Had a good BF2 day?

Nice Fliko :)

I love flying heli's so my scores are usually tied to how good / bad my gunner is ... and considering I suck at solo pilot + gunner I'm stuck with default missiles.

I got the Veteran First Aid Badge a few hours ago. Yay! I got now a total of 2 veteran badges, damn I'm proud of myself. :E

I had one of the best rounds too, I was playing on Sharqi Peninsula (not really a favourite map but I get good scores on it :|) as the yankees. I was a support gunner running around throwing ammo packs all over the place which I then noticed a T90 rolling towards me (this was at the nearest flag of front of the USMC and MEC). One of my guys had placed 2 mines over the road so he jumped out from the tank (I guess he did it because the tank had lower than 20% left of health) just to get a bunch of lead into him from my PKM.
I ran towards the tank and stole it, drove around the front and fought back any resistance for the whole round (lasted around 30 minutes) and didn't get destroyed once. :E We had a great commander which dropped supply crates near my tank so I didn't have to worry about getting raped. I also had a good gunner which reported any movement.

A picture of the ownage. :E


The gunner were named SirCampALot(nor), so thanks! :E
Damn that is ownage! Great job man! Throw in another gold star too. ;)
Nice job with the tank (whoring) :p

I finally got my basic pistol combat badge today while I was abusing the mini-nukes / claymores on Karkand, wanted explosive ordinance but got this instead, oh well can't complain w00t w00t. Now I need basic knife ;(
I’m still struggling with the Basic Knife Combat Badge and Pistol. :/
Basic pistol = go Sniper and aim for anything but head then instantly pull out pistol and 1 shot KO them.

Works best on Karkand and don't use the MEC auto-sniper for this, other than that happy hunting :)
That's a good way to do it, thanks for the tip dude. :)
The Expert First Aid badge, now that's hard to get.
i got my pistol AND knife badge by Jackhammering on Karkand, every time your clip empties whip out either(depending in range) and finish them off.

BTW I owned on karkand yesterday and id just made a new account, which was funny because everyone though they were owned by a n00b private :P didnt get a screeny but my score was 82 with 27 kills and 6 deaths, it was cool. My new account name is Cylon_Extremist if you happen to run into me :P
Darkwolf said:
i got my pistol AND knife badge by Jackhammering on Karkand, every time your clip empties whip out either(depending in range) and finish them off.

BTW I owned on karkand yesterday and id just made a new account, which was funny because everyone though they were owned by a n00b private :P didnt get a screeny but my score was 82 with 27 kills and 6 deaths, it was cool. My new account name is Cylon_Extremist if you happen to run into me :P

I'd rather not run into you, if you're going to be wielding a Jackhammer :P
Wow getting the knife badge isn't anywhere near as hard as I thought. First time I went for it and got it, I swear some of the people playing this game are utterly deaf and blind. I was Sniper and prone / 'hidden' underneath the bush, the guy I knifed earlier is staring done and looking for me, he stares at my area for 5 seconds (about 2-3 feet away) before I get bored and bum rush + knifed his ass.

Finally getting my last two pre-req's (basic pistol + knife) means I'm only ... 8k points away from next promotion :| Ah well, time to earn the rest of the veteran combat medals.
Like me! :thumbs:

Anyway, unfortunately, I've been too busy to play for the past few days :(. Latin test + major Chorus performances + history paper + chem test + math test ftmfl.
I've just lost all the fun in the game with the patch :( Hopefully when the hotfix comes out for the patch ...I might play some more.
Don't let the (im)balances stop you 'Pitz, you'd still whoop all kinds of ass ;)
AiM said:
Don't let the (im)balances stop you 'Pitz, you'd still whoop all kinds of ass ;)
prolly, but I'm so sick of my AT rockets going through things when they should die....and being on dragon valley and getting picked off from a huge distance by a PKM on full auto. I was so happy with everything before this patch :P
Yesterday was a crap BF2 day. On a rigged clan server full of baserapers, who kicked other players for doing the same to them.

As a commander, how do you get the voice messages like 'you're the finest squad...' and 'you have your orders' etc? All I can do is 'i hear you' and 'negative' with page-up and page-down. Can't find a key in the controls setup anywhere for these commands. :(
A key for that does not exist, instead what you do is you click on the squad in the list and right click it. Then to say "you're the finest bunch of goons...er.. squad ive ever laid eyes on" you choose "commend squad". = ]
I love that quote. He has a similar one for Rebuke Squad, "You're the WORST squad ... "

Did you know that the Commander has a completely unique voice set in the field? Things like "Grenade!" and "Clear!" in that gruff, grizzled commander voice -- I would have been entertained by it except I heard it from our commander advancing in the front lines with the troops! First and only successful mutiny vote I've ever seen.
CyberPitz said:
prolly, but I'm so sick of my AT rockets going through things when they should die....and being on dragon valley and getting picked off from a huge distance by a PKM on full auto. I was so happy with everything before this patch :P

I know the feeling man, lately my AT's been disappearing a second before they nail humvee's / vodniks and I end up getting slaughtered. They definately shouldn't have touched the machine guns, they're ridiculously effective at range since they're accurate as hell and you won't run out of ammo. It's like they decided the game needed a 'full auto' sniper :(
CookieCuttah said:
A key for that does not exist, instead what you do is you click on the squad in the list and right click it. Then to say "you're the finest bunch of goons...er.. squad ive ever laid eyes on" you choose "commend squad". = ]

Thanx dood :thumbs:

I'll give it a go tonight, I'm dying to rebuke squads. Shame you can't court martial some of them and have them shot at dawn too.
*cough* Artillery *cough*

Nothing quite like abusing it on teammates ... not that I condone anything that terrible. ;)
My teamates seem to love artillary, they always run everywhere I put it! It's like free candy to them, I guess.

