Guild Wars

I'll (almost) certainly be getting this, though I didn't get to play in one of the beta weekends.
If you'd have asked me a month ago if I were buying it. I would have said yes. But now it just doesn't seem as interesting. Thats probably just because I'm bored with computer games now...
I only come here because breaking a 2 year habit is difficult.

It is a remarkably fun(pretty easy going for what can only be described as an RPG) game though if, unlike me, you're still interested.
I'm very excited, I have also been waiting for this game ever since I played the WPE at last years e3. Me and some friends are going to start up our own guild, so I have another reason to play it :P
I heard it's more like diablo than an MMORPG
Yeah, It's not really at all a MMORPG. It's like D2 unsept the Chatting Interferance would the cities and the Start-Up-Quest Rooms.
YES, it owns every other online game hands down, way more fun especially in the social aspect, unlike in mmmo's where you play for a long time alone and a lot of other games. This game forces you from the beginning to play with people, it creates bondes between playes in like the first day of play, it has got the best pvp by far, stab;e, beautiful, exiting, addicting, and very, very, very competative.

Ooh and did I say it's net code is A+++, and it's such a fluid smooth game.
Guild Wars is looking more tempting every day. Assuming I can tear myself away from WoW, i'll join you all for a game.
Farrowlesparrow said:
If you'd have asked me a month ago if I were buying it. I would have said yes. But now it just doesn't seem as interesting. Thats probably just because I'm bored with computer games now...
I only come here because breaking a 2 year habit is difficult.

It is a remarkably fun(pretty easy going for what can only be described as an RPG) game though if, unlike me, you're still interested.

Remember this farrow ?

Can anyone explain the differences between a game like WoW and one like Diablo 2 (Guild Wars)? I never played Diablo, but keep hearing it was somehow different.
WoW is a mmorpg. There is no "Chat Screen" where you pick out a game.

You first join a server and you select your character. You are then put right into the world. You see everyone around you that is on that server. This can reach up to thousands of people.
So a MMORPG would be a massive world where everyone can interact with eachother all in one single "World".

Diablo 2 is where you select a server( get it), then your character, then you go to a chat room. Rather than having 1 world where everyone is you have thousands of seperate worlds that hold up to 8 people.

Guild Wars is where you select a server, your character, then you begin in a town. In the town it's like a chat room. You see everyone in that current town thats on that district. Though unlike D2 you can go and buy weapons, armor, potions, colors, spells, etc.. Now how does it differ from something like WoW? In Guild Wars when your participating in a quest you only see your group. No one else. In a game like WoW you see EVERYONE who is currently there, not only your group.

Do you get it?
I was excited... untill I played 2 of the Beta Events...
The game bored be to death.
Minerel said:
In Guild Wars when your participating in a quest you only see your group. No one else. In a game like WoW you see EVERYONE who is currently there, not only your group.

That alone sounds very boring! Any chance to try it out?
That alone sounds very boring! Any chance to try it out?
Actually it isn't boring at all...

I mean lets say you form a party and then start the quest.
It will then put you into the quest with your party. You don't see anyone else around you except your party. You do the quest and when your done you go into the next quest room where you see everyone there.

This also opens up alot of new possibilites that you couldn't do if you were seeing everyone.
Like in one quest you are your party must use catapults and distraction to kill the guys because there is quite alot of them. So a few people get out there and kinda get the guys all in a group. One guy launchs the catapult killing the monsters.

If you seen everyone that was there....well multiple people would have to use that catapult. It wouldn't really "Work".
I mean eventually your party is running there asses off as the army unleashes there full force against the wall.

What Guild Wars does so well, is give a story with a unique quest system, and offer top notch gameplay. It never has you fight a stupid rat. No, thats ****ing boring. It offers an A++ netcode, with alot of elements. It uses quite a nice spell system also. Your spells don't get more powerfull only more diverse. You can only take 5(?May be 8 I forget) spells into any "Quest" or fighting area. This adds ALOT to the teamwork part.

I do have only 1 compliant... The Armor\Weapons. They need to add more variety. Like I want there to be a ton of types of armor I can get at later levels. Not just 1.
Only complaint.
GW is not boring, its like Diablo so the action is fast-paced, and when doing PvP battles, skill is often more important then lvl.

However I do agree that there should be more weapon and armor variety, it would add alot to the game
WhiteZero said:
I was excited... untill I played 2 of the Beta Events...
The game bored be to death.

Do you like WoW, cause if you do then al I can say is.

Oh dear god :O :O :O :O :O
Minerel said:
Actually it isn't boring at all...

I mean lets say you form a party and then start the quest.
It will then put you into the quest with your party. You don't see anyone else around you except your party. You do the quest and when your done you go into the next quest room where you see everyone there.

