Had a good BF2 day?

Unfocused said:
Only 2 teamwork points? :p
He was assault, the only TW points they get are kill assists * they shouldn't be letting any bad guys get away...* and Flag caps..and most assaults are too busy chasing baddies.

Woah, that's sad, I get more TW points than an assault as an AT :(

This is strange, all of the pictures I try and grab from BF2 aren't grabbing anymore! D:
wow 112 pts
you flag capper you :D

i am at a loss as to why people enjoy karkand - it seems so pointless and futile
john3571000 said:
wow 112 pts
you flag capper you :D

i am at a loss as to why people enjoy karkand - it seems so pointless and futile
I think he just revived alot :P

and karkand = mass points...
john3571000 said:
wow 112 pts
you flag capper you :D

i am at a loss as to why people enjoy karkand - it seems so pointless and futile
karkand? it was sharqi, yeah me n shaker musta capped the western entrance flag a gazillion times, it kept being taken by a 'revolving door' us squad so we'd spawn and get it back, some great fights around it....

it was a great round, got best combat, teamwork, flag caps, defends, kill assists etc...
Shakermaker said:
Jimbo and me wreaked havoc on the PLA during a round of Wake. Both in tanks we drove to North Village, the only flag left.

The bridge was gone so the poor bastards had nowhere to go.

We must have pounded them with our tanks, and the team joined in with arty, helicopters and jets. It was awesome.
hehe yeah that was awesome except when some sneaky PLA specops got through our line and planted c4 on everyone on that bridge where we were....

i particurly enjoyed your buggy jihad duals with mib agent, god he got annoying......
Last night, I was in my Transport Helicopter on the US side on Dragon Valley (64 player). There was only me in the chopper, and I see a Chinese attack helicopter heading straight for me. I try to take evasive maneuvres as it fires at me, bounding all over the place, finally losing control, doing a nose dive, and hitting the chopper which was facing upwards firing at me, heading straight down. He would've hit the ground and died if I hadn't hit him, but atleast I got a kill.

You had to be there, it's one of those moments you just can't describe with words, and one so tense you forget to take a screenshot. :laugh:
Had some really good times last night with my clan mates. First of all, during praccy (closed server so unranked) i was USMC on FuShe Pass. I was in an APC driving up the hill from West Mine Entrance towards Bridge Camp. I saw an enemy sniper, so i get out and try to take out the sniper with my L85A1, but miss. He doesn't know im there, so he carries on running up the hill, i follow and find him lying down about to start the sniping. I grab my shock paddles and BAM!

-=256=-Evo_Wales [Shock Paddles] -=256=-wrkexp

was so pleased with that :bounce:

Later on, server was open again and ranked. I was gunner in the Cobra with my clan mate flying on Dalian Plant. Flying from the carrier as USMC to Main Entrance, just flown over the pipe when i see their attack chopper. I switch to TV Guided and blow him out of the air. My first chopper kill with TV Guided :E
I never figured out how to hit anything using the missiles on the planes and helis.
JellyWorld said:
I never figured out how to hit anything using the missiles on the planes and helis.

Pretty easy once ya learn (for heli's at any rate)

If the pilot-Dip the nose, until the circle is over an enemy tank or APC and blast away, dont forget to pull up, and aim ahead if needed. If against a chopper, same again, just make sure to alter your aim if they are moving fast

When gunner-pray you have a half decent pilot! Get the tank in the crosshair on your TV missile and fire, adjusting as you see fit.
I had a really good series of round with my friend Sayaki_Yuki (some may now him) today. I got two gold medals :). Here's a nice screenie after Wake Island 2007 (shame the game itself doesnt capture screenshots in the stats menu when I press prntscrn):


Nice one mate :thumbs:

Ya see, our server is always good! :cheers:
Ooooh! Very nicely well done there Unfocused! Ya see, my server rules!! :D

Well, i don't bother much postin here, cos it is all the same really good teamwork etc on my clan server. Unless i do something outstanding, i don't bother :|
Month old thread...fabulous!

But good day today with Qonfused, Unfocused and clan mates (oh, and Direwolf)

Me and Qonfused were owning in the chopper on Kubra! :P
i havent been able to play lately :(

damn semester exams that i have to study for...maybe christmas break i can join you all!
Seriously, if you guys want to play some day, i'm a pimp gunner, but i can't find any good pilots :(

How do i get xfire to work? Is there a way to get it to auto-join a server that a friend is playing on?
not anymore...with the 1.03 patch you cant auto-join your friends, but what you can do is get their IP and just join from in the game. and there is a few great pilots here on hl2.net, the only ones that i know of is Amishslayer, OCybrManO, Cyberpitz, myself, and others that i cant remember right off the bat
Had a good bf2 day today- took down 5 choppers with the tank shells, its so satisfying.

