Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

[voice=arnold] I have terminated the install of 1.Xheavy! [/voice=arnold]

Hey, I just notice the water effects in the installer. Nice touch.
Darkn3ss: the tgm one you see it's the bugged one for the magazine,better if you don't play that yet... >_>
i'm so exided, and i just cant hide it. i'm about to lose controle and i think i like it!
and what does anabolyzed mean?
anabolyzed means you take drugs to develop super muscles

henkjan: I've found something for you to do,so you can be in Substance credits! At present time,on the 1X WIP page there is the bugged 1X with all the new stages and weapons. I need screenshots to put them on filefront when the page is done: I can't do it myself because I have a very old gfx card. 1024 resolution is enough. Try capturing some good moments,with new enemies and new weapons: the screenshots are used by players to see what's different/new in the game. Use the God Mode and Give Everything buttons to fly through the levels,if you can use the console also use "cl_drawhud 0" to remove the hud and "ai_disable" to freeze the action and take screenshots with calm. Have fun! :D
like i have a good card.... i've got an GeForce FX 5200... 128 mb, and i dont even have the 1.X bugged heavy version..
i can do it tomorow i guess, but i wont know i can make it look good...
but i'll try to make some nice screenshots.
i g2g to bed now, so i will tomorow
6800gt and taken on an older version of substance with medium settings,2xAA,4xAF,1024x768..damnit how do I lower the filesize of an image(jpeg)?

for the HEV forms I think the HUD should be left in the screenshot,to show in the "AUX energy" bar which form and the different color associated with it..

but for enemy and weapon shots,yeah kill the HUD..
Im dyin to know an release date :D, (Back on-topic) Like the new look for Substance.. Cant wait to play it to me the HEV forms are confusing but i will grasp the hang of it... plus from what i heard most of the beta weapons have been imported into this mod.. so this is a mod worth waiting for :)
THC138: if you save them at 1024 resolution,the size should be acceptable,otherwise change the "jpeg_quality 90" (default) command. I guess that lowering it just a little below 90 will make the pics ligther

Sufferin-rebel: I've got reply from my coder. He's very busy with real life work. He told me a release day,though: tomorrow.

how the hell the temporary 1.X light/tgm sucked 8 gigs or bandwith,that's the download being done 100 times! I gotta take it down,but: I found a webservice that leaves you send mails up to 100 megs. I'll use it to send materials to my collaborators.
Tomorrow?!? W00t, Anyway Good luck with this Mod Xdisep.. Cant wait to play this thang :)
ok i'm back, i will make some screenshots after diner.
what button do i make screenshots with?
i tought it was the print screen button. but when i open jasc paint shop pro 9 it wont show the screenshot
EDIT: i dont realy care about getting in to the credits...
and i can only download for 250 mb per month... and i dont wanna waste on the heavy 1.X with one bug
by default it's F5 but you can customize it in the Options -> Keyboard menu. The shots go all in the \sourcemods\hl2substance\screenshots folder. Cya!
henkjan: didn't you download the 1.X TGM yesterday? I'd mail the file to you

...but I lost your address. Anyway the important is taking shots of the new weapons with some good battle in the background,you can do that with the 1.X Light + the 084 savegames too
cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. so with about to be released you mean like today? is the bug fixed?
i'm all shaking, when i downloaded it, i will make some great screenshots for ya.
i might have something for you to do (if u still want to do anything after 1.X)
when you will find a weapon, that's dropped there by a combine or whatever. it still looks like the weapon in half life 2 normal... and when u pick it up, it looks diffrent then from what it looked from the ground, is this changeable?
OMG TODAY!!! it will be released.. Get the HL2.NET people to put this on the front page and remember to ask Fileplanet to host it as well :)
i cant wait till Xdiesp will post the site where i can downlload 1.X
everybody stay calm! If you expect too much,you never get enough so stay calm :p
i just know it will be good....
and i just wanna download it today!!!
yo xdiesp, while I was in vr training mode, my guns had a bright red light. What does that do?
i cant stop looking on this site for the latest patch
does it take this long to get it uploaded to a site? :p
my friend of HL2 files is not there and they're making me wait 7 hrs!!!!!!!!!!
argggggggggggggggg, good for me cause it will be here tomorow...
i live in holland and it's 21:29 here now.... so over 7 hours i will be sleeping, and when i wake up, i will be happy
i tought u said they made u take 7 hours... ?
EDIT: weird, it takes me to some search page...
it wont download
that totaly freaks me out, i hope it works tomorow
EDIT2: it works now, hurray!
xdiesp.. U r my Modding hero :p, (Until black mesa source comes out anyway :LOL: ) The Weapons r bitching.. and plus I like the way this is ACTION-PACKED as soon as this is downloaded and installed.. and i got my Cup of Cola.. It is time to get busy tonight :D :bounce:
time to get some sleep for me,please report bugs here!
the Substance newsletter has been found,now it's time to update and redesign my ugly website.
i cant download it :(
arent there any other places to download it from?

