GTA IV Trailer coming March 29!!!

They need to fix up the cop vehicle AI, there way to easy to evade when your in a car, it's pathetic.
They need to fix cop A.I full stop. Bump into a car? SHOOT TO KILL!
If this is coming out for the PS3 and 360, I don't think we have to worry about old-tech problems such as limited fields and retarded glitches like in the PS2 versions.
They need to fix cop A.I full stop. Bump into a car? SHOOT TO KILL!

This always bugged me. You should be able to stop, the cop walk from his car to yours and a few animations later you'd be fined. These animations wouldn't be locked, either. Just drive off if you want.
This always bugged me. You should be able to stop, the cop walk from his car to yours and a few animations later you'd be fined. These animations wouldn't be locked, either. Just drive off if you want.

Actually gives money a use! :O

And to support what Samon has been talking about: I really wish the world was smaller, with more content/detail. With San Andreas, yes, the game world was huge. I don't care. It was huge with nothing.
Yeah, I'd definately rather have a much smaller city with loads more detail and stuff to do. San Andreas was pretty much a few trees, a railway and some tiny town with nothing to do in it, outside of the cities.

Something about the size of GTA3 or VC with much more to do and go into would be cool. Ahh well, we'll find out more in 2 days and one hour :)
two days left,

I hop the graphics going to be true next gen, and not something like cartoon in 3D.
This always bugged me. You should be able to stop, the cop walk from his car to yours and a few animations later you'd be fined. These animations wouldn't be locked, either. Just drive off if you want.


Police chases should be so much more realisic, too. Instead of cars just appearing on every corner, it should be more like in all those 'Worlds Most Dangerous Chases' videos and stuff. The two cars behind you should continue chasing you ALL the time (until you lose them in a manner that no one would be able to follow or something) When you get out the car and make a break down a back alley I don't want to see another five cars pull out in front of me as if there was a police department on every corner; I want to turn around and see two cops behind me, climbing over fences, struggling over obstacles I move/push in the way...

Quality over quanity = complete agreement. I did like how big SA was, but when your out of missions and your out cruising in town there really isn't that much to do.
I didn't like San Andreas, too much crap packed into it.

Vice City was gold and GTA3, maps just a nice size too.
I agree. If IV has a smaller city with more to do inside it, that will pwn the face off of SA and VC.
I didn't like San Andreas, too much crap packed into it.

Vice City was gold and GTA3, maps just a nice size too.

Same. I didn't even complete SA when I got to the Casino's. Just got bored. And I played GTA3 and VC to death.

Getting hyped for IV now. Hope it'll be good. Sure it will :)
Which reminds me, they kept that birds-eye view in GTA3 but took it out in Vice City. :(
Needs more hooker beating utensils. I loved VC, SA was crap imo. Once you go gangsta, yo' games gonna shank ya. Or sommat.
so it's confirmed it's in London?...that's just gross they already ruined the game for me.
Where'd you get that idea? I haven't heard anything about the location yet :|
SA is really quite fun. But they just wedged in bazillions of different game modes and none of them had any real depth or polish.
I personally think after a couple of years Combat has not really improved as much as it could have.
The combat system in Saints Row was pretty good.

Yeh - it's so much more fun driving about and having street fights in Saints Row than any of the GTAs. I've little doubt Rockstar will match this and then some :)
According to Gamesradar, R* new trailer won't be just a quick glimpse/teaser:

The official trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV is only a few days away as of this writing, and publisher Rockstar has promised that it won't just be some infuriatingly quick teaser. Instead, it'll offer up the first substantial look into what the game is all about, and internet speculation over what that might be has kicked the rumor mill into high gear.
I just can't believe there hasn't been any info leakage--none whatsoever!! Incredible!!
Saint's Row was definitely a step up over GTA, but it could still stand to be improved. Anyway, that shouldn't be what they're aiming for in GTAVI. The bar has been set, now they need to leap over it (or something).

Wicked that the trailer's actually going to be substantial. Pretty hyped now.
I'm getting really hyped for this too.

Gonna be really hard to download it tomorrow night, bet the servers will be well stressed.
The fact alone that GTA IV is gonna use the Euphoria engine for physics makes my mouth drip with saliva.:)
bet the servers will be well stressed.
Yeah, I am getting increasingly nervous about that as well. Hopefully they know they demand will be HUGE and will have prepared accordingly.

Should be on YouTube before too long after anyway though. :thumbs:
Yeah, I am getting increasingly nervous about that as well. Hopefully they know they demand will be HUGE and will have prepared accordingly.

Should be on YouTube before too long after anyway though. :thumbs:

Yeah. Though the servers were always down when the trailers came out for the last 3 games iirc. And I'd rather watch a HD version, though YouTube will tide me over until I can get a HD version :P

It should have in-game action, I think all of the GTA trailers have been in-game.
Leaked trailer : [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
Interesting trailer..

Here it is without all that garbage that was posted along with it up above
Hold on...


Well, I gue--



