Guild Wars: Guild Discussion

There's always room for more! Just post your name once you've created a character and someone will add you. It's pretty easy to get used to GW and if you have any problems or questions, people are generally quite helpful.

Houndeye, I hope you would still like to join us. We really need some experienced PvP players since we are just getting enough people for team PvP.

There is a possiblity for another Grand Adventure tonight. We are hoping to find the waterfalls SW of Ventari's Refuge and maybe complete a few quests. It will probably end up with us finding an equivalent to the Puddle of Destiny and general silliness. PM me (Triia Lostwind) if you'd like to join us. I'm hoping to get started around 9pm EST.
tinyxipe said:
There's always room for more! Just post your name once you've created a character and someone will add you. It's pretty easy to get used to GW and if you have any problems or questions, people are generally quite helpful.

Houndeye, I hope you would still like to join us. We really need some experienced PvP players since we are just getting enough people for team PvP.

There is a possiblity for another Grand Adventure tonight. We are hoping to find the waterfalls SW of Ventari's Refuge and maybe complete a few quests. It will probably end up with us finding an equivalent to the Puddle of Destiny and general silliness. PM me (Triia Lostwind) if you'd like to join us. I'm hoping to get started around 9pm EST.

Damnit! I work from 6-11 EST tonight. I'm the leader and I miss out on all of your little excursions....:x
wayne white said:
thank you lethal,my name is adonis stark w/m lvl 10.
Tried to add you, but it said your character didn't exist. Hmmm. Let me know what's up.
I just got the game today, and I would like to join the guild too. I've made a elementalist/warrior named Baron Brennt. I would also appreciate any sort of in game orientation if there's anyone who would be willing to help me, preferably someone of low level for grouping. Thanks! :D
Great time guys! We now have a guild hall and fought our first guild battle! (WE got our asses kicked). I have a suprise brewing for everyone also, stay tuned for updates!

Here's a little piccy of the guild hall. We did get trounced tonight, but it's all good fun. Hope we can pull it together and really kick some butt someday ;)
We got owned pretty badly, but hey its all fun. The guild hall should have my name engraved somewhere since I paid for it. 45k is costly you know. ;)

Edit: BTW is it possible to get our own forum for guild discussion. :p
A big thanks to Howling Monkey for his generous contribution to the Glory of the Republic! :E A guild hall to call our own, new members... it's just getting better every day.

Does anyone think it would be worthwhile to start a trade thread? We could trade materials and runes and the like. I personally find the agony of public selling barely worth the extra profit and would much rather trade or give items to my guildmates.
Ok, I've gotten the game and played for a bit!

My name is Alron Calabastar, and I'm a level 3 warrior/ranger. I would really like to join the guild, if ya'll will have me! :)

and, speaking of trading items and stuff, and organizing things... and easy way to do that would be to have specific forums where members can list items they have for trade/sale, and things like that. I have some webspace, I'd be willing to install some lightweight forums like punbb for the guild to use if they want.
I once lamented that the Half-Life Republic would never see the day when 8 competent people would log on at the same time.

Well, I'm still not sure about the competent part, but...

Here are some screenshots to commemorate this glorious day in the Half-Life Republic.

The Presentation of the Sigil
Our Fearless Leader Buys the Hall

We purchased the Warrior's Isle based on a combination of aesthetics and strategy. I still say it looks like an oriental western movie..

Unfortunately, Triia will have to live without her "spot" in the Wizard's Isle.
The Spot

Nul Chaos gazes upon his subjects, and Monkey still can't sit still.
Our Celebration

The most imporant thing about the Warrior's Isle, however, is that it features it's very own Puddle of Destiny. Just make sure not to drink the water.
Puddle of Destiny Version 2.0
No wonder we can't win a GvG battle to save our lives...
Here are a few links to sites I've found to be very valuable:

The Outfitter - a good place to look up collectors, skills and armor info.

There are some good forums for each profession at this site.

Guild Wars Vault - here's an interesting article about GvG. Check the sidebar for lots of additional goodies.

Two sites for dye mixing here and here.

I've been looking up all sorts of information for my ranger and monk builds and hopefully we can all start coordinating to improve our chances in team PvP and GvG. :D
Ok guys... I've made forums for the guild.

just register and post! I'll do more configuring and stuff when I have some time in the next few days... pm me here or there, or post here with suggestions/problems/etc.