This also opens up alot of new possibilites that you couldn't do if you were seeing everyone.
Like in one quest you are your party must use catapults and distraction to kill the guys because there is quite alot of them. So a few people get out there and kinda get the guys all in a group. One guy launchs the catapult killing the monsters.

If you seen everyone that was there....well multiple people would have to use that catapult. It wouldn't really "Work".
I mean eventually your party is running there asses off as the army unleashes there full force against the wall.

I like to have other people around me when doing quests so I'll stick to WoW. I would try GW if I could but it looks like it's to late for that.
WoW is seemingly more addictive than coffee.. I like all of this, but my brother is on it for atleast 6 - 9 hours a day :| ... the world is falling apart, and the next generation of teenager's are going to be mmorpg addict's, and this is a free one. uh.. *faints*, the PC will never be available again.
The only appealing thing I see about Guild Wars is you don't have to pay monthly fees. World of Warcraft looks better overall.
I played WoW for less than a month. It's probably the best MMO out right now and I feel personally that GW dosent come close to comparing.
Might I inquire why people keep comparing GW to WoW and concluding WoW is so much better? This game isn't a threat to your holy grail of gaming. The gameplay is different, the character system is different, the combat is different. Hell, in the strict sense of the word it's not even a MMORPG. So why the hate? Recognize it as a completely different game and judge it as a completely different game. Of course, this goes the other way around as well.

No one is going to cut your penis off if you admit both games are good. Or, even better, if you judge both games on their merits instead of the endless comparisons.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
I heard it's more like diablo than an MMORPG

I used to say that too, but In the end, all MMOs are like Diablo. Kill lewt, rinse & repeat.
No, Diablo was a hack and slash. WoW and others are, "pick your combat type (Melee, spell, etc.) and see what happens." (Just like DaD)
EDIT: Minerel, I agree with everything you have said. Too many times while questing in WoW my objective was killed/destroyed/found already by another player, and I am forced to wait around for it to "respawn".
WoW is boring as hell. People are just addicted to it, thats it. It's like the slot mnachine it's addicting but not really fun. WoW consist of running around and doing the same quest all over again, time and time again, but only with a different name. And 90% of the game is just running to get to get to the quest. And you'll be soloing most of the time. If you think WoW is fun then you must really have a pathetic life, and WoW is your only chance to come in contact with people.
GW on the other hand is just pure fun, from the beginnig and probably till the end. You'll make friends for life the first day, and though the quests won't last that long( because unlike with WoW they are not unnececairly streched out so you keep playing and most importantly paying the monthly fee), the pvp will keep you hooked.
Comparing GW to WoW, is like comparing Max payne to the blue screen of death in windows.
Guild Wars pretty much rocks because it eliminates all the bad stuff from the MMORPGs.

Why should you only see your party during quests? Because of shit like spawncamping and quest stealing.
Why is skills more important than level ? So "1337" players can't own everyone else.

I hated MMORPGs before Guild Wars mainly for those two reasons. So Guild Wars is a gift of gods for me.

To me all that sounds like the best MMORPG ever. If you don't like it, gotta disagree with ya. Guild Wars is going to kill the competition being free.
Looks like we'll have to disagree again Grey.

I'm loving WoW at the moment. Most nights I jump on comms with 4 of my mates and we play/chat/laugh for 2-5 hours. I've been playing pretty much every night for 2 months and have only played solo about 2 or 3 times.

WoW is an mmo, it's meant to be played with others. This is where it shines.

They give any cloth or silk they find to help me with my tailoring, we give the enchanters magcial items to use, we help the paladin and warrior on their class quests, and we share our wealth to make sure everyone has a stead to ride on etc etc. It's a real group effort - and just keeps getting more and more enjoyable as the world opens up before us and we gain extra abilities.

I played the beta on my own up to level 20. It was dull - firstly because solo play is very lonesome, with no one to share the experience with, and because up to level 20-25 you don't really have a free reign to explore the amazing world Blizzard has crafted or any interesting quests to do. You also don't get to hit any of the instances (which is the meat and potatoes of WoW imo) at this low a level. Even when you do, without a bunch of ppl you know to experience them with, they can be a drag (filled with moaning and absolutely no teamplay or real understanding of how the game works)

We have a decent warrior, who actually understands how to manage aggro (a rare thing), a paladin, hunter, mage and a priest (me :)) We're all level 42 now, and the combat has really opened up - the difference between winning, or dying in a few seconds, being nothing but good teamplay and planning.

Great stuff, and the best game i've played for just chiling out and having a laugh with friends. Certainly the most social game on the pc.

//back on topic - Guild Wars looks sweet too, and i'm sure we'll all be playing that when it's released as well :)
Warbie said:
Looks like we'll have to disagree again Grey.