[boast]726th medic in the world. yippee.[/boast]
Had a good bf2 day today- took down 5 choppers with the tank shells, its so satisfying.

[boast]726th medic in the world. yippee.[/boast]
Evo said:
Month old thread...fabulous!

But good day today with Qonfused, Unfocused and clan mates (oh, and Direwolf)

Me and Qonfused were owning in the chopper on Kubra! :P

Heh I see you just came out of Murray_H's thread :thumbs:.

Yeah, it was nice to see Qonfused and Direwolf, though I have to say the last round was shite for me :P. Good thing it was late and I had an excuse to leave before humiliating myself some more :P
I had a good BF2 night. I started off with my trusty brother in arms Jimbo. We pwnt n00bs on Karkand and Sharqi. After that I played a couple of rounds with john3571000, Wake mostly, and with Kamikazie on Fushe. Good fun! Best moment of the night: Kamikazie and me were capping the US flag, nearest to the US main on a 32 player map. We almost got it when two US guys fragged us. We spawned at West mine, raced back to the flag with a buggy, just in time to kill the guys before they could cap the flag. Buggy's ftw! We should all get together again, have ourselves a big ole HL2.net squad. :sniper:
ahh good times Shaker, loved it when we both jumped over the wall of the same that you were talking about, and just unloaded on them... ^_^

great times!
Good day today, for I got the *drums* expert knife combat badge! :bounce: Damn was my heart ramming when I was chasing my 18th kill with 10 tickets left till the end of the round. T3h adrenaline!

And I also had a funny situation (different map), where I saw someone on the roof of the tallest building (I guess; bar the tower) on Ghost Town. I climbed the ladder to find three snipers doing their thing. I pick the one in the center - stab; right one - stab; run to the one on the left (I think he realised what happened/what was going to happen but too late) - stab. That was very satysfying :) Pic: http://img175.imageshack.us/my.php?image=3knife3sy.jpg
when i snipe on that map i use the zip-line to got to the place directly in front of you...and i go to the lowest place that i can actually sit, noone sees me for prctically the whole round, and i get over 25 kills and only 3 deaths (deaths from before i became the sniper)...stupid noobs :P
I havn't played any bf2 recently, so no good bf2 days for me :(
ahh poor cyberpitz - if you hadnt had to go to work you could have played with me (my ping was normal again an hour after you left) :(
Kamikazie said:
when i snipe on that map i use the zip-line to got to the place directly in front of you...and i go to the lowest place that i can actually sit, noone sees me for prctically the whole round, and i get over 25 kills and only 3 deaths (deaths from before i became the sniper)...stupid noobs :P

Heh noobs idd, I check all the tower windows every once in a while.
meh, had an average day today, started off ok, got worse, then i pissed and started sooting everything in sight...no pics thought :( and noone to watch me either
I just got done with kami and John and some other guys I play bf2 with. :D
hehe, i was just playing wake ane the USMC was on the final assault of the airbase. So while everyone was blowing each other out near the beach and the front gates, me and another dude snuck around the cliffs. He went round blowing up UAV and stuff. I jumped into their transport heli, rotated it, and jumped into the gunner seat :)

I got like 15 kills before they realiesed i was there, then a smart fellow came around and planted c4 on me to which i jumped out, shot him, jumped back in, then got blown up by a tank :(

But yeah it was fun while it lasted.


ps. is there any system in bf2 that lets you search for people online, and join whatever server they are on?
john3571000 said:
yeah that karkand round with kamikazi and cyberpitz was insane - we were a nading, anti tanking, assault rifling killing machine - USMC never got past the hotel!!
this is from wake - me and cyberpitz ruling our respective teams!
how the hell did that guy get so many kills without any deaths?

Darkwolf said:
ps. is there any system in bf2 that lets you search for people online, and join whatever server they are on?
your guess is as good as mine...although i dont think there is one ingame but there is BF2 autoloader that you can run outside the game that lets you search for servers...or you could do what i do and (if they are on xfire) write down the IP address and join from ingame (but the bad part about that is you have a SHIT LOAD of IP address' laying around...)
Kamikazie said:
how the hell did that guy get so many kills without any deaths?

Tanks ftw!

GG, John! Was fun :)
Play again soon. =]