Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Halo 2 - A discussion

John Carmack said himself that the basic purpose of the game is to scare you. So it's just like any other FPS except with better shadows and lighting.
ok ok, let's end this thread and finish here cuz i got to play some ns.

graphics: Doom3 >= half life 2
the rest of the game(include sp, mp, art everything): Half life 2 > Doom3

ok that's it. reaper, brass won their part for the graphics, and us hl community won our part for the rest of aspects of the game.

Have I ever bought a game for only 35 dollar and play it for like 5 whole years? Yes, half life. If Valve keeps on doing the same to hl2 and the community, it will be another 5 whole years or more. Therefore the potential playability in hl2 is higher than in doom3.
you will be going to hell, why dont you read up on it instead of asking and wanting to hear something bad about doom 3.
no i like doom3, until people like brass come here trolling about it.

IM defnitly gonna PLAY doom3 when it comes out. *buy it? im not sure lol.
Cool ID replaced Npc's and dynamic interaction with a....a... PDA LOOOOOOOOL

Isolation is an important element of this particualr story =\

And does the whole game take place in piped up hallways with useless computer terminals or do we get to go to hell.

The game is about realism and consistancy. So sayeth carmack.

Your on a base dedicated to scientific research, one would expect alot of computer terminals and small hallways.

With that said, you will spend time in various martian bases, both small and large, you will spend time on the martian surface, out in the atmosphere, and you will spend time in hell.

they could have come up with like, a mars greenhouse or something. Damn thats just bs and lack of imagination/creativity.
I feel that natural selection 2(if there will be any) will be kinda like doom3, the hallway, dark, scary, ono stuff like that, but with great mp and great graphics. NS team please announce natural selection 2, I really think they will, it's just matter of time.
I understand Doom 3 is the underdog right now and some people want to help it out by saying that it's better then HL2 and such, but all that does is anger people and they end up not buying the game at all.

I agree that the D3 engine has a superior lighting system, but a lot of other features are sarificed in return. Also a limited MP, and a dubious SP mode don't make it sound particularly appealing.
Originally posted by subs
no i like doom3, until people like brass come here trolling about it.

IM defnitly gonna PLAY doom3 when it comes out. *buy it? im not sure lol.

I used to like hl2 before as well, before hl2 fanboys came in pimpin hl2 and attacking doom 3. WTF is your point?

I thought people would be excited about doom 3, its engine is gonna last a really long time, and think about it, valve put all that work into source and it will probably only last, at most, a year from its release
Originally posted by Reaper978
I used to like hl2 before as well, before hl2 fanboys came in pimpin hl2 and attacking doom 3. WTF is your point?

Pimping HL2 on the HL2 forums? OMG
Originally posted by Reaper978
yes on these forums, as well as a whole shit load of others.

Well, I'm not surprised then. Those people must have ended up looking just as dumb as Brassmonkey did here. It's like going to a Boston Celtics game and screaming "NY Knicks Rule!!!".
nah, I came here cause I want to hear more about hl2, not how much doom 3 sucks, your analogy=dumb.

Also, no, they dont look dumb, because there are plenty of other fanboys backing them up.
well brass started it so DONT blame us. He is a doom3 fanboy. And no im not a hl2 fanboy jeesus.
You boys, Abom|nation is going to come in any minute now. And when he's here, he's going to spank your botties till your cheeks turn red as wine, y'all understand?
The Doom 3 engine's somewhat realistic lighting, bump/normal (and specular?) mapping, and whatever else it has could produce some great visuals... but so far everything I have seen from Doom3 looks blocky and like it is made out of plastic (this usually has to do with bad specular maps, but it could be a side-effect of the lighting engine). Also, for a game that is based around lighting the bump/normal (which is it in doom3?) maps seem too pixelated. I hope those are all old pictures... but that would mean I haven't seen any recent pictures yet.

Valve is supposed to be in the process of creating content and ironing out bugs from what I can gather... which would explain the placeholder art and possibly the lack of more bump/specular maps than are present in the e3 videos (there is obviously a good chunk of content that wasn't done for the videos).
I have also heard that the flexibility of the Source engine would allow them to implement some more visual features post-release to help the game keep up with advances in video hardware... though I don't remember exactly where I heard it, so I e-mailed Gabe about that yesterday... no response yet. If that is true they might be able to implement per-pixel lighting (at least as an option) rather than vertex lighting (to bring it up to speed with Doom3) some time after release (what happens if they can do that before Doom3 ships?).

You think Source will last one year? I would be willing to bet that HL2/Source lasts almost as long as (or longer than) Half-Life did (it is still going)... or even longer if it turns out that the engine is easily updated (without losing compatibility with older mods)... but it might not.
Basically, what I'm saying is that we can't really say anything, yet.

The only thing I know is that I'll definately try both and I hope that both are great games.
I mean to say that the tech of the engine wont last longer than that, if you saw graphics in 2003 that looked like hl you wouldnt give it a second thought. The only think keepin hl goin is the multiplayer
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I understand Doom 3 is the underdog right now and some people want to help it out by saying that it's better then HL2 and such, but all that does is anger people and they end up not buying the game at all.

LOLOL Absolutly right, after hearing what brassmonkey said, i plan to not buying doom3 just to spoil it.

