (Hopefully that wont happen because this is a little hard to believe if not done properly.)
Basicaly continue buying time until you see Gabe and the gang. And thats when you introduce yourself to Gabe.

Well its either all that, or you just wait infront of the building right next to the front doors before the Valve work day begins, and just introduce yourself to Valve as they walk past you to get in...

Of course I would just do the first suggestion, and just be open about why your there.

Hmm, Im probably late with this suggestion.. I hope he reads it before he goes out there tomorrow. As you can tell, I was bored when I wrote this.
email from gabe :D

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Potts [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:15 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Valve's receptionist...

I imagine all these HL2 questions must be getting

Some of the community (the really sad ones like me)
were wondering if valve has a sexy receptionist? :)

it would be fun to try and sweet talk her into letting
us in so we can run round your offices dressed as the
G-man shouting HL2! HL2!

many thanks

From: "Gabe Newell" <[email protected]> | This is spam | Add to Address Book
To: "'Steven Potts'" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Valve's receptionist...
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 01:19:05 -0700

note to self - bring in the hounds tomorrow
You guys are going about this all wrong. Here's how its going to go down:

First you will rent a boat and park it in the sewers, exactly 2 floors below gabes desk. Next you will case the first floor of the building, get schedules of the workers on that floor and find an opportune time (such as lunch) to plant some explosive paint on the ceiling. This should be right under gabes desk. Do the same thing in the sewers on the ceiling. Once every one is out to lunch you simply detonate the explosive paint, allowing gabes desk, pc, and a copy of hl2 still in the dvd drive, to fall down into your boat 2 floors below, which you will then speed away.

Also, I thought I would mention this: I invented NAPSTER! My college roommate stole it when I was taking a nap one day, and then he named it NAPSTER! Check the college dorm room records, its a FACT that he was my roommate!!!
hehehehe cool movie

but i would still do the pizza thing
or maybe i'll dress like a hedheog and go like "gabe asked for me" hehe

too late in this topic too?
If you see the Gman dont attack him right away wait till its time to leave I know its very tempting but u can get more info on valve if u wait, his probably a normal man irl so ull just get arrested... Why does so many of these replies in this thread have the word arrested in them? ;o)

Sunbeam lol very funny mission info!
Doesnt Gabe read these forums?! Maybe he'll let spitcodfry in without an appointment :D lol
Originally posted by Sunbeam
Anyway if your plan doesnt work, i order u to attempt this Mission Impossible for the IMF (Impatient Mother ****ers) Team.

Location :
Valve Headquarters, U.S.A.

Time :
3.30AM EST.

Primary Objective :
Infiltrate Gabe Newell's personal High Security Server, and acquire the Release List.

Your Equipment:
Counterstrike camo-black light kevlar body suit
Crowbar, with red electrical conductivity shielding (HL approved)
Night vision goggles
L33t Hax0r (TM) server hack tool
Knife (CS approved)
Laser Deflection System
Self-sustaining rope/pulley system

YOU fergot the riot shield! :cheese:
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I'll be 19 this Saturday.

You could always work the Birthday angle....

Anyway It is a fine thing that you are doing for those of us who can't
be there....make us all proud!!!
takin food would just be stupid lol. btw in my office we need to swipe the door to get in by the elevator
Originally posted by anarchy

You guys are going about this all wrong. Here's how its going to go down:

First you will rent a boat and park it in the sewers, exactly 2 floors below gabes desk. Next you will case the first floor of the building, get schedules of the workers on that floor and find an opportune time (such as lunch) to plant some explosive paint on the ceiling. This should be right under gabes desk. Do the same thing in the sewers on the ceiling. Once every one is out to lunch you simply detonate the explosive paint, allowing gabes desk, pc, and a copy of hl2 still in the dvd drive, to fall down into your boat 2 floors below, which you will then speed away.

Maybe you should bring some booze.

An expensive wine or something...
Get yourself a wheelchair then wheel yourself up to the floor. If there is a bathroom in the hallway by the main desk go in it for a few minutes then come out and go right up to the receptionist and ask to use a rest room. If he/she says that there is a public rest room in the hallway tell them you were just in there and someone was in the handicap stall or the grab bar is broken. Tell em thet if you dont get to a handicap john in the next few seconds you'll soil yourself.
Once your in, wait at least 5 mins before moving to phase two which includes ditching the chair in a stall changing your clothes to game developer clothes. Some big darkframe glasses with tape around the bridge is a nice touch also a pocket protector with slide ruler. Then exit the restroom and act like you belong.
Spitcodfry, im not sure what the situation is now as i skipped a couple of the last pages but . . .

I remember a fan asking in an email why Gabe Newell was displaying his personal phone number somewhere (i forget where he had it, on a site or email or something) and Gabe replied that he didnt mind getting phone calls from fans as long as they were not like pointless pranks and stuff. So if you can find his number again im sure he wouldn't mind you phoning.

just some thoughts.
According to the new thread someone already emailed Gabe an told him Spit was coming an Gabe said no problem
I dont think he said No problem

His words more like "who is it and when?"

Not much like "please come in and we will welcome you with flowers and champagne."

But still, promising.
I also skipped the last 14 pages ffs! spammers :)

Plz take a couple of photo's of the building and If you can, plz some photos of the hallway tov valves office... so we can be sure you did there when actually :)
Take a good look @ the offices, so someone will be able
to re-do them in Source!

Pretty lame idea now that i think of it.... but so what, take pictures!
Why the hell do you all want photos of anything (the building ???)...I mean really whats the attraction
Dud, get a new shirt for $300, and buy a Fragrances perfume becuase your smell *cough* shit.
LOL...just found this thread...

dood, good luck. Be curtious, and dress nice.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Dud, get a new shirt for $300, and buy a Fragrances perfume becuase your smell *cough* shit.

Marvelous. That's brilliant thinking, and what's even better is your subtle way of putting words together.
/me awaits pictures as proof.

If I see pictures of Valve's place, even if its the outside I will hail you man.

Lets wait and see.....
You need to think of something other than food and rink to give them. They probably have all of that they want.

There's a lot of brains here on the forum, what's something cool and inexpensive you could bring?

Or maybe it is a better idea not to bring anything at all. :cool:
the cake is the best bet (With the HL2 logo!!!)
build yourself an HEV suit, wear that and dont forget a crowbar. When you get to the desk you hold up a not: "Im gordon freeman. i cant speak. take me to mr. newell. now."

something along those lines...
I don't know if someone posted this before, but Spitcodfry could take with him a printed thread with every member thanking signatures! That way he would be really representing us.

Ps: Sorry for my bad english.
Originally posted by Finnus
I don't know if someone posted this before, but Spitcodfry could take with him a printed thread with every member thanking signatures! That way he would be really representing us.

Ps: Sorry for my bad english.

uhm, I think that would not be a good idea... we don't have much time left.
I hope you guys won't be too disappointed if this doesn't pan out. He might be just some kid jokin' around but I wish him the best. Maybe we might even get some new info, you never know.
Originally posted by sharp
uhm, I think that would not be a good idea... we don't have much time left.

The way people post here I think we could get around 100 users sigs with a two hours thread.