Had a good BF2 day?

Shakermaker said:
Had a good game just now with Jimbo, Amish and Unfocused. We played some Fushe and Karkand, and it was pretty sweet. Some shots.

APC onslaught

For(u)m up bad pun I know

Amish being very nimble

We pwnt of course ....

Yeah it was fun, though I don't like having k/d ratios below 1.00 :P But I'd rather have below 1 and play in a good squad as a medic, than have like 2.00 with spec ops as a lone wolf. I hope we get to play in such squad again soon.

BTW: Anyone else thinks AmishSlayer's voice is similar to ghost's in Starcraft? :cheers:
Go figure I'd miss out. Although I played for a couple hours last night, got over 1k points. I was satisfied ;)
i've yet to play with anyone bar unfocused on a day when i had unplayable ping on karkand on a server with no VoIP :(
although i did manage to kill amish and jimbo with one tank shell one day:E
john3571000 said:
i've yet to play with anyone bar unfocused on a day when i had unplayable ping on karkand on a server with no VoIP :(
although i did manage to kill amish and jimbo with one tank shell one day:E
you're on xfire all the time, why not join me n shaker in our squad, have you got a mic? join us and hear my 'dubalin' accent in all its erm......glory....

you joined a server 1 day with me n shaker but never joined us although you said you were gona....;(
My best game recently was in my effort to get the Armored Service Ribbon (before I realized that all I needed was to find a slow-moving server to get the time requirement). I like Mashtuur City for the tank because of the lack of attack choppers and planes to blow me up. So, sure all I did was whore the tank for the entire round, but nothing beats blowing up a blackhawk full of people trying to hover-cap. First shell through the bay door to kill the engineers, second to blow up the rest. Watching the bodies rain down = sweetness.
you're on xfire all the time, why not join me n shaker in our squad, have you got a mic? join us and hear my 'dubalin' accent in all its erm......glory....

you joined a server 1 day with me n shaker but never joined us although you said you were gona...
next sunday i'll make it a priority and yes i do have a mic
see you in the game

oh and that time i joined the server wouldnt let me join your side so i was going to wait for a new round to join you but you left;( :cries:
john3571000 said:
next sunday i'll make it a priority and yes i do have a mic
see you in the game

oh and that time i joined the server wouldnt let me join your side so i was going to wait for a new round to join you but you left;( :cries:
did we? ah sry, i have a feeling the server switched to clean sweep or some shite map so we prolly logoffed...

next time me n shaker are on and you are too i'll pm you to join...

sunday is good once i get all my uni crap outta the way...
jimbo118 said:
did we? ah sry, i have a feeling the server switched to clean sweep or some shite map so we prolly logoffed...

next time me n shaker are on and you are too i'll pm you to join...

sunday is good once i get all my uni crap outta the way...
Why don't we make it saturday so I can join? :D
CyberPitz said:
Why don't we make it saturday so I can join? :D
yeah i'll be on saturday with shaker too, actually we're on pretty much every day so join us if you're on

i'd love to get back to the demos when loadsa hl2netters squadded up...i want that back!!!!!!!!!
Just had a really good game on some random server at Mashtuur City. I was a medic, was using the unlock, and only had one random dude in my squad. And i was owning, final total of somewhere in the 70's i think with 40 teamwork points! :bounce: Grabbed the gold, but unfortunately our MEC lost :| Though that may have been due to a lack of a commander for our team, meh

Best non-clan involved BF2 moment yet
all i can say is wow...this had to be the best day yet for me. there was 5 of us halflife2.netters on one server, but we never got the chance to be on the same team. it was ocybrmano and i on one team, and Amishslayer, Unfocused, and Direwolf on the other. ocybr and i were trying to cap some flags on foot, then out of nowhere gunfire was overhead, we had no idea were the hell it was coming from, all i knew was that i had to get the hell out of there. next thing that i knew i was dead, then suddenly i was revived and we were on our way again only to get shot and killed by amishslayer...

a little later it was me and cybr in the MEC helo, tring to get some points we picked on the helpless USMC guys, then the showdown began. Amish showed up out of nowhere with the USMC helo and we were dueling, none of my teammates would spot him. so i was flying blind, turning and turning for the longest time, then cybr spotted him, so it was back to dueling and i had 3 bars left, one more shot and we were going down, i managed to lose them somehow. all i heard was ocybr telling me NOT to hit anything or else we were dead...
i cant remember after that because i went on to play for like 2 more hours, but damn that was really one of the best games i have ever played. thanks Amish, Focused, and Dire for the best ****in game ever

EDIT: i forgot to mention that the DOA-12, Jackhammer Mk3A1, and the L85A1 kick ASS.
Kamikazie said:
all i can say is wow...this had to be the best day yet for me. there was 5 of us halflife2.netters on one server, but we never got the chance to be on the same team. it was ocybrmano and i on one team, and Amishslayer, Unfocused, and Direwolf on the other. ocybr and i were trying to cap some flags on foot, then out of nowhere gunfire was overhead, we had no idea were the hell it was coming from, all i knew was that i had to get the hell out of there. next thing that i knew i was dead, then suddenly i was revived and we were on our way again only to get shot and killed by amishslayer...