Originally posted by Reaper978
...people would be excited about doom 3, its engine is gonna last a really long time...

the engine could last, but doom3 won't last too long, at least not as long as hl1 for 5 years, cuz its mp sucks which is not an argument to piss u off, but it's a fact that its mp sucks.
IF valve does the same to hl2 and the hl community, hl2 will last for another 5 years or longer until hl3 comes out then u will to able to tell ur son that u had been flamed for pissing hl2 off.
Originally posted by Reaper978
I used to like hl2 before as well, before hl2 fanboys came in pimpin hl2 and attacking doom 3. WTF is your point?

I thought people would be excited about doom 3, its engine is gonna last a really long time, and think about it, valve put all that work into source and it will probably only last, at most, a year from its release

The doom3 hardly looks any better than HL2. Your statements hold no water , I dont feel the need to argue. You can join brassmonkey in his club :)
"You can join brassmonkey in his club :)"

I shall, probably one of the few people on this forum that has mapped before.
Originally posted by Brassmonkey
Isolation is an important element of this particualr story =\

The game is about realism and consistancy. So sayeth carmack.

Your on a base dedicated to scientific research, one would expect alot of computer terminals and small hallways.

With that said, you will spend time in various martian bases, both small and large, you will spend time on the martian surface, out in the atmosphere, and you will spend time in hell.

Sounds good, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy..as well as a copy of hl2 and halo for pc..
I could care less what any of these fan boys say.. I have been a Doom fan since back in the day.
I'm pretty excited about Doom3. I doubt it will be a disappointment.
You want to have amazing player interaction and such nonsense that doesnt fit well with a first person shooter? Go play a RPG game or somethign and stop your bitching! This thread should be closed:flame:
Originally posted by Reaper978
I am not having kids :)

Also your opionion does not equal fact.

Is 4 players mp limit a fact or an opinion? since u're doom3 fans, u know it better than me. As u said what keeps hl alive is its mp and its community, what will lack and suck in doom3 is its mp which will result in having a tiny community. Will it last long? Obviously not. If u think there's just my opinion, then it's an opinion that's supported by many facts.

I want to ask u this friendly and curiously, why not having kids? :cheers:
Originally posted by nw909
wtf, why?
That's exactly why^
This has just turned into another typical Doom3 Sucks..Hl2 is better
Truth is nobody cares what you think. If you feel that way good for you!
No need to keep on discussing the same crap. I'd understand if the games were already out and you can prove one is better than the other.. but

Therefore making any actual judgement about gameplay is completely worthless. And by all means stupid, and a waste of time

That my friend, Is why this thread should be closed:flame:
Originally posted by Reaper978
"You can join brassmonkey in his club :)"

I shall, probably one of the few people on this forum that has mapped before.

You realise how easy it is to map? All that it takes to make a complete and good map is time. brassmonkeys club is people I tend to ignore. But you can make it whatever you want.
FAK3R, stfu and get lost, we're having an intense conversation here, if u don't plan to say anything related to the conversation, just go to open ur own thread and tell urself shut there. This thread doesn't belong to u, this thread belong to everyone who enjoy to talk here.
You see Reaper978, what makes you different from Brass is that you actually like HL2 and just have a different opinion regarding Doom 3. But Brass came in here with the sole intention of pimping Doom 3 and flaming anyone who disagrees.
Why do we have halflife2 forum before hl2 is released, cuz everyone here like to express their anticipation for hl2. IT'S ANTICIPATION, it's the projection of what we had know about hl, hl community, mods, media, etc. It's preview, not review. FAK3R why don't u keep ur mouth shut until hl2 release then come back and talk.
How about we agree that both games Doom 3 and HL2 have the same penis lenght? Thank you.
gamevoodoo just wants the thread to keep goin so he can pimp hl2 and show how much doom 3 sucks. Joy!

FACT: None of the "vs" threads here were started by HL2 pimps.

So that's not quite true Reaper978.
Originally posted by Yatta
How about we agree that both games Doom 3 and HL2 have the same penis lenght? Thank you.

Let's say hl2 is the penis, doom3 is the vagina, we need both of them to make a healthy and happy kids. I have absolutly no problem in saying that, but brassmonkey start pimping doom3 and spoiling hl2, that's a bad thing.
Originally posted by Reaper978
true, but the hl2 pimps come in and trash it.

Thats because the original troll must recieve retribution for what he had done. Actually I'd prefer these types of threads to be closed right away since it just ends up in a flame war EVERY TIME. Not too surprising IMO
it's normal to pimp hl2 in hl2 forum, u can pimp doom3 as well, but spoiling hl2 is a bad thing
People spoiled hl2 for me by saying doom 3 sucks and hl2 rules over everything.
should doom3 be spoiled for me by you and monkey? Ill still play it. It still looks good , but it doesnt look better necessarily than HL2
Originally posted by Reaper978
People spoiled hl2 for me by saying doom 3 sucks and hl2 rules over everything.

And the million dollar question is: How will HL2 fans react if someone tells them HL2 sucks and Doom 3 is better?

a) Say that Doom 3 sucks
b) Agree that HL2 sucks

Hmmmm, let me guess.