Had a good BF2 day?

AiM said:
I noticed the "lol" by xombine...

And Six, I witnessed (and caused) your violent death of crashing a J-10 immediately after take off into nearby buildings.




Don't listen to his lies, I killed him.

PM me for the truth.
SixThree said:
Don't listen to his lies, I killed him.

PM me for the truth.

The truth is you were owned and now you're trying to spin what I did to you against me. Nice try but no dice :p

Woo, I got my basic spec-ops badge/ribbon/rank/whatever.

Just need to get basic knife then i'm ready to rank up :P Karkand here i come :P
I just got banned from a server for saying "OMFG". :|
omfg ownt.

BF2 was fun when the blackhawk 50 cal wasn't completely broken, or when it was broken, or whenever it killed a lot.
I got banned for ERYX'ing 2 speedhackers racing for the heli, and then I got in the chopper and they tried to take me out with a tank but I pwned 'em with solo tv and got bannored.
Haha! Ya beat me by just nine points!

Was a cracking round, really good touch close battles up and down the map, me and my trusty PKM pwning the infantry :D
Yes, but you beat Unfocused by a measly ONE :p
Plus, that's like the third time I've EVER been a commander :D
Can anyone sum up how the commander scoring system works?
JNightshade said:
Yes, but you beat Unfocused by a measly ONE :p
Plus, that's like the third time I've EVER been a commander :D

Heck, i beat Unfocused! That is something :D

Commander works as an average of your team, that is the basic method, more complicated but that is the easy way to understand it. As it was a very long high scoring round, we all won :E
Evo said:
As it was a very long high scoring round, we all won :E
Yeah it looks like it, you must've been near the 25 min limit.

That was the round right after I left. Damn. :frown:
JNightshade said:
Yes, but you beat Unfocused by a measly ONE :p
Plus, that's like the third time I've EVER been a commander :D

You're commander and you're running around killing people?




SixThree said:
Can anyone sum up how the commander scoring system works?

Something along the lines of anytime your team earn's a point you get a fraction of it. This actually makes Artillery and killing people detrimental to you if you want higher scores, since it takes away potential points from your teammates ;)
I threw a grenade at a guy and hit struck him. He died. No joke. So I've done that in CS:S and now BF2. What other games can you do it in?
Nice xombine :P

I shotgunned a dude out of a flag-capping blackhawk yesterday. I was like \o/
AiM, you missed the point. I WASN'T killing people- at least not for the part where I was commander. I just did very well as commander :D
Hm... so you went rambo and mowed down a bunch of nubs then went cmdr? If that's the case then <3, it's very annoying for me when commanders fight in the field because there are crucial moments I need to re-fuel say my chopper or tank but he usually whores it for himself or ignores me completely which pisses me off. :|

Thing is, 25-22 is not your typical commander score, usually it's like ~1-2 kills / deaths. :)
*at least in my experience

edit: Woah, you referred to me as AiM and not holy! @_@
Evo said:
Heck, i beat Unfocused! That is something :D

Nooooes! :D

I remember that round - you were way ahead of the rest of the team but I started cathing up. Last seconds of the round was like "*ghhh* come on , one more point... argh!"

As for how the commander points work - you can just sit on your ass doing nothing. If your team is good, you may get the gold.
Wow, that was insanity. Like, evaryone was in the server!!11 I was just happy that I got the most kills on the round. :P
Those were some awesome games eh? LOL squad FTW. Well I've got a couple pics. Which include the scores of the two games, and a shot of a few of us in a Humvee.




:) :sniper::cheers:


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I'm driving the jeep :P lolsquad totally owned that server.
Hey, there I am! :D

I didn't do very well though. GG regardless :D
Yeah, that was great, one of the best couple of games I have ever played, especially the first round (129 points!! :D)
Just wana say great rounds on FuShe and Karkand just then with Shaker, Unfocused and the -=256=- crew :D

Grat stuff boys, shame the rest of you lot here weren't there :P
Just wana say great rounds on FuShe and Karkand just then with Shaker, Unfocused and the -=256=- crew :D

Grat stuff boys, shame the rest of you lot here weren't there :P

Always great fun to play on the 256. Good teamplay and good laughs. "There's thousands of 'em! Thousands!!!"
Always great fun to play on the 256. Good teamplay and good laughs. "There's thousands of 'em! Thousands!!!"

There was though!

We were on Square (Karkand this is) as USMC, UAV goes up over Market and the road to squad, covered in dots!

'There's thousands of em! Thousands!'

All in a variety of -=256=- accents :bounce:
Loved the mutual kill on the Gatehouse, Shaker :D


(I think it was a PKM :?)
Loved the mutual kill on the Gatehouse, Shaker :D


(I think it was a PKM :?)

Yeah, my trusty old machine gun. First unlock <3

You pwned my ass a lot of times today btw :hmph: ;)