EDIT: its working now, it was just the european download site that didnt work for me. anyone else have that problem?
okey, bugs: why can u pick the hev forms when u dont have your suit yet?
and why cant you see a beam when a new enemie shoots... like i dont know it's name
but in half life 1 it had some kind of blue beam around it.... like a nova
and when you are in full ammo, and u press the reload button it will reload but you have everything full....
do you mean a muzzel flash?like the light that comes out the end of a gun?
and another bug... and this one isent verry funny...
when u are in the hev form where u can jump verry high and run very quick.
when you go in bullettime it wont jump that high anymore.. it will just jump normal.
and when u go back out of bullettime it will stay like that...
and you dont need any weapons to go in a hev form?
and when your are in the f3 mode solid snake i guess and u pick your weapon it will bee inviceble... you can only see it when you press q twice.. and i guess there are more bugs but i g2g now
we have a channel now:
IRC #Substance irc.GameSurge.net 6667
> and when you are in full ammo, and u press the reload button
> it will reload but you have everything full....

I think you're describing the unlimited ammo of some weapons: they are Snake's pistol & crossbow,Liquid's M4A1 & M3,BigBoss' colflaregun & snipergun & grenade

> and why cant you see a beam when a new enemie shoots... like
> i dont know it's name but in half life 1 it had some kind of > blue beam around it....

the training map is so dark you can't mostly see the explosions and muzzleflashes in certain areas,if you mean that. If you're talking about the "dynamic lightning" for weapons,when shooting enlighten the enviroments,that is disabled in HL2: we reintroduced it in HL2S,but it didn't work everywhere or really slowed down the game (the reason why it was taken out in the first place)

> okey, bugs: why can u pick the hev forms when u dont have
> your suit yet?
> and you dont need any weapons to go in a hev form?

yes,you don't need anything to go into a form.

> when u are in the hev form where u can jump verry high and run very
> quick. when you go in bullettime it wont jump that high anymore..
> it will just jump normal.

you mean that Solid Snake after bullet time doesn't jump high or that during bullet time he doesn't? The second is totally probable,the physics change during BT. The first if true should be corrected.

> and you dont need any weapons to go in a hev form?
> and when your are in the f3 mode solid snake i guess and u pick your
> weapon it will bee inviceble... you can only see it when you press q twice..

could you explain this better,I'm not getting what you're saying... "Q" is "Last weapon used": you're saying that when you go in Stealth Camouflage the weapon automatically switches to the knife? It's wanted...
anyway,as I mentioned previously,your first time with the forms is always a bit confusing because you don't know them. Now that you get in touch with their features,the situation won't seem so chaotic as now,with all these false bug reports

I fixed the stealth bug. If you downloaded the 1.X yesterday,take the fix from my site downloads section. The version now being uploaded to HL2files is bug-free

umm this may have been explained but i don't know where so what is the vanilla campaign and the substance campain. What are they ane what is the difference.
David: vanilla = normal HL2 ; substance = higher difficulty

the Snake Stealth bug is gone but a more frightnening one has been found: the snipergun zoom training bug. Pratically,zooming with the snipergun in the damn training map causes a crash. Theoretically,the snipergun zoom is so far it cuts trough the training map fog start parameter,causing a massive loading of resources too quickly,causing a crash. I've called Jerry for help,this time we need him and the only cure is to shorten the snipergun zoom range to the crossbow one (can't even remember why it is so long)