Had a good BF2 day?

Hehe, that kid. Still has me giggling. He also liked to announce that he had died everytime he got shot... which was quite often -_- :P

I'm off to play som BF2 =]
Shakermaker said:
He was so funny. He wouldn't shut up. I was really laughing when he entered the new squad we made:
American boy: "You guys must really hate me."
Me: "We don't hate you; we just think you're a little loud."
American boy: "Can I still stay in the squad?"
Me: "Sure if you don't talk that much."
American boy: "I get that from everyone."
Classic. VOIP ftw!
i remember a similiar thing playing with kamikazie one time, i had said to kamikazie that he sounded alot older, then some british kid who was in our squad kept asking:

''wat age do you think i am?''

jesus he wouldnt shutup asking, he musta been like 12 but kept asking , i said he sounded about 10, then he was quiet:P
I wonder what sort of ping I'd have joining a server over there. I could be your next American annoyance over VOIP!
MuToiD_MaN said:
I wonder what sort of ping I'd have joining a server over there. I could be your next American annoyance over VOIP!

Accents ftw! We have many flavours: Polish, Irish, English, Welsh, American, Australian and Dutch.
Except that I find it's hard to tell Australian accents. Most of them are VERY neutral considering how multi cultral the country is. The only people you would really hear the steriotypical accent off are people who live in or around the deserts between kalgoorlie (west) and the NSW border(east), or people living in the Northwest kimberlies. There isnt much internet access out there :P

At least thats what i think...

*Uses imus as distraction >>> :imu::imu::imu::imu::imu::imu::imu:

*I runs
OT: WTF is an "imu" anyway? What is that thing and what is its purpose in a forum?

And when do you guys usually play?
imu = i miss you
although its sole purpose is simply to be adorably cute :)
gg just now with shaker, like oldtimes, jnightshade joined for the last round, was fun, damn bunnies in that clan though, jeez!!!!
Gotta ask, what is my accent like? Really strong?
jimbo118 said:
i remember a similiar thing playing with kamikazie one time, i had said to kamikazie that he sounded alot older, then some british kid who was in our squad kept asking:

''wat age do you think i am?''

jesus he wouldnt shutup asking, he musta been like 12 but kept asking , i said he sounded about 10, then he was quiet:P
i remember that...it was on dalian plant (sp) if i remember correctly...jesus i just wanted to still the mic down his throat...
Played a bit of karkand earlier... got some awesome kills with the AK-101 (default MEC assult rifle) Mostly headshots ^_^
About Evo's accent: it's more like generic english with a hint of welsh. Real welsh sounds like hindi (proof) and he doesn't sound like the guy from my local curry shop. Papadum 9 o' clock!
Shakermaker said:
No, you sound softcore Welsh.

Softcore eh? :naughty: i say :naughty:


Interesting, heard some feedback the other day on TS, i sounded so bloody Welsh!

Ah, well, just a one off i guess :dork:
AmishSlayer said:
Had a lame day of BF2 today.

I've decided that the Cobra (in general) is better than the MI-28. Without a good gunner in the MI-28 you're just a gigantic, less maneuverable target for missiles. A Cobra can take you down easily whereas your missiles mostly just bracket the cobra in the air. I had a gunner that just sucked. He was the only one that would fly with me and he was a shitty pilot so I was kinda stuck with him. He was mostly blind and couldn't aim for shit. I'd point him straight at a humvee that's firing at us and he'd miss with a tv missile and just let it reload while he shot us down. I got the hell out of there but a wild shot from an SMAW took us down.

We had finally managed to neutralize the TV Station (Shariq) and I elevated us up to the rooftop and slowly circled around so he could shoot the 3 AT's up top. They missed a bunch of shots...but my gunner wasn't firing. He was just sitting there. Then I see a TV MISSILE fly out and miss all 3. Just then 2 rockets hit us and we're on fire so I bail quickly, my gunner is slow and dies with the chopper. I land and start capping the TV station. I ask people to join my squad and spawn on me so we can cap the flag in all caps. My gunner joins my squad but spawns by the chopper...I hang my head in disgust and I get blown up by an M203...I am seething with rage at this point.

Next time I spawn there's a 3rd guy by the chopper waiting for it to spawn. He gets left out of the chopper but I get stuck with the gunner position. I'm about to bail out before takeof to take a boat because I'm not in the mood to crash into the crane for a 3rd time when the guy that got left out says, "That just got you kicked". At the top of the screen I see an admin message saying something like, "KICKING AmishSlayer because he keeps taking one vehicle over and over. Let somebody else have a chance"

That was the ONLY time there was another person that got left out of the chopper...

Spiteful stupid admin.

It was a nice narration of the situation...i Njoyed it s lot...was imagining me in ur place...:) nice 1...
expert knife..

