Had a good BF2 day?

However, in SF, the tear gas is not that useful. Although it may render an enmy incapable of fighting for a few seconds, your team's visibility is also dropped, making it like a poisonous smoke grenade.

If it could inflict damage per second, it would be awesome.
what i do when i throw out a gas grenade is i tell the whole team in the area to "mask up" if they dont listen, thats their problem and they are gased for a few seconds
Yeah, we had flash bangs and tear gas flying everywhere. The gasmask is a cool feature :)
And iron gater didn't lag for me... though thats probably down to my specs. :)
gas grenades are fun to use, but their usefulness lacks something.

flashbangs aren't that usefull too. One time, I got blinded and fired at random directions, getting 2 kills. :)

Anyway, I just played with Cyberpitz. I got 11 kills in the first round then suddenly I got a fecking blue screeen. :O :( so, I joined the next round and killed a few and captured a few as Cyberpitz as our squad leader.

The most memorable moment was when he tried to drive a tank over a half-broken bridge the tank tipped and fell. The tank seemed stuck at first and then suddenly it fell.
15357 said:
gas grenades are fun to use, but their usefulness lacks something.

flashbangs aren't that usefull too. One time, I got blinded and fired at random directions, getting 2 kills. :)

Anyway, I just played with Cyberpitz. I got 11 kills in the first round then suddenly I got a fecking blue screeen. :O :( so, I joined the next round and killed a few and captured a few as Cyberpitz as our squad leader.

The most memorable moment was when he tried to drive a tank over a half-broken bridge the tank tipped and fell. The tank seemed stuck at first and then suddenly it fell.
Haha, yeah, that tank I swear was gonna make it.

It's on the bridges in Mashturd how you can blow both sides off, and it leaves a sliver left..well the tank will make it if its in teh exact middle..but I was a bit lopsided...whoops. Down we went :P

It was a great round, had lots of fun. I had to go eat some food with people so I had to cut it short. Sorry! :(

PS: I was wondering what happened to you and why you left. Made me sad.
Had a few good rounds that ended up being losses today. On SF in the map with the runway and the plane I was commander. I was defending the ATC building the entire game alone. I got 9 flag defends that round but we ended up losing because my team was good at capping flags but could hardly get kills. We ended up losing as time ran out when we had 3 tickets and they had 5. I had JUST killed 3 more people at the very end that didn't register on the tickets because they were still critically wounded :(

There was that round and two on Iron Gator that annoyed me. The first we won after I yelled at the team enough. We were the Seals and we had every inside point on the carrier so the MEC was still losing tickets yet people kept suiciding outside just to try and retake it. They had the top of the carrier covered by both helos and tons of people just waiting. I kept yelling at everybody to stop going up because we were handing them the match when all we needed to do was defend. Nightshade joined during that match and we kicked some ass together.

Next round we were MEC and the same thing happened. Our squad started capping all the flags inside the carrier leaving the top uncapped. The same thing happened and the Seals got both choppers this time around and we were holed up inside the carrier. We had the game won but people kept running up and dying so we lost. I got gold on the round with most teamwork pts, combat pts, medic pts, revives, heals, flag defends and yet nobody bothered to listen. They just handed the round to the Seals...
AmishSlayer said:
Weird. Out of all the SF maps...Iron Gator is the least laggy for me.

Weird. Out of all the SF maps...Iron Gator is the most laggy for me.

BTW: I haven't played SF for a while, gotta keep my eye on you and join when you play.
Unfocused said:
Weird. Out of all the SF maps...Iron Gator is the most laggy for me.

BTW: I haven't played SF for a while, gotta keep my eye on you and join when you play.
Don't SF is ghey.
CyberPitz said:
Don't SF is ghey.
i like SF tbh...i like the NV and the gas grenades, but if they would have put all of that stuff in the original...
I still stand by the statement that no sniper ever affected the outcome of a bf2 round
When you keep the planes on the ground for the entire round you have an effect.

Thats awesome. I suck mostly at sniper because I can never hit the head or moving targets.
bvasgm said:
Anybody who says that snipers suck, that they can't possibly contribute to their team and are a wasted class has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

First three kills

God I own

BOOM headshot!! BOOM headshot!!

Final outcome of the round.
bvasgm: 18
MEC: 1

I'd say 90% of snipers out there ARE useless and do nothing to help the team because they just plain suck and don't kill enough to help. What you do looks VERY helpful but I'd say you're in the minority of snipers though.
I suprised myself once, I managed to get 32 kills and 17 flag defends ( :D ) from a very conveniant roof in shaqi peninsula. It was funny because the first few prospective capturers just went prone and got a bullet to the head with my m24. Then when they got the picture that they would die if they did that, they started bunnyhopping arond the flag. (looked like a tribal dance of somesort)

Unfortunatly the roof was a fair distance from the flag so i had to go for the torso kills. But that was a fun round. (And I feel I contributed to our victory (See: Kills/Defends)

Yeah, I can say without hesitation that the sniper class is indeed awesome, if you rock. For a while, I only played sniper (I have 50+ hours logged) and I'd get upwards of 100 points on some games. My aim and reaction time got so good that I could jump into a close-quarters firefight with an M95 and own guys with DAO-12s. Still, the AK-101 is way more fun for me.
i myself am trying to get away from sniping...i have 36 hours played as sniper, but i havent played the kit since october...when i did play sniper i was pretty good with getting 20-30 kills on most maps, it was really funny watching the comments bar on the right and seeing the guys i killed get super pissed :P
wasnt really on today, with the lag and everything. but it was a great day for squads and how everyone worked together nicely. GG to all you guys :thumbs:
Word up to that. Personally, I was a bit inconsistent, but that first Sharqi game... I really rocked my shit there. First place baby :cheers:
Yeah, :cheers: to Evo for making this the good BF2-day of 2006.
Yay drunk smilies! :cheers:
But yeah, thanks so much Evo for this. We must do it more!
It really was a great idea Evo, best rounds I've played since the demo. :)