I'm loving WoW at the moment. Most nights I jump on comms with 4 of my mates and we play/chat/laugh for 2-5 hours. I've been playing pretty much every night for 2 months and have only played solo about 2 or 3 times.

WoW is an mmo, it's meant to be played with others. This is where it shines.

They give any cloth or silk they find to help me with my tailoring, we give the enchanters magcial items to use, we help the paladin and warrior on their class quests, and we share our wealth to make sure everyone has a stead to ride on etc etc. It's a real group effort - and just keeps getting more and more enjoyable as the world opens up before us and we gain extra abilities.

I played the beta on my own up to level 20. It was dull - firstly because solo play is very lonesome, with no one to share the experience with, and because up to level 20-25 you don't really have a free reign to explore the amazing world Blizzard has crafted or any interesting quests to do. You also don't get to hit any of the instances (which is the meat and potatoes of WoW imo) at this low a level. Even when you do, without a bunch of ppl you know to experience them with, they can be a drag (filled with moaning and absolutely no teamplay or real understanding of how the game works)

We have a decent warrior, who actually understands how to manage aggro (a rare thing), a paladin, hunter, mage and a priest (me :)) We're all level 42 now, and the combat has really opened up - the difference between winning, or dying in a few seconds, being nothing but good teamplay and planning.

Great stuff, and the best game i've played for just chiling out and having a laugh with friends. Certainly the most social game on the pc.

//back on topic - Guild Wars looks sweet too, and i'm sure we'll all be playing that when it's released as well :)

Now see, thats an intelligent post. You clearly explained your side of the story and made me look at WoW, from another point of view. Anyways, I still like GW a lat more, but I can see what you all find so good about wow.
As the saying goes,
Guild Wars - "For everyone who hates and loves MMORPG's."
I've learned a little more about this game and it has changed a lot since when I last played a year ago.

The max level is 20, which in my opinon is such an awesome thing for those of us who can't spend countless hours levelling and grinding. This certainly does level the playing field for those are hardcore gamers who can play for 60+ hours a week compared to a person who can only play 5 hours a week. This is especially good for those of us who feel they don't get anything accomplished in that short amount of time and get burnt out on high monthly fees and amount of "uber leet gamers" who "own" you because they can spend more time playing.

Some people will complain that putting in those hard hours doesn't earn them a greater advantage over those who can just pick up the game and "own" everyone. Counter-Strike for example is similar in this respect in how everyone is on the same playing field, with access to the same guns. But does that make it any less fun? No, because the person with greater skill (which Guild Wars is supposed to be based upon) will always have the uppre hand.

Guild Wars takes out all the bad elements that people have with MMO's and doesn't necessarily replace them with anything else, but in my opinion, greatly enhances gameplay. Annoyances such as Griefing, Spawn Camping, walking great lengths to get from town to town, intense level grinding, etc. are all things that apparently are not part of Guild Wars. Because you're not paying a montly fee, there is no incentive for the game makers to have you spend an excessive amount of time idling, just bascially having the feeling of getting nothing accomplished.

So rather than turning this into a WoW vs. Guild Wars thread, that's what I wanted to say. Guild Wars is not an MMORPG so please stop comparing it to one.
How exactly does PvP work in it? Is there a point to it?

Also, on the WoW forums there seem to be a alot of GW fanboys that make constant threads like "OMFG!!, 1 1S CANCLIN MEH ACCOUNT N GONNA GO 2 GW!", which to me seems kinda stupid
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
How exactly does PvP work in it? Is there a point to it?

Also, on the WoW forums there seem to be a alot of GW fanboys that make constant threads like "OMFG!!, 1 1S CANCLIN MEH ACCOUNT N GONNA GO 2 GW!", which to me seems kinda stupid

They have seen the light.
errr, who made this game?

edit: nvm
Grey Fox said:
They have seen the light.
You've proven yourself a fanboy before and thus your opinion doesnt matter

What I find stupid about it is why cancel your account and "switch" to a game that has no monthly fees and not as much content. I'm probably gonna get it too, but I'm not throwing WoW away for it. Hell i didnt even through CoH away for WoW.
i think i know why i've heard about this game......

i've actually seen the company......
How exactly does PvP work in it? Is there a point to it?
PvP is quite nice actually. All you have to do is go to the PvP area(By clicking it on your map), click join or something and it auto assigns you to your group and it's about 3-5 other people or so vs 4-5 other people.

Remember you can only bring in 8 spells, so choose wisley.
Now what is it good for and is there a point to it you ask?
Experince & Gold. I forget if you win gold but I believe it's like 500 experince every time you win? I forget. Maybe -10? every time you lose?