a little later it was me and cybr in the MEC helo, tring to get some points we picked on the helpless USMC guys, then the showdown began. Amish showed up out of nowhere with the USMC helo and we were dueling, none of my teammates would spot him. so i was flying blind, turning and turning for the longest time, then cybr spotted him, so it was back to dueling and i had 3 bars left, one more shot and we were going down, i managed to lose them somehow. all i heard was ocybr telling me NOT to hit anything or else we were dead...
i cant remember after that because i went on to play for like 2 more hours, but damn that was really one of the best games i have ever played. thanks Amish, Focused, and Dire for the best ****in game ever

EDIT: i forgot to mention that the DOA-12, Jackhammer Mk3A1, and the L85A1 kick ASS.

I can't take too much credit, as I joined the server for only a few minutes and couldn't hit shit with the 200ping I had ;p. But the game we (Kamikazie and I) played earlier that day was very nice. There were only 2 of us from hl2.net but some other guys joined our squad and we were (5-6 of us) going everywhere together etc. the way it's meant to be played.

Anyway I hope we can play together maybe today evening again, and that I play a bit longer with you this time ;)
Had a bad day today. I tryed to run over an enemy but missed and fell into the lake. And died.

Everything else from then on didn't work for me. Got only 10 points or so in all the rouds. :|
My favorite moments of yesterday's game:

I grabbed the APC from the middle of Karkand because I didn't want to walk. So, from there, I drive back to the southernmost flag because someone took it back. I'm not expecting much, maybe one or two guys. When I get there, AmishSlayer, Unfocused, and ________ (forgot his name) were all standing around the flag trying to capture it. Luckily, my vehicle happened to be just barely tall enough to see over the top of the wall... but that's all I needed. They all got mowed down by the machine gun. The poor hl2.net squad didn't see it coming. Then I hop out, re-cap the flag, go around the corner and get a couple more kills. That felt good. :E

... but the funniest one was when I was flying a helicopter with Kamikazie in the gunner seat. We're hovering out in front of the USMC building protecting our team mates and keeping the enemy from getting back in their helicopter. Then, without Kamikazie knowing it... my computer completely locks up. So, I look over at his screen and say "You might want to get out of the helicopter." No response. I repeat "It's going to crash." No response. He couldn't hear me because of his headphones. So, there we go... floating off toward the ocean. When he finally looks over at my screen, he sees me still looking at the enemy helicopter pad. By the time he realizes what is happening, panics, and ejects... it's too late. He thought I was pulling some sort of evasive maneuver! I got a good laugh out of that... enough to make the crash/restart well worth it. :laugh:

Also, I saw Kamikazie get sniped out of a helicopter and I shot a rocket that went under a tank then out the back side... unfortunately, the tank was headed right for me and that was my last shot. Other than that, it was pretty much standard fare.
Just had a good game at Kubra Dam (for once), was in a squad with a s/l who barely gave any orders and no communication at all. So bascially was a medic, running around all over the place, or in a tank or APC. Finished the round with 80 odd points, a bronze and Veteran Medic Combat :bounce:
first round i played today - i waited for the f15 on Kubra and then went on to get 46 kills, veteran air combat, gold star, and some ribbon as well!
i rock :E and i don't even fly ever!!!
OCybrManO said:
My favorite moments of yesterday's game:

I grabbed the APC from the middle of Karkand because I didn't want to walk. So, from there, I drive back to the southernmost flag because someone took it back. I'm not expecting much, maybe one or two guys. When I get there, AmishSlayer, Unfocused, and ________ (forgot his name) were all standing around the flag trying to capture it. Luckily, my vehicle happened to be just barely tall enough to see over the top of the wall... but that's all I needed. They all got mowed down by the machine gun. The poor hl2.net squad didn't see it coming. Then I hop out, re-cap the flag, go around the corner and get a couple more kills. That felt good. :E

... but the funniest one was when I was flying a helicopter with Kamikazie in the gunner seat. We're hovering out in front of the USMC building protecting our team mates and keeping the enemy from getting back in their helicopter. Then, without Kamikazie knowing it... my computer completely locks up. So, I look over at his screen and say "You might want to get out of the helicopter." No response. I repeat "It's going to crash." No response. He couldn't hear me because of his headphones. So, there we go... floating off toward the ocean. When he finally looks over at my screen, he sees me still looking at the enemy helicopter pad. By the time he realizes what is happening, panics, and ejects... it's too late. He thought I was pulling some sort of evasive maneuver! I got a good laugh out of that... enough to make the crash/restart well worth it. :laugh:

Also, I saw Kamikazie get sniped out of a helicopter and I shot a rocket that went under a tank then out the back side... unfortunately, the tank was headed right for me and that was my last shot. Other than that, it was pretty much standard fare.

