Had a good BF2 day?

Ren.182 said:
Tanks ftw!

GG, John! Was fun :)
Play again soon. =]
somebody had to have shot it, put C4 on it a few times right? jesus, that is just rediculas :P
Kamikazie said:
somebody had to have shot it, put C4 on it a few times right? jesus, that is just rediculas :P

Its quite easy to get a score like that in a tank or an APC... Especially on maps which have mainly infantry (like karkand).

Also if you can fly planes... bombers can rack up huge kills. Especially if theres loads of enemies around a single flag.
Kamikazie said:
how the hell did that guy get so many kills without any deaths?

Me and R@y were in the attack chopper. We only died because he would either...

A.) Swoop too low and try to go underwater and come out alive..
B.) We ran out of ammo, so instead of going back to base to reload..we crashed.
C.) ...I don't think we ever got shot down....

He's a damn fine Pilot, and I'm a damn fine gunner. Me and R@Y generally play together, mad fun.

*EDIT* Just got out of a game with some fun people...I'll let this screenshot tell who it was and how much fun it truely was.

18 of those were pistol kills. You know what that means? Expert Pistol finally..after so long of working on it and around 600 total kills...yay.
Wow... I had an awesome BF2 day today. These new speakers make it sound like i'm in a damn warzone.

Apart from that I got some good kills in a Jet :P
Qonfused said:
Cyber was insane with that pistol.
Aww, <3 2 you Qonfused. I like to think I'm rather proficient at the pistol, though nowhere as good as I should be :(
well, it was lucid's first day with the full game. while it was really long i think we had more than a few good games. Qonfused and Bvasgm got in on a few maps, wasnt really a good day for me though, right now i'm running on a wireless network that keeps losing its signal...and i get kicked from the game, get back, and get kicked a map later, just wasnt my day.

Lucid and i started playing some SF at Devils Perch (my favorite SF map btw) our side won both rounds, and then on to warlord (which is also one of my favs) played around with the zipline and grappling hook almost the entire time, when i got booted on that one we decided to play the regular BF2. at this point we played for a few hours on Karkand and Wake, I dont know when Bvasgm joined but, he killed me quite a few times until i noticed who the hell was killing me, then on Wake Qonfused joined in what little action there was. Lucid, Qonfused and I were in a squad for a while until Q went to the MEC side, where he killed Lucid and I a few times...

all in all, it was a pretty good day fpr HL2.net
Hehe, you two were always together (as a good squad should be) so I usually got you both.

I had a great day. I just installed a second gig of RAM, so now it plays uuuultra sexxay on my machine. Plus, I'm at like 15,000 points! Woo!

But I need to get XFire. I want to play with you guys! Where can I dl it?
JNightshade said:
I had a great day. I just installed a second gig of RAM, so now it plays uuuultra sexxay on my machine. Plus, I'm at like 15,000 points! Woo!

But I need to get XFire. I want to play with you guys! Where can I dl it?

Yeah, I played you too, first time, although I was Chinese/MEC

You guys work well together in a squad, I was killed a few times by you
hmm, i remember a CrazyJeepDriver! you got me a few times i remember...we should play again!
It was quite a fun day.

On the Kark and Wake server though, The MECs were ****ing artillery whores.
We couldn't spawn one second without getting hammered with artillery!

It was a warzone(in a bad way.)
Lots of bunny hoppers... But they make easy targets.
Qonfused owned us when he went MEC / PLA...

All in all, It was nice crash course with the full version.

Special Forces runs like crap for me though.
Alright, sweet! I'm about to dl- I'll post my XFire name later on.

XFire: jnightshade
Bf2: JS_DanceCommander (or, occasionally, JS_Nightshade)

Woo. Unfortunately, I screwed up the screenie (took it at the wrong time) but it gets the point across. 150 points. My best game yet. Awwwright.

EDIT: Shit! Another double post! Sorry...
I had a good day.

Scored 128 kills for 6 deaths on a 48 player server and won a gold star, 2 ribbons and 2 badges in that round.