That's all I can say..took me forever to really ever try for it, but I tried last night, failed..2 short. This time, I had 10 kills before 30 tickets had expired. Thank god for idiot medics that keep on reviving a guy thats inside the fence, while I'm on the side..and just keep knifing him.

john3571000 said:
congrats - i hope it didnt destroy your kd ratio :)
Muwahah, not at all. I was teh top score when I got my badge D:
Don't you hate it when you get most of the way through a good BF2 round and then you get dropped before it ends, making the entire effort useless? It happened to me last night ... I was about to finally get the Staff Officer ribbon too. Playing -- no, commanding -- on an underpopulated 64-player server for a 30+ minute round is ... kinda boring.
MuToiD_MaN said:
Don't you hate it when you get most of the way through a good BF2 round and then you get dropped before it ends, making the entire effort useless? It happened to me last night ... I was about to finally get the Staff Officer ribbon too. Playing -- no, commanding -- on an underpopulated 64-player server for a 30+ minute round is ... kinda boring.
It's not for nothing. You get to keep that score. You could be in a server, have 50 points..get dropped..rejoin with the same score and everything. It keeps the player stuff in cache, then sends at the end of the round. So that shows up an interesting way to get a big K:D ratio without playing that much..join a server, play for like, say, 5 minutes...then disconnect, rejoin another server..do that to your hearts content.

My BF2 day was pretty good- played several rounds with Jimbo and Shaker. We pwned of course, and I had the craziest C4 kill ever: I was on a huge ledge, with an APC below me. I jumped down, opened my chute, and C4'd this thing from like 20 feet up. I landed, like, through the explosion. Ridiculousness.
JNightshade said:

My BF2 day was pretty good- played several rounds with Jimbo and Shaker. We pwned of course, and I had the craziest C4 kill ever: I was on a huge ledge, with an APC below me. I jumped down, opened my chute, and C4'd this thing from like 20 feet up. I landed, like, through the explosion. Ridiculousness.
i love those kind of kills

JNightshade said:

My BF2 day was pretty good- played several rounds with Jimbo and Shaker. We pwned of course, and I had the craziest C4 kill ever: I was on a huge ledge, with an APC below me. I jumped down, opened my chute, and C4'd this thing from like 20 feet up. I landed, like, through the explosion. Ridiculousness.
yeah that was teh fukin pwn!!bfrecorder anyone? it definately got the biggest cheer on voip :D
Ah man, today was officially an AWESOME BF2 day. A while after playing with Jimbo and Shaker, I logged back on and played with Ren. 182 and Direwolf for a little bit. And then CrazyJeepDriver and his friend came on. Then bvasgm. Then came Qonfused. All in all, it was a blast.
JNightshade said:
Ah man, today was officially an AWESOME BF2 day. A while after playing with Jimbo and Shaker, I logged back on and played with Ren. 182 and Direwolf for a little bit. And then CrazyJeepDriver and his friend came on. Then bvasgm. Then came Qonfused. All in all, it was a blast.
Yeah, it was great. We were fooling around on the server on Cleansweep before we had enough players to start the game, we were jumping around tking each other.
In Oman, and after the Cleansweep round started, it was really fun, we were pwning all, great game guys! :)
Haha, on Oman we all had negative score except my mate. And we still won! ^_^
Was fun last night, had quite a few giggles too :D
I was doing really bad yesterday, but there were a few really cool moments.

I was flying a MEC jet towards the carrier, coming in from up-high, fired my missiles taking out a F-35 & then the AA took out my plane. As I was parachuting down, I dropped C4 & took out the AA gun (while parachuting), & then proceeded to take out their UAV & Radar.

I was commanding one round (US, Karkand) & I was on a freaking rampage. A squad of 5 MEC kept trying to take out the radar, but I wiped them out over and over and over by myself. I was in a hummer, and I’d just drive close, pop up to the turret, duck when necessary, and if they ducked behind cover, sometimes I’d jump out and spray them with bullets or move the humvee a little & then pop back to the turret. They must have been getting pissed, because I was taking them all by myself.
had a terrible bf2 day - played well but got the kind of teammates that make you miss quake 1 bots :(
last match really summed it up - my team - chinese on wake - managed to lose all the flags bar one so i figure right i'll get out of my jet and go capping so i bail and land at the flag to find that the flag had gone us and managed to take it then swam across the inlet to take another flag while my whole team which had by now spawned at the newly captured flag decided to lose it again :(
capped the flag across the bay ran along the cliff to the next flag and captured that one - now my team had 2 spawn points
i decide right i'll go and cap the airfield while the us team is busy and run along the edge of the island
i hadnt reached the airfield by the time the 2 flags were lost and i was the last one left with a bloody blackhawk and ah12 hunting me - i eventually go down at the flag after dodging 2 artillery strikes :flame:
how bad a team do you have to have to be annihilated as chinese on WAKE ffs :(

sorry needed to vent - i miss you guys too much
Heh, yeah you gets that sort of team once in a while. I've learned just to leave once I see something that horrible going down.
Direwolf said:
Heh, yeah you gets that sort of team once in a while. I've learned just to leave once I see something that horrible going down.
Ditto..2 nights in a row that's the only team I've had..

Lack of teamwork just loves me :( I refuse to be commander, because there is no point because you WONT win..and then you only have 20 points at the end of the round.
Commanding: it's not the easiest thing to do, sure, but if you're an award whore like I am you're gonna have to command for at least ten hours of your life. By the end of it I knew basically what I was doing.
Just come off from a very good round on Karkand with some clann guys and Direwolf on the other team. Great time running round as Medic on MEC near hotel, killed a load of nubs there :D

But ended up getting Good Conduct Medal :bounce: and finishing with 99 points :smoking:


