Had a good BF2 day?

yeah i never used to get them and then now it happens every time i play online - i'm hoping that its just some game file corruption that the new patch will fix - its not annoying really as it only happens after a few hours but the fact that it never used to happen is a bit worrying :(
Got ym Vet Anti-Tank Combat earlier, pretty proud of really!

Oh, any news on the Three-Way-hl2-7DR-256 match?
Is there something I'm not aware of thats a requirement for that?
I exceed the requirement of time by like eighteen hours, and I get more than 20 kills a round all the time (usually while playing exclusively as antitank).
Evo said:
Got ym Vet Anti-Tank Combat earlier, pretty proud of really!

Oh, any news on the Three-Way-hl2-7DR-256 match?
shush its a secret :imu:
Not really sure, but 3 clans in a big royal rumble, gotta be good!

Oh wait, gotta be quiet ssh
I think the two clans would be on opposing teams with hl2 guys rounding both teams out.
If you're planning another HL2.net/ X Battlefield 2 match, count me in.
I'd be the cannon fodder, having everyone concentrate on killing me that they can't see you guys aiming at them. D:
Nobody ever sees me aiming at them.


edit: we really should have
Funny thing happened recently.

I was playing spec ops. I spawned at the Hotel flag on Mashtuur, near the stairs. As I turned round the corner, a hostile vodnik was approaching the flag, the gunner firing at me. I hid behind an unoccupied vodnik (one of those spawning there) and started sticking C4 to it in order to get in afterwards, drive to the vodnik next to the flag and blow it up. As I stuck the 2nd C4 to the car, an enemy entered it and started driving towards the flag. What's more, there came another vehicle and was approaching the flag as well. I waited for all the vehicles to be close to each other and pushed the button. Ownage.

Unfocused said:
Funny thing happened recently.

I was playing spec ops. I spawned at the Hotel flag on Mashtuur, near the stairs. As I turned round the corner, a hostile vodnik was approaching the flag, the gunner firing at me. I hid behind an unoccupied vodnik (one of those spawning there) and started sticking C4 to it in order to get in afterwards, drive to the vodnik next to the flag and blow it up. As I stuck the 2nd C4 to the car, an enemy entered it and started driving towards the flag. What's more, there came another vehicle and was approaching the flag as well. I waited for all the vehicles to be close to each other and pushed the button. Ownage.


Unfocused said:
Funny thing happened recently.

I was playing spec ops. I spawned at the Hotel flag on Mashtuur, near the stairs. As I turned round the corner, a hostile vodnik was approaching the flag, the gunner firing at me. I hid behind an unoccupied vodnik (one of those spawning there) and started sticking C4 to it in order to get in afterwards, drive to the vodnik next to the flag and blow it up. As I stuck the 2nd C4 to the car, an enemy entered it and started driving towards the flag. What's more, there came another vehicle and was approaching the flag as well. I waited for all the vehicles to be close to each other and pushed the button. Ownage.

lol, that is ownage indeed!!:D
Ah man, I had an amazing BF2 day. I played with Dumb_Dude, Banorrachy, and later Qonfused, and I pwned. Hell, we all pwned.

And just for the record, the PKM is now officially the shit.
JNightshade said:
And just for the record, the PKM is now officially the shit.

Part of the reason why I'm not enjoying this patch all that much, that and all damn sniper wanna-be's :hmph:
I just had a TWL clan match yesterday with the new patch and I can see a serious difference in how much the support class will be used. One can take out an entire squad with a few short round bursts with the default MEC support weapon.
Ranked up today. Going to unlock my sniper unlock. Another 12,000 points till my next unlock :(
AiM said:
Part of the reason why I'm not enjoying this patch all that much, that and all damn sniper wanna-be's :hmph:
i was running around yesterday on Sharqi (finally got the patch :D) and every death for about 4-5 straight were snipers... :|

with the 2 unlocks that i got i unlocked the sniper rifle, but i dont know which gun to use my other one on, and suggestions?
Kamikazie said:
with the 2 unlocks that i got i unlocked the sniper rifle, but i dont know which gun to use my other one on, and suggestions?

