Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Halo 2 - A discussion

Originally posted by Reaper978
ahh yes, the 4 player dm limit argument, the hl2 fanboys biggest complaint against doom 3. FInd something better, than come back.

Find something better?? u must not knowing what's gameplay all about, mp is what builds the community, if doom3 support up to 32 players, i will surely buy it as well. 4 player only(lol) why not just play n64 007 with my cousins at home?!! Go to doomplanet, they are holding a poll right now on mp player number, see how many people who care about the mp player limit. If u can only talk with ur tiny opinion u'd better shut
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
Find something better?? u must not knowing what's gameplay all about, mp is what builds the community, if doom3 support up to 32 players, i will surely buy it as well. 4 player only(lol) why not just play n64 007 with my cousins at home?!! Go to doomplanet, they are holding a poll right now on mp player number, see how many people who care about the mp player limit. If u can only talk with ur tiny opinion u'd better shut

Forget multiplayer. Carmack shouldn't waste his time and at least make a good SP game.
if doom3 has so much better graphics than hl2 which u keep on talking about, why hl2 was the most impressive game in e3 and blow away doom3?

hl2 got that award because the presentation was more impressive than that of Doom3. They showed 22mins of actual gameplay, while Doom3 only had a 5 or 6 min trailer there. Also, it was the first showing of anything hl2 really, and noone reall yknew what to expect. All the funky fysics took everyone by surprise. It was very impressive indeed. hl2 deserved that award.

Doom3 won it the year before when it was really shown for the first time and blew everyone away.
no shit, they could have just left it out entirely. But they kept it in, and then everybody says that it blows, you would rather have no mp at all and slow the mod community down?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Forget multiplayer. Carmack shouldn't waste his time and at least make a good SP game.

unforunatly, carmack stated his game will be short and simple. Remember when he said "quick weekend finish game" about doomIII? Sad isn't it.....

ANd the change of POV during those cutscenes sucks.
Originally posted by Brassmonkey
hl2 got that award because the presentation was more impressive than that of Doom3. They showed 22mins of actual gameplay, while Doom3 only had a 5 or 6 min trailer there. Also, it was the first showing of anything hl2 really, and noone reall yknew what to expect. All the funky fysics took everyone by surprise. It was very impressive indeed. hl2 deserved that award.

Doom3 won it the year before when it was really shown for the first time and blew everyone away.

2:53 minutes. No need to exaggerate sir. :)
Originally posted by subs
unforunatly, carmack stated his game will be short and simple. Remember when he said "quick weekend finish game" about doomIII? Sad isn't it.....

ANd the change of POV during those cutscenes sucks.

When did he say this? Also I doubt there will be an overwhelming amount of cutscenes as its meant to scare the shit outta you and you cant be scared when you are outside of your body. But ya, I kinda hope they drop cutscenes as well, ruins the immersion.
Originally posted by subs
unforunatly, carmack stated his game will be short and simple. Remember when he said "quick weekend finish game" about doomIII? Sad isn't it.....

No, it's typical iD. They did the same with Quake 3 and Quake 2 and Quake 1 and Doom 2 and Doom 1.
he said an expert can beat this game over the weekend, i remember this from an interview. ANd is this game supposed to be scary? cause those spider-head things make me laugh. The headcrabs were scarrier from hl1.
Sure its low for MP, and if you are more into large teams then you prolly wont enjoy it. I wish it was higher myself. But that doesnt mean it wont be fun.

Im really looking forward to the MP infact. I always liked dueling more than large team games, and doom3 sounds perfect for that. We really don tknow anything about the gameplay in MP though. Tomarrow we will have plenty of info on Doom3 MP.

People look at a game for what it is though. Doom3 was made for a single player experience, and because of current issues with the engine it wont support large team MP games. But it wasnt made ofr that. Complaining about lack of large scale MP in Doom3 is almost as stupid as complaining about lack of a deep story line in Q3.

As a side note, the isues with the engine wont hinder large scale MP games for long. iD already announced that nerve is lined up to make a MMORPG with the doom3 engine.
Originally posted by subs
he said an expert can beat this game over the weekend, i remember this from an interview. ANd is this game supposed to be scary? cause those spider-head things make me laugh. The headcrabs were scarrier from hl1.

crawling thru vents scared me :( I sux.
Originally posted by subs
he said an expert can beat this game over the weekend, i remember this from an interview. ANd is this game supposed to be scary? cause those spider-head things make me laugh. The headcrabs were scarrier from hl1.

hah, it makes you laugh? Cause those starship trooper ant-lions really look so original and so much better.