It was the best round ever.
Had a great time on my clan server last night, Buggy Races!

On FuShe Pass, race from US Uncap to PLA Uncap, Bridge Camp and back

Needless to say was a laugh on TeamSpeak!

*Wonders if Unfocused got any screenies*
Evo said:
Had a great time on my clan server last night, Buggy Races!

On FuShe Pass, race from US Uncap to PLA Uncap, Bridge Camp and back

Needless to say was a laugh on TeamSpeak!

*Wonders if Unfocused got any screenies*

:D My friends and I did that once, but I crashed into the water. D:
Did a back flip tryin to shortcut over the hill by West Mine, needless to say my passenger wasn't best pleased.....

I may see if i can get some of you guys to come along for our next mess around. Think the next thing is goin to be Unfocused's Pistol Fight idea
gg there with shaker & hectic for a round or two, then ren joined us on sharqi and we were pwnin although the us beat us, we seemed like the only mec squad capping flags tbh...
Yeah, we got round those flags pretty quick at the start. Shame we lost. I'll get my mic working next time :)
We just had 6 HL2.net members in a squad for about 2 mintues. Too bad everyone had to leave really quick.

If I recall, it was myself, Bvasgm, JNightshade, Glenn and Bryan. Fun while it lasted.
Saturday I should be up for games. Tomarrow I need to go around finding out how much it's going to cost to get my Transmission fixed/replaced.
I agree with saturday, hopefully sometime in the afternoon. lets try to organize a squad.
I'll consider playing tommorow for a bit...
Didn't have any will to play today, In too much pain. x.o
Had a couple of great rounds with Lucid and Nightshade. Esp. the Karkand rounds were very good. We pwnt of course. Managed to get one shot from Songhua
Heheh yeah that rocked. I managed to off two medics with the pistol from like 20 paces... while they were shooting at me. I felt so badass.
I just had a few good rounds. Only a couple guys worked with me after I took top score on the server (more than my entire team combined actually). They were cool and followed my every command. I had a 150 pt round when the next closest was 70 (except the commander benifited from my kickassery a lot as well :P)

z0mg Amish haXesz!1

Last night I was on Wake as the chinese. We were getting pretty badly owned so me and my squad leader got in the chopper and I took off. I kinda started to mess up straight away but regained control and that was it. I just hovered about land height and he just mowed anyone down who was headed into the airbase, and i just slowly headed east to the flag. We capped that flag but some damn kamikaze pilot crashed into us :(
My gunner got about 25 kills, lucky guy :D
Was minutes away from my Armoured Service Ribbon last night, then the round ended :(

Damn my clan members as Yanks conquering my MEC bases!
Last night, I killed myself when I mistook a barrel for an enemy. Yep. A barrel. Put a few shells into it at point blank, then kinda stood and stared when the "enemy" exploded.
How do you mistake a big RED barrel for an enermy? O.o
I had a good night, i got a 11 kill streak when i took down a chinese transport chopper down with an AT, it was ****ing awesome. I also got some combat thingy blue ribbon like badge thingy, not sure what exactly. I play anti-tank and sniper only really so i never get any stars, do you need to be a medic or engineer to get those kind of points?
Hectic Glenn said:
I had a good night, i got a 11 kill streak when i took down a chinese transport chopper down with an AT, it was ****ing awesome. I also got some combat thingy blue ribbon like badge thingy, not sure what exactly. I play anti-tank and sniper only really so i never get any stars, do you need to be a medic or engineer to get those kind of points?
90% of my stars are from AT. It is just all how you play them. I'm one of the more aggressive AT's. I'll rush into the infantry battles, DAO-12 ablazin. I'll see a couple tanks, I won't run away, I'll engage *and generally win..it's amazing how many tanks can't hit a target that is just bobbing in and out of a corner of a building :(*

I've got 168 gold stars..so yeah, it's not impossible ;)
Got Helicopter Service Ribbon earlier, Blackhawk whoring on Mashtuur with clanmates = :D