One other note about what you can say: Try to make the squad split up. He says something like "Squad, split up into TWO squads" he emphasizes two , it's hilarious.
Krabjuice said:
Man, don't you love those Zero Death Days?
Yeah, I call it time to find a server with people actually playing. :)
CookieCuttah said:
My teamates seem to love artillary, they always run everywhere I put it! It's like free candy to them, I guess.

One other note about what you can say: Try to make the squad split up. He says something like "Squad, split up into TWO squads" he emphasizes two , it's hilarious.

"Squad, split up and form TWO squads!"

Something like that :thumbs:
Krabjuice said:
Man, don't you love those Zero Death Days?

you mean camping in a jet and slow flying fixed patterns around oil fields dropping bombs, avoiding any combat whatsoever, and getting a 100-0 ratio?


jets should be nerfed. so should the pilots.
CR0M said:
you mean camping in a jet and slow flying fixed patterns around oil fields dropping bombs, avoiding any combat whatsoever, and getting a 100-0 ratio?


jets should be nerfed. so should the pilots.
where've you been - those days are gone
Well they aren't entirely gone, the patch just seperates the average pilots and the experts now. I'd imagine all these changes to air will likely discourage a lot of would-be pilots by a great deal (especially if they are new to the game). Oh well, more heli's for me :)
AiM said:
Well they aren't entirely gone, the patch just seperates the average pilots and the experts now. I'd imagine all these changes to air will likely discourage a lot of would-be pilots by a great deal (especially if they are new to the game). Oh well, more heli's for me :)

What exactly has the patch done to missiles/jets, that it seperates the average pilots from experts?
I can't seem to find the numbers, but in 1.21 the patch changes so that the missiles themselves have much higher yaw / pitch (I think around double) while sacrificing a bit of lock-on range.

In patch 1.12, the ONLY thing jet's had to ever worry about were only 2 enemy jets. The AA back then couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, much less a jet. This made it so that every Joe Shmoe could whore kills easily without any skill at all.

In post patch, the ground AA actually works and hunting down enemy planes have become easier thanks to missile buffs. The machine guns kill the jet's faster (with the decrease in overall health) which creates an actual gap of average jet pilots (ones who die to AA and only bother to bomb ground) and the experts (mainly hunt other jets / air to maintain air superiority for the team). The average pilots can longer rely on worthless missiles to defend themselves, they actually have to out-manuevre enemy pilots to survive now.

Granted, Jet's still rule the skies ... but you rarely see 100-0 ratio's quite like it used to.
CR0M said:
you mean camping in a jet and slow flying fixed patterns around oil fields dropping bombs, avoiding any combat whatsoever, and getting a 100-0 ratio?


God ****ing damn, you guys are quick to judge. Havn't you ever managed to finish a match, on foot, without a death? I do it all the time. You know, duck and cover.
I have, but my ace is the APC or mobile AA. LAV is my favorite, because it's very versatile. Against APC's you use it's incredible speed, you go for them and just begin circling them, for tanks you stay back and pepper them with rounds and for infantry you just keep shooting at them. Helis and jets aren't that much of a problem to a LAV, because all you do is speed off and let some smoke out, most of the time you can fend off a heli by then and jets just generally don't hit you. As for mobile AA, I just camp the last enemy base and keep putting lead into their skull = D
john3571000 said:
where've you been - those days are gone

Those days? last night we got wasted by a pair of jets cruising along at APC speed, steering like they were on rails and doing nothing but bombing. Both pilots had well over 100, with single figure deaths. We were all patched. 'course, they could have been cheating...

One difference I did notice however is that tanks are a lot softer again, every little bump in the ground does damage, and artillery can now destroy them quite easily. Haven't tried the blackhawk miniguns since the latest patch, but i hope they've made them a bit more useful than a spudgun.
The minigun is very effective against infantry if you have a good pilot, I got a 48 kill killing streak using it, my largest one.
Got promoted to Sergeant today! :D

Then got Basic Command, Gold Star and Staff Officer Ribbon all in one round :thumbs:

On a side note, which weapon shall I unlock? I've got the PKM, both Assault guns and both Medic guns...
Go for the special forces one, it's really good and it made me start playing as SF. The G36C I think.

That or the DAO-12 automatic shotgun for anti-tank, it's deadly.
Ugh, why can't I ever find a heli pilot that can refrain from crashing into buildings / palm trees / ground? I'm always stuck being the pilot and for once I'd rather just gun...
Ace helo pilots are far in few between. The average BF2 is a horrible helo pilot. Hell, I suck horribly myself. :laugh:
Well I'm not asking for Ace heli pilots, hell I just want functional heli pilots that don't smash into inanimate objects and understand gunner weaponry > pilot rockets. Every pilot I fly with are either ridiculously selfish or can't keep a chopper afloat for more than 10 seconds.