HALF LIFE 2 FULL DEMO video from both BOOTHS

exactly 4hours left.
I got school soon anyway so it'll be done when I come home.
Man, I'm gonna have a drivin lesson and I haven't slept.. *gets some coffee*
omg i am a noob

how does bit torrent work!

i click on it and it just stops and puts this 1 kb file in my folder! what do i do

the buggy has no hood... this means that the old "leaked" material was indeed what they had at the time.

Not necessarily. I mean, first of all, the buggy could be modified throughout the game, as apparently some weapons and objects are. Second of all, who knows when they changed the buggy.

The only thing I don't like about the new buggy is that it lacks that neato wire running down the left side that's duct taped to one of the struts: gave it a real DIY feel.
Sweet, it's done, IM me to get it if you want it at 45 with no wait
I watched the video and I thought it was good, but did anyone else think that the graphics look like they went down compared to last years videos?
alright, so what are you guys gonna do with the
spacker: you need bittorent client..that little file just contains information about where to download the whole thing from using your BT client
Omg im also a noob

I downloaded the file

and i have abc bitorrent and it says that it is an invalid file
That ActiveX fileplanet thing ALWAYS produces invalid files for me, I don't use it anymore. Beware, anyone who hasn't used it before.
That's exactly what it is, Slik, an invalid file, because GameSpy/FilePlanet had them take it down. Actually the file is still there, but it doesn't contain anything anymore, so you can't get the BitTorrent link from Filerush anymore. I don't know where you CAN get it and I don't think the moderators would allow me telling you if I did.
Man, I'll ask for the 3rd time. ;)

Anyone know what seeds are?
And is it bad if I have 0 seeds?
Reason I'm askin' cause I dont want my DL to get corrupted!
seeds are people that finished downloading the video (100%) done and are uploading it to the people
seed is the file that's 100% complete, without it you'll never finish your download :)
My (probably noobish) understanding of BitTorrent...
Seeds are primary distributers that posses the entire file or start the sharing process (or something)
I don't think it's bad not to have any seeds (edit: except as gulo said you can't get the entire file until a connection to one is established), the only seed that existed was the filerush seed and that is down now, so I don't think anyone will have any.
quote from the guy from gamespy when he saw the presentation:"half life 2 in ten words:i think i'll need a new pair of pants"
SpaceRain said:
That's exactly what it is, Slik, an invalid file, because GameSpy/FilePlanet had them take it down. Actually the file is still there, but it doesn't contain anything anymore, so you can't get the BitTorrent link from Filerush anymore. I don't know where you CAN get it and I don't think the moderators would allow me telling you if I did.

For real? I already got it from FP, but that sucks if it's true. Hope it doesn't have anything to do with whoever torrented it (not that that even makes any sense) -- a FP rep PMed me on IRC and asked me not to torrent it, and I agreed not to. Seemed like a nice guy
Then I hope I get a seed soon.. :(


  • namnlös.JPG
    35.5 KB · Views: 455
filerush is still uploading it they just took out the file from the site
Strange: I got the torrent from filerush, and I'm going strong with les than 3 hours left. Must be all the seeders who got to the link before they took it away.
Apollo 13 said:
I watched the video and I thought it was good, but did anyone else think that the graphics look like they went down compared to last years videos?

Im currently banging my head on my desk due to your

1. Outrageous stupidity
2. Ultra-willingness to jump right up on that bandwagon.

PS- Why cant anyone torrent it? What the hell am I giving them by wiating in line for 3 ****ing hours? Nothing , Im certainly not buying a subscription if they are going to muscle everyone around.
So it's possible that there are some full seeds out there for the filerush torrent? Or is it just a lost cause?
I hope all you other Torrent users aren't being stingy on the uploading... :P
My share rating is up to 5 now :(
fileplanet should be executed with virtual bullets...anywho, 37/935 in line and i only have 6 minutes left! yeah!

edit: ahh downloading at a steady 40 kb/sec 4 and a half hours left
70% complete! 8min to go!
So this video got both the VU and ATI presentation in High Res? That's awesome! I just saw the ATI demo from the bad quality .avi, and still it looked great. Can't wait to see this in HighResolution!
wait, so exactly how many peoplpe have seen it?
SE7ENJudging from my peers list, the most anyone has of the file now is 40% that might be why you have stopped downloading.
YOU don't need to see the seeds, they just have to be out there where SOMEONE can see them.
(To understand, imagine source A has 50% of the file and source B has the OTHER 50%. 0 seeds, but the whole file is there.)
Can somone give me link to the torrent? I finished downloading the file at fileplanet and I want to see if I can help seed.
Also why don't you guys use the Azureus client? Its a lot faster then the other ones. I have most of the clients and I use Azureus to get all my files (always max out my speeds) and I use abc to seed my files.
I'm finally watching it right now. I had to wait about an hour in FP lines and approximatly 30min to download.
Unfortunately, my torrent tracker says that there is only .4 distributed copies, meaning that there's only about 40% of the total file even distributed out along the network. :(
I don't use Azureus because it's a memory hog and programmed in java. I prefer ABC because it has a smaller footprint and offers all the advanced capability I need...