EDIT: In the interest of sparing confusing, it'd be nice if you use the same forum name as you use here, and then put your guild wars name eas your location. I'll then, when I have time, make a custom user title that has your guild wars name in it for you. But for now put it as your location.
SidewinderX said:
Ok guys... I've made forums for the guild.

just register and post! I'll do more configuring and stuff when I have some time in the next few days... pm me here or there, or post here with suggestions/problems/etc.

EDIT: In the interest of sparing confusing, it'd be nice if you use the same forum name as you use here, and then put your guild wars name eas your location. I'll then, when I have time, make a custom user title that has your guild wars name in it for you. But for now put it as your location.
That's great stuff, Sidewinder, thanks. Could you add a pvp and gvg strategy forum as well, though?
Whoever has the characters Kis Met and Phantom Datrix, you are close to the 1 month inactivity cutoff point. Please begin playing again or you will be removed from the guild because of inactivity.

I tottaly just got this game today, I like it so far.

Ingame guessed it-

Alixander Mcdean

Alix Mcdean said:

I tottaly just got this game today, I like it so far.

Ingame guessed it-

Alixander Mcdean


Want to be in the guild?
Sorry about the inactivity again. :eek:
I finally convinced one of my friends to get the game (Andrix Stareyes - Already in the Guild). We played for almost 7 hours nonstop today. :)
Good job team on getting a Guild Hall.
Promise I'll play whenever I have free time. :E
Dangit, BF2...keeps taking my time away from Guildwars...GAH
Alix Mcdean said:
Heck yes :D If thats alright.


Invitation sent. Also, theres some people who wanted in the guild that i sent invitations to several days ago, but they havent declined or accepted it yet. If you think I sent you an invitation, check for it please.
So I’m guessing you guys would recommend getting Guild Wars? I played the two day trial a while back in PC Zone/Gamer and I must say it seemed slow on my computer at the time. So should I give it a second chance?
I like it :D

I'd suggest givving it a go, I mean come on, no monthly fee? HECK YES :D

w00t just finished Galrath man that quest was easy I don't know what all you people are on about :-P

well first try it didn't go too well...and we actually got all the way to Galrath then we descided to do the quest over from the beginning to get rid of our death penalty(50%)(even without trying Galrath) now that we knew how to get past the minotaur chokepoint without getting killed at all...

second time went like a breeze...:D
Not saying names, but several people are very close to the 1 month inactivity cutoff point. From now on, there will be no more warnings, you will simply be removed from the guild after 1 month of inactivity. Harsh? I guess. But what reason should you be in a guild if you can't even simply log into the game once a month?
I'd like to toss my hat into the ring as well; my in-game name is Iveaset Dergath.

I've only had the game for a few days now, but it's a blast and I can't wait to have more teamplay (only done 2 missions so far with 'real' party-members).
ideas_that_verge said:
I'd like to toss my hat into the ring as well; my in-game name is Iveaset Dergath.

I've only had the game for a few days now, but it's a blast and I can't wait to have more teamplay (only done 2 missions so far with 'real' party-members).

Invitation sent.
A note to guild members...please stay out of the whole Hetaira/Anti-Hetaria debate. I don't want people disappearing because of it. If you have to debate it any further, please do it at our personal forums.
Lethal8472 said:
A note to guild members...please stay out of the whole Hetaira/Anti-Hetaria debate. I don't want people disappearing because of it. If you have to debate it any further, please do it at our personal forums.

Oh the irony!
Xune said:
Oh the irony!
Please don't try to start something. It's an open forum for anyone who is playing GW and joined the HLR guild. No secrets here. In fact, the more the merrier. :D
Well I'm about to ascend, just have to fight my mirror and that is supposed to be a breeze with a Necro as primary or secondary (I'm currently N/W Lvl 20)

Can I join the guild? And who knows a good build as I'm now focusing on death magic & Blood Magic and not really using my secondary profession.


EDIT: My ingame name is Ragnu Viro
Lethal8472 said:
For the guild? Just give my your GW characters name and I'll add you.

I have 3 characters, one is a level 7 ele/mes called The Nabster, a level 7 monk/warroir called Enchanted Nabster and a lvl 1 ranger that I have yet to play as. Im not sure if I want to keep him. So which one do you want?
what does this guild do ? pve, pvp, gvg or hoh or any of the other acronyms ?
Right now, we're pve focused, but we still do a bit of Team pvp just for fun. As our members ascend and complete the missions, we'll probably shift to a bigger emphasis on pvp. I'd also like to try GvG and HoH, but it can be hard to get 8 people online at the same time.