BTW anyone can beat hl1 over the weekend, not hard at all, it just didnt keep my attention long enough to finish it.
no vents in hl1 scared me too :)

Im just saying for a game thats supposed to bes uber scary doomIII alpha and recent screens dont prove so.
His words were that an experienced player could beat it withing a weekend if he tried to. Other iD emplayees gave more spacific answers with 35hours if played at a normal pace.
the antlions aren't supposed to be scary tho. I can careless that they are from star-ship troopers killin them in drove should be fun.
I refuse to read beyond the first post. :|

Halo 2. Sequel to one of the worst FPS ever. heh.
I dont like halo very much, the squad combat was cool, to bad every marine was useless, and the aliens are friggen gay (grunts are the worst)
Example of low-poly doom3 models. (Courtesy someone else in this thread)

They rely on their shading to make the models look good. And it works. Except at the edges.
see splinter cell was great first with advertising everywhere, the gameplay and graphics was wonderful at its time, but this game will be forgetten soon, cuz it has no mp. if game with mp that sucks, the community will be small and the game will be forgotten by the majority of players out there no matter how brilliant the gameplay, graphics and othe stuff are, see example of red faction. Hl1, engine 5 years old, still the most popular online game out there, it sucks in every aspect of the game relative to today's games, but it has a huge community which save the game's ass. If there's no hl2, hl1 will keep on lasting.
we've already discussed the weird/bland looking doom3 engine now were talkin about gameplay dude.

Just wanted to ask, will doom3 have NPC's or soldiers helping you? or will it be a lone soldier saving the earth by himself again shooting ANYTHING he freaking sees?
Originally posted by subs
we've already discussed the weird/bland looking doom3 engine now were talkin about gameplay dude.

Gameplay discussion is purely hypothetical since the games aren't out.
Originally posted by subs
we've already discussed the weird/bland looking doom3 engine now were talkin about gameplay dude.

Standard FPS. Nothing innovative here.
thats a freakin old ass screenie anyway, open up an alpha model in a 3d modeler, its got a pretty big amount of polys.
That sucky imp model from the alpha is the cause of so much Doom3 bashing =\

Ive looked at that lowpoly model a 3d program and its not as lowpoly as that pic portrays.
Originally posted by Ahnteis
Gameplay discussion is purely hypothetical since the games aren't out.

most topic's here in this forum are based on hypthetical stuff,.....
Are there any NPC's in doom3 is the question tho..
imp=1346 polys
hellknight=2742 polys
pinky=1742 polys

these are taken from the alpha's models
Originally posted by Reaper978
imp=1346 polys

Doesn't really matter. It still looks bad. (BTW, this is not so much an engine issue as bad art direction).
Just wanted to ask, will doom3 have NPC's or soldiers helping you?

Its obvious your asking because you expect the answer to be no. But the game makers have said there will be NPC interaction from time to time, but you wont have groupies following you around and killing demons for you. The story is about a marine fighting a nation of demonic invaders, and so you will be alone most of the time.

One employee described the first moments of the game, when you first arrive at the base. You can walk around and interact with the people stationed there, the scientists and what not.

It wont be like in doom where you were just put in a map full of monsters just to kill the monsters. You will have certaint objectives transmitted to you by your supiriors through a PDA system.
that imp picture is just plain bad tho, nobody can disagree there, the imp is really awsome lookin in game tho
Originally posted by Reaper978
imp=1346 polys
hellknight=2742 polys
pinky=1742 polys

these are taken from the alpha's models

I don't know what the models are from the name, I don't plan on buying doom3, never read the story, heh.
yah talk about bad art dirrection. Using something other than brow/grey wouldn't hurt i sweer. Halflife1 had more then 2 freaking colors and was scary. Same for systemshock 1/2. And avp 1/2
Originally posted by nw909
I don't know what the models are from the name, I don't plan on buying doom3, never read the story, heh.

it has a story?
shouldnt we save this thread for when all 3 games are actually out?
its nature. People always compare stuff MORE before they are out. Can't stop it, wont ever stop it.
Oh yes, and then there is the "no story" argument, this story is being made by a professional horror writer, therefor it will suck. :rolleyes:
Im through here for now, gonna go play some doom3 while i wait on this hl2 vid to d/l.

sub, i answered your question about NPCs on the previous page incase you missed it.
Cool ID replaced Npc's and dynamic interaction with a....a... PDA LOOOOOOOOL>

And does the whole game take place in piped up hallways with useless computer terminals or do we get to go to hell.