GTA IV Trailer coming March 29!!!


Apparantly a leaked screenshot... or something. Don't blame me if it's not! I just this moment found it on a forum.

if this is for real.........I am getting a PS3 2moro... :rolleyes:
Ah, it was? Like I said, I only knew about it today from a forum which isn't really a gaming forum, and I've only been keeping an eye out for a new GTA since the upcoming trailer was announced. Ho hum. :(
Hahaha! I know. It looked pretty darn good too. Hopefully the trailer will not disappoint--I can't imagine it would!!! (Still, look at Episode I...;()
You could get it on 360 seeing as 360 has almost every game the PS3 has. TAKE THAT PS3!
It's already been confirmed that GTA IV is coming to the 360.
You could get it on 360 seeing as 360 has almost every game the PS3 has. TAKE THAT PS3!
No, it won't take it because it is not accurate at all. The libraries vary enough right now and the gap will only broaden in the next year or two. TAKE THAT LAMBDA!
I can't believe I appear to be the only one that appears to be hyped up about GTA using the Euphoria physics engine!?
I can't believe I appear to be the only one that appears to be hyped up about GTA using the Euphoria physics engine!?
Well i'd have been hyped if they'd have the euphoria physics engine and kept the hot coffee-type mods ... Just goes to show, you can't have your physics and beat it too.

Oh, my avatar. How ironic.
Rockstar Leeds is based in the UK, but they aren't making GTA4 ... it's the American Rockstar houses that are making that.
leaked image from GTA 4!


oooh I'd play that ..a member of the resistance transported to a modern day city

in case some of you are slow today's a fake
I hope it's not set in America. American cities are boring, American cars are boring, and beating the crap out of fat people is boring.
Rockstar Leeds is based in the UK, but they aren't making GTA4 ... it's the American Rockstar houses that are making that.

Rockstar North is making it aren't they? They're based in Scotland.

3 Hours 50 minutes! :D Can't wait. Getting well hyped.
Rockstar Leeds is based in the UK, but they aren't making GTA4 ... it's the American Rockstar houses that are making that.
Rockstar North are based in Edinburgh. They make all the main GTA games, not the American companies.
You're right, they are in Scotland. I hope it is set in London, or even Scotland somewhere.
I think being set in England would be ace. There's lots of different cultures and social groups, and some great accents Rockstar could make some funnies about :D

Plus kicking some chavs head in would make it 100 times better. :P
I don't really care where its set as long as the gameplay is given some effing steroids. San Andreas was sort of fun but it was getting a little stale for my tastes....
How big is this trailer supposed to be? Like 1 minute or 10? Any one have any details at all? I dont feel like reading 18 pages.
No one actually knows for a fact what will be shown, so we will all be pretty darn surprised I suspect. Maybe some more speculation will make the next 1hr 57 minutes go by faster...:thumbs:
I'm betting its somewhere in the future. Not sure how far into the future though. But the IV on the official website looks futuristic to me.

Really hyped for it. Time is slowing down!! :( :P
Starting to sound liek Raziel... lol sorry mate :D
Anyone thinking multiple cities or maybe just one with different areas as usual...?

I would tend to lean toward just one with different areas because its a new iteration of the series and trying to create and bring life to too many different cities might take away from the other aspects of the game. Still a few different cities would be very cool and James Bond-esque...

Hmm, the you're a college student trying to make the grade and get ladies and drugs and alcohol and all sort of other life lessons...? No? Too much like Bully?
Im thinking it will follow up on GTA:liberty city,or atlest be connected to it in some way.
Getting close to 20 minutes on the countdown. This better not be disappointing :D
I hope someone is going to post a link on here, im to lazy to find one my self :)
The suspense is killing me. :D Better be sometrailer for having me stay up late. Got school tomorrow. Yes I have no life.
Funny... the countdown is showing 9 minutes on the website for me, not an hour