HALF LIFE 2 FULL DEMO video from both BOOTHS

AJM2K3 said:
SE7ENJudging from my peers list, the most anyone has of the file now is 40% that might be why you have stopped downloading.

ah... thanks for the info, but... could it be receeded?
Can somone give me link to the torrent? I finished downloading the file at fileplanet and I want to see if I can help seed.

Wouldn't work. To seed, you'd need access to the original link, encoded into a torrent file in the correct way. Not going to happen. Uploading your file to a place like ************* and starting your own new seed is the only way to make it happen, but FP will almost certainly frown on that.

I'm a GS founder's club subscriber and downloaded the zip file but I keep getting CRC errors! Blasted computer! (don't worry, I'm getting an A64 when HL2 comes out :p )

Anyway, what I'm wondering is, is there a different direct-feed video capture somewhere on the net? I don't care if it's zipped, as long as as it's not .mov (since .mov doesn't play if there are CRC errors). Bink video would be preferable!

Seriously, someone convert the video!!! :p

*crys* :laugh:
A fancy little kick in the teeth: file planet..at 12 minutes until dl.. clicked on a supposed 'torrent link' and pop-up adware flood required me to end explorer;; which in turn exited my spot in line... 140 minutes to go....nvm goodnight.
Holy Flerking Snit - Just watched the 664mb movie... my mouth was literally watering. These are BETTER than last year's... Unbelievable. I'm not even going to comment on them, because the whole movie is one big spoiler.
Just... wow. /me wipes drool off chin.
Damn you!

Convert the video and host it for me please, ! :laugh: :laugh:

Edit: No thanks, I already have my supply! :D
i hope its available on fileshack...im still waiting for the fruckin cs videos that were supposedly going to be "uploaded later tonight" well its 12:45 am....wheres the effin videos?
RE: iamelephant.
That info is right on fileplanet.

That is also the name of the torrent version BTW which means that once you DL the fileplanet one, you COULD seed the torrent stream by pointing to the fileplanet version.
me gives up on Torrent, no seeds and I'm down to 26 minutes in FP queue, even if there was a seed, It would still take me 9 hours through torrent at this rate
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when he plows the combine soldier through the wodden fence with the buggy. Anyone else think the screaming from the burning zombies is irritating and doesn't make much sense?



ive never seen this kind of thing in a game.

....the scripted sequence with EIL is priceless. pure gold.
gesto21 said:
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when he plows the combine soldier through the wodden fence with the buggy. Anyone else think the screaming from the burning zombies is irritating and doesn't make much sense?

Right, because, being on fire wouldn't be painful... :|
I'm pretty sure most people loved that zombie screaming sound, it sounded so authentic
Well I watched the video from fileplanet, it is gonna be the best game yet of course. For those of you who have seen it, which part is the ati booth and which is the vivendi? It seemed like one long 25 minute booth video to me.

There were a few scenes that weren't in shaky cam, but I thought there was gonna be another video...I guess not, ah well it's plenty to hold me over till it comes out.

Today was a good day :)
JLowry said:
Well I watched the video from fileplanet, it is gonna be the best game yet of course. For those of you who have seen it, which part is the ati booth and which is the vivendi? It seemed like one long 25 minute booth video to me.

There were a few scenes that weren't in shaky cam, but I thought there was gonna be another video...I guess not, ah well it's plenty to hold me over till it comes out.

Today was a good day :)

Apparently, whatever booth this was was a double showing
The first half would be the equivalent to the VU booth,
second half would be the ATI booth. But, like I said, it was one booth for whatever reason
gesto21 said:
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when he plows the combine soldier through the wodden fence with the buggy. Anyone else think the screaming from the burning zombies is irritating and doesn't make much sense?

Yes, the screaming they make when they're on fire is quite annoying but why wouldn't it make sense? Headcrab or not, burning alive has got to be pretty damn painful.
question, is the 644 MB FP video shaky cam or like the 700 MB video they released last year?
AJM2K3 said:
question, is the 644 MB FP video shaky cam or like the 700 MB video they released last year?
Like the one they released last year. It's very well done.
@AJM its like last years high res vid.. no shaky

just watched it
even more impressed
loved the part with father gregori
and the buggy/hover thing was wicked

there's nothing more to say.. this game will be the greatest of all time
No, I have 664mb video...I was just expecting like 2 seperate videos.
I wanna know where that Sergio guy went. He said HL2 was going to look below average and that E3 would prove him right, and that if he was wrong he'd start a thread for us to flame him. I don't wanna flame i just wanna see if that guy has seen these video's.
Shuzer said:
Apparently, whatever booth this was was a double showing
The first half would be the equivalent to the VU booth,
second half would be the ATI booth. But, like I said, it was one booth for whatever reason

I thought it was from the two seperate booths and just edited by gamespy into one single movie?
gesto21 said:
. Anyone else think the screaming from the burning zombies is irritating and doesn't make much sense?

Well, I have a theory. The screaming is the actual person under the headcrab. The person is still alive just slowly transforming into an alien zombie by the headcrab but still very much alive and can still feel the pain you inflict on his/her body. The other weird sounds is the headcrab.
I think the screaming is the single most memorable thing from those presentations. They are the proof that Half-Life 2's sounds will be as great as the rest of the game. They made me feel bad for the zombies, and for a sound to do that, It's accomplishing a lot.
Pretty sure I heard it was a private showing just for the press before it hit the main floor. Looks freakin' spiffy for sure.
Spiffae said:
I think the screaming is the single most memorable thing from those presentations. They are the proof that Half-Life 2's sounds will be as great as the rest of the game. They made me feel bad for the zombies, and for a sound to do that, It's accomplishing a lot.

I agree completely.. the second one almost sounds as if it says "oh god no, no! NO!" I felt pretty bad for them
Woot, just got home from lacrosse game... Fileplanet subscribing.. paid off woot!!

Cant wait to see whats up at the VU booth.. HI RES TOO!!

ps- i agree with the screaming, when those zombies are on fire.. i felt sorry for him when i heard him screaming in pain... yet the onlookers of the shaky cam are laughing... ;(
Shuzer said:
I agree completely.. the second one almost sounds as if it says "oh god no, no! NO!" I felt pretty bad for them

Uh, same thing, I felt terrible for a Zombie! That scream is so real... filled with pain :/
The screaming is one of the creepiest things in the game: really makes you realize that there is a real person under that headcrab that's still sort of half alive. It's kind of horrifying to even think about.
I agree, the screaming was truly creepy stuff. I don't think I've ever heard one quite like that in a game. Like Apos said, it actually made me think for a second that there could be someone still alive underneath the headcrab. It's very interesting, and adds a nice new dynamic to the game.
a seed is a person who has the complete file and they're just uploading.
well thats just great, I leave the torrent running overnight, i get back and it stopped running at 89% ... just perfect :O
damn damn damn the torrent it runs like shit! why can't any gaming site upload the video so we can all be in peace!!!!

Great, the torrent doesn't work anymore. Gragh!! Just as I wake up! I don't want to wait 120 minutes in a queue...