PKM if you want to mutilate infantry.
JNightshade said:
Well, for a start, try listing what weapons you already have... :rolleyes:
oopsy :P


and i just had the best come back party rounds with Amish, Q, and Nightshade (if someone else was there make yourself more vocal :E)

the first round i joined i ended up in second place of our team, and the next round i kind of sat back and tried to get back into being a great sniper again.
I was there with Q, Viper, and Nightshade...but I might've left before you were in :( (Last map I played was FuShe Pass)
An amazing thing happened to me a couple of days ago.
I was playing on Daqing Oilfields as a Chinese, I saw that there was one guy jumping into the SU-30 aircraft so I ran over and gladly took the co-pilot seat.
We took of and he started flying around like a fly so I couldn't see or target any enemy vehicles. After a while he started to fly towards the middle of the map where the silos are located, stalled the aircraft and then just jumped out without even giving me a heads-up. I didn't noticed that he had jumped out at first, but it was when the aircraft started to crash-dive down to the ground when my eyes focused on the little aircraft icon on the left side corner of the screen and saw that the pilot seat was empty.
Luckily I managed to take control of the aircraft with only a couple of feet from the ground.
I turned around and saw his parachute and him dangle down from the sky. Yes, you can guess what came to my mind that second I was flying towards him with a gigantic airplane.
I locked on onto him and, literally, just flew the plane right through him and killing him and of course killing myself too. Though what I didn't expect was that it stood that he killed me and not vice-versa. He got kicked because of team-killing and I was pretty much speechless after that.

Oh well, did he get what he deserved or am I a bastard that should've been kicked instead? :E
I just had an all-day spree with Nightshade. Really fun, once he got his mic working. Later in the day, we joined Bvasgm. Viper and IceOfSpaces (AiM) joined us. VERY fun.
Loke said:
An amazing thing happened to me a couple of days ago.
I was playing on Daqing Oilfields as a Chinese, I saw that there was one guy jumping into the SU-30 aircraft so I ran over and gladly took the co-pilot seat.
We took of and he started flying around like a fly so I couldn't see or target any enemy vehicles. After a while he started to fly towards the middle of the map where the silos are located, stalled the aircraft and then just jumped out without even giving me a heads-up. I didn't noticed that he had jumped out at first, but it was when the aircraft started to crash-dive down to the ground when my eyes focused on the little aircraft icon on the left side corner of the screen and saw that the pilot seat was empty.
Luckily I managed to take control of the aircraft with only a couple of feet from the ground.
I turned around and saw his parachute and him dangle down from the sky. Yes, you can guess what came to my mind that second I was flying towards him with a gigantic airplane.
I locked on onto him and, literally, just flew the plane right through him and killing him and of course killing myself too. Though what I didn't expect was that it stood that he killed me and not vice-versa. He got kicked because of team-killing and I was pretty much speechless after that.

Oh well, did he get what he deserved or am I a bastard that should've been kicked instead? :E

An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind! /ghandi

To be honest what he did to you was bad, but what you did to him was worse (killed, TK penalty AND kicked :O)

Oh and it was definately some good fun playing with everyone. :D
Yeah, Qon is right, that was a BLAST. I finally got my Veteran Support Badge :E- now the only one left is Engineer!
JNightshade said:
Ah man, I had an amazing BF2 day. I played with Dumb_Dude, Banorrachy, and later Qonfused, and I pwned. Hell, we all pwned.

And just for the record, the PKM is now officially the shit.

Eff yes man! It was cool!
AiM said:
To be honest what he did to you was bad, but what you did to him was worse (killed, TK penalty AND kicked :O)

Yes I know, but I can't stand when people do that online and I bet the majority of players don't either. Take an aircraft and just jump out from it because they want to snipe at one spot or just take a flag. Yes, it's okay when they're alone but NOT when they have passengers for Christ sake.
And by the way, it was not meant to get him kicked. I did it because I got pissed.
I didn't thought my aircraft would explode like that and the stupid game would accuse him for team-killing me and especially kick him for one single team-kill.
A few weeks ago I also had a strange experience in the jet. On Gulf of Oman, at the end of the MEC airstrip, there is some kind of pole (transmitter or sumthin) on the left of the strip. As I was taking off I turned left a bit too early and hit the pole with my left wing. Surprisingly, I did not blow up, but turned a 180 on the pole and started flying towards the ground in the direction where the jets are spawning, but managed to stabilise the plane and didn't crash :)
Our commander once spawned a supply crate right in front of me when I flew an aircraft.

Last night I had a great time. We had a full squad together and for a while had complete control of wake island. Maybe another few rounds later tonight?