Be shure to thank your clanmates for all of us.
You have no idea how depressed this makes a drunk man :(
Shaker just joined me on a server. Was good fun. We was capping flags here and there and racking up some pretty good kills :)

The BEST part of our little adventure tonight was the awesome american kid that joined... HE WOULDN'T SHUT UP!
So me and shaker made a new squad but he follow and was like "you guys had me D: ... *tear*" Was kinda funny... He just didn't have much idea on plans... he wanted us to take boats from the river village on dragon valley to the temple. Only trouble was the temple was swarming with snipers and anti-tank. So basically it was suicide. Me and shaker got an APC and buggered off to the docks though :D

GG, Shaker! :)
Ren.182 said:
The awesome american kid

He was so funny. He wouldn't shut up. I was really laughing when he entered the new squad we made:
American boy: "You guys must really hate me."
Me: "We don't hate you; we just think you're a little loud."
American boy: "Can I still stay in the squad?"
Me: "Sure if you don't talk that much."
American boy: "I get that from everyone."
Classic. VOIP ftw!
Man I haven't had a good bf2 day in ages, don't play it too often anymore...just too much effort (I've had it since day one, good times :D)

My nick is "Darksabre" if you want to compare me in stats...oh wait...even better - http://bf2s.com/player/Darksabre/
Shakermaker said:
He was so funny. He wouldn't shut up. I was really laughing when he entered the new squad we made:
American boy: "You guys must really hate me."
Me: "We don't hate you; we just think you're a little loud."
American boy: "Can I still stay in the squad?"
Me: "Sure if you don't talk that much."
American boy: "I get that from everyone."
Classic. VOIP ftw!

That reminds me of my neighbour (13-14 yrs old) Oli_255 who wanted to join the -=256=- clan and played a little on the -=256=- server. He was talking all the time. I remember you once played with us, Shaker, when the kid was doing his famous "running commentary" and was asking whether he can fly. You said something like "yes, you can, little man". I lol'ed :D

bvasgm said:
When you keep the planes on the ground for the entire round you have an effect.

Some servers do not tolerate spawn raping, that's the problem with sniping pilots.
i for one think that the whole map is attackable - placing restrictions in battlefield verges on the ridiculous
I played Special Forces yesterday and it was so bad - Counterstrike nightmare
My kd ratio went down from 1.65 to 1.6 (i was the noob :flame:) and it just sucked - the gameplay is so contrived, core bf2 is so fluid and intense in comparison :(
i got a few medals after a while playing but i won't be going back
Besides there was no one playing it -bf2 was over full as usual but special forces servers were ghost towns

Oh and played BF1942 yesterday and i OWNED - its such an easy game to play
i my first round having never played before i shot down fighters, killed tanks, massacred infantry and was a general nuisance without knowing where to go etc. and topped the server lol
Anyone else ever notice how much easier the original is?
I found '42 harder to be honest, maybe it's because I'm always engineer...It's kind of sad that BF2 is the only game I own at :(
Ren.182 said:
Shaker just joined me on a server. Was good fun. We was capping flags here and there and racking up some pretty good kills :)

The BEST part of our little adventure tonight was the awesome american kid that joined... HE WOULDN'T SHUT UP!
So me and shaker made a new squad but he follow and was like "you guys had me D: ... *tear*" Was kinda funny... He just didn't have much idea on plans... he wanted us to take boats from the river village on dragon valley to the temple. Only trouble was the temple was swarming with snipers and anti-tank. So basically it was suicide. Me and shaker got an APC and buggered off to the docks though :D

GG, Shaker! :)

That kids name wasn't Che11 was it? I met someone like him, he wouldn't shut up and his transmit and threshhold were way too high, it actually game me a headache so i asked him to be quite, he said no, so I swapped teams even though we were winning and just kept on massacring him.

Funnily enough I think he had just got the game as his final score (Mashatur City) was 0 kills 38 deaths, i really should of screen shotted it but... ohwell...


PS. He had a new zealand accent
Unfocused said:
That reminds me of my neighbour (13-14 yrs old) Oli_255 who wanted to join the -=256=- clan and played a little on the -=256=- server. He was talking all the time. I remember you once played with us, Shaker, when the kid was doing his famous "running commentary" and was asking whether he can fly. You said something like "yes, you can, little man". I lol'ed :D

Yes, I remember! It was on Kubra. I just let him fly so he would shut up. High pitched 13 y.o. voices ftl ;)

Darkwolf said:
That kids name wasn't Che11 was it?

No, BFGUNNER. And he was American judging by his accent and ping.
Darksabre said:
Man I haven't had a good bf2 day in ages, don't play it too often anymore...just too much effort (I've had it since day one, good times :D)

My nick is "Darksabre" if you want to compare me in stats...oh wait...even better - http://bf2s.com/player/Darksabre/
im telling you, play with any of the guys that are having the conversation around you (and more of course :P) and you will have the best rounds of your live.
Kamikazie said:
im telling you, play with any of the guys that are having the conversation around you (and more of course :P) and you will have the best rounds of your live.

Listen to this man. He speaketh the truth. Just add the guys from this thread in Xfire. Crazy Jeep Driver is also from down-under and he even pwns with a 300+ ping.
Can I get you Xfire Darkabre?

EDIT: Or you could add me, the Aussies are on the bottom :P