Are you brothers with Kamikazie? Or roommates?
They won't run the cable out to his house, so he drags his computer over here to steal my bandwidth...
Unfocused said:
I can't take too much credit, as I joined the server for only a few minutes and couldn't hit shit with the 200ping I had ;p. But the game we (Kamikazie and I) played earlier that day was very nice. There were only 2 of us from hl2.net but some other guys joined our squad and we were (5-6 of us) going everywhere together etc. the way it's meant to be played.

Anyway I hope we can play together maybe today evening again, and that I play a bit longer with you this time ;)
well i dont have school on thursday thru sunday so i think that we can play a lot over that time peroid. and my be we could get enough for 2 hl2.net squads...that would kick ass
I had a nice round today after not playing BF2 for a week or more. I was the commander on Karkand and finished with a score of 122, a basic ground defence badge (I was commandeering sitting in a TOW for the first few minutes) a veteran command badge (the round was long cause there were like 18 ppl playing on a 32 player map) and staff officer ribbon. I didn't even expect to get the last two! What's more 122 is my new record ^^
Wow. That is a good round. Get tired of hearing snare-drum salutes did you?
MuToiD_MaN said:
Wow. That is a good round. Get tired of hearing snare-drum salutes did you?

You can never get tired of that ^^
I was playing wake island, and i was on the battleship and there was 8 of us around the heli spawn point waiting for it. An enemy jet flew towards us and instead of bombing us he just flew really low and bowled over every one of us. He did crash, but he died after killing all 8 of us.
xcellerate said:
I was playing wake island, and i was on the battleship and there was 8 of us around the heli spawn point waiting for it. An enemy jet flew towards us and instead of bombing us he just flew really low and bowled over every one of us. He did crash, but he died after killing all 8 of us.

Wow, that took some skill.
I ve not played BF2 since a week now, dam it.

I have many games to complete: Q4 FEAR AND SS2
xcellerate said:
I was playing wake island, and i was on the battleship and there was 8 of us around the heli spawn point waiting for it. An enemy jet flew towards us and instead of bombing us he just flew really low and bowled over every one of us. He did crash, but he died after killing all 8 of us.
i was on a server like that but it was a 64 player server, so there was 32 on the boat. 2 guys took the BH and went to the island, 2 in the attack helo, and one in the plane, so the was 27 people on the boat, i went down to the opposite site of the boat (for the AA since the one by the little boats was taken) the next thing that i knew there was an arty strike where is just was, their commander got like 22 kills in the first 2-3 minutes...but i survived!
I had a good BF2 LAN. MUWAHAH. Lets just say, people thought I was cheating *when I obviously wasn't..they were sitting right next to me \=* and they had scores of 40 with me and my friend had 122 ;D

When the contest for the top 3 scorers in Karkand came around, I laughed..and me and my friend were the top 2...some random commander guy was the 3rd.
CyberPitz said:
I had a good BF2 LAN. MUWAHAH. Lets just say, people thought I was cheating *when I obviously wasn't..they were sitting right next to me \=* and they had scores of 40 with me and my friend had 122 ;D

When the contest for the top 3 scorers in Karkand came around, I laughed..and me and my friend were the top 2...some random commander guy was the 3rd.

I've always liked it when people claim I cheat in games. It makes me feel good :P Knowing that they think you are so impossibly good that you must be hacking is just great :D

That is unless it was a bitter admin in CS :hmph:
Had a good couple of games last night with Unfocused. In a squad of fellow clan members, Unfocused pops on, i tell him via Xfire to go command, which he does, and he and my squad go on to kick MEC ass :D

Nice one dude :thumbs:
I just played the best possible game a commander can have. It was Wake Island and I was on the Chinese team. It starts off pretty bad, 2 2 man squads but at least they listen to me. Within the first ten minutes all the flags except the Airfield and the flag directly to its west were taken. All of a sudden EVERYBODY on the team gets into a squad. (It was a 64 man server..that alone makes it memorable.) I start giving orders and they're followed. People start to realize that listening to me, actually helps them. I call out every enemy I can that are near squads capping flags and instantly people follow the icon and gun them down. I'm saying "defend here" and they do it, "attack here", it's done. "Blow this bridge", no problem. We were down by about 150 tickets when this started so I was thinking it was pretty much over no matter what...The last five minutes of the round consisted of me and one 5 man squad guarding the airfield as the entire US team came crashing down upon us.

I ended up with the Veteran Command Ribbon, a Gold medal (we ended up winning by 4 tickets) and my most memorable (other than playing with you guys when BF2 first came out) experience yet. Simply put...****ing EXTREME

Final outcome of the round: http://img475.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bestcommandevervetcommandperfe.jpg
Evo said:
Had a good couple of games last night with Unfocused. In a squad of fellow clan members, Unfocused pops on, i tell him via Xfire to go command, which he does, and he and my squad go on to kick MEC ass :D

Nice one dude :thumbs:

Likewise :cheers: It was actually you who followed my orders. :)
Unfocused said:
Likewise :cheers: It was actually you who followed my orders. :)

Well, the commander does see the whole picture, squads follow the commander. Good stuff :thumbs: Catch ya on our server again soon mate :cheers: