Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

yea, and you should have ur own board xdiesp :p this mod is so fun, but the graphics really drain my comp, Cant wait for my b-day when i get my new graphics card.. :D
Oh man, congratulations. I seriously love this mod. It's very obvious you've poured huge amounts of time and effort into it, and we're all thankful.

Oh, and you should also release 1.2 as a new install (rather than a patch) for those who don't have substance or are afraid they missed a few patches.
the HL2:Substance mod is remaking the pre-delay extended introduction of HL2,featuring the G-Man explaining the arrival of the combines and the annihilation of humanity to Gordon in an all-new dialogue. We need an english mother language speaker,able to read his script and act as much as possible as the original "alien" G-man voice. Please post here of contact me at [email protected] if you're interested. Thank you! :)
JNightshade said:
what do you mean by "alien"?

He means for example..

"Mr free..man I would like to say that this ti..me you have done so we..ll in this tim..e.. span I feel like, We should be doing.. other.. things like.. Well Im not really at liberty to say"
JNightshade: the 1.2 Final will probably be released in both patch and full install format,yes

Flyingdebris: I just sent you the mail I'm sending to everybody that's asking me to try the Gman role

by "Gman's alien voice" I meant that strange tone he has,either robotic or alien... Oh my,when all of this started on the 3rd of december,I seriously wouldn't have believed that on the 14th of june I'd be here auditioning the new Gman voice performers :D
i just sent in my gman audition. the right man with the wrong voice can make all the difference in the world
I got another idea. How about a good ol' fationed double barrled shotgun? I dunno I just think every game should have one. Maybe we can give it to Gordon.
Sufferin-rebel: only if Flyingdebris agrees,I don't want to cause any potential poking/fights between players...

the hotdog man: it's an old topic...simply,we don't have any working model of double barreled shotgun so far. Anyway,Gordon's new shotgun should be beefier enough

as the ones among you who frequent our IRC channel know,I am knee-deep in exams until the 7th of july. Jerry too is pretty busy lately,so the 1.2 will have to wait a bit. Anyhow,we already survived large delays in the past,this is always for a good cause
by all means post the gman voice i did. i make enough of a fool of myself dressing up as a civil protection at conventions where a dumb imitaion is just a drop in the bucket.
So long as the jackhammer's still there i'm happy. Also, maybe it's just me but there seems to be very little eagle ammo, I found myself not useing it that much becaues I only had one clip in spare. Perhaps upping the ammo count or even better instituting that carrying over system that you'd been throwing around. Good luck on your exams by the way, I got mine to worry about as well.
the hotdog man: indeed the porting system will be an advantage for some weapons ammo (smg1 and shotgun) and very problematic for others (eagle and crossbow). I'm confident to be able and replay the whole game,prior to 1.2 release,to rebalance the ammo availability in the levels
here's an idea: how about making a cheat mode that would give all the weapons infinite ammo? Or maybe a special "cheat" suit... would that be possible?
You know i've been throwing around this crazy idea for a while. I've been looking at teh vehicals a lot these days and i've noticed how bad they are at traction and handeling, etc. What i'm getting at is how about as you're in different forms the vehicals you use also have different abilities and stats. For example as gordon you've got homing weapons and average driving stats. As Liquid you've got a longer turbo boost and your weapons are more brute force and non homing. As Snake your vehicals are quick and stealthy but the weapons aren't too much to look at. As bigboss your vehicals are slow but you've got very heavy machinery maybe even some rail gun or something. Dunno just been throwing it around for a while, don't even think it's possible.
you know, it would be badass if you borrowed some of the code from strider mod so as to be able to hijack some of the combine APCs that you sometimes run across (or perhaps add some, like one at the part where you fight that gunship near those busted cars on the coast). Although not as quick as the buggy, it is practically immune to most weapons and can plow through most stuff. Perhaps you could give it a shorter speed boost than the buggy, but be just as fast during the boost so that you could clear some of the jumps without falling to your death.

I'd personally like to play that fight over as a chase sequence that involves plowing through cars
JNightshade: something on the lines of that will be done,if possible,with the Iron Man Form (a cheat available once you finish the game)

the hotdog man: I've already heard this idea,but it's difficult to really experience any change in the driving...

flyingdebris: my plan was to hijack striders,gunships and combine cars that you destroyed with non-explosive weapons (machineguns,shotguns etc). The problem is that the strider mod creator never liked the idea of a collaboration. Last time I heard from him 2 months ago,and he was adamant in his decision. Try contacting him if you want,if he has a forum,I don't like the idea to return begging to him a third time... It would be good finding another coder (Jerry has already too much work) capable to do that. Help me finding one!
Okay, I have absolutely NOOOOOOO idea how you'd do this, but it'd be sweet to have different models for the characters. That includes the arms in first person, and even the third person model. I just think it'd be a nice touch.
JNightshade: *if* the thirdperson model will work,we have absolutely nothing to back this currently. All we could do,right now,would be having hands of a different color

I'm taking in consideration the chance to add a "language option" to the website. I could add italian and french,then I have a friend from spain,one of germany that could help and if I do remember well,we've got some people from holland in here...
fallingdebris: i've actually started working with that last month, but the combine apc didn't work as far as wheels turning, but is the easiest to code hands down. i stopped that project, so i can finish my bots for dm. but i can pull it out again and see if i can finish it. also to say, the strider is hardest of all, and will take quite a bit of time, so he took on a big job with that one. i had'nt thought of trying the gunship, but i'll try that one, also the dropship, but it can be harder i'm sure.
ScriptO: do you think the strider could be made accessible as a vehicle only when dead (and ragdolled)?
when the strider dies its marked as inactive and then switches to ragdoll, so we would have to do it when it's still alive. i've finished the camera's on it so when you try to take it the camera glides up to the pit(like you're flying, don't like it that much) and then you sit up in it, getting the guns to work should be ease like with the cars but movement will be an issue, performance wise this should run very well when i gets it finished, i'm also going to try to get all the sounds it makes to autoplay randomly.
ScriptO: I'm thinking about possible ways to implement the striders' hijacking,you can see I was talking about ragdolling one of them before "using" them because it would be too easy to just steal them every time you wanted... Possible ideas could be:

1) if the strider reaches health 1 (only possible by shooting it with bullets,we could also set that bullets can just harm it but not kill it) then it crouches and you can board it;

2) the hijack happens only if you kill it and you're right below it;

3) only a precise attack with one of the weapons can "steal" a strider;

4) the strider ragdoll is not inactive (?);

5) only a particular HEV Form could hijack striders.
i like the first idea.
it would be cool at the buggy part at the beach. there are 2 striders standing there. hijack 1 of them and go and to the next part and kill then
I like the last idea, adds more incentive to use forms. I also like the third one, seems kinda interesting. Probably a nice aimed rocket hit would knock some sence into it and it'll submit to your command.
1) if you can get the animation of it crouching and getting up, i can make it crouch and freeze at a certain health lift, then set health back up once get in it so it's still destructable.

2) once it dies, all coding except physics are unusable(switches to ragdoll)

3) ?like sticking a slam to it to get in?

4) once a character dies, it ports into an uncontrollable prop;

5) this is a good idea, maybe add a "super jump" option that drains aux power so much, that way the flying up to it option is more understandable, like for the iron man HEV :).

also something i would like to add is a default item used as a weapon, it uses the slam animation when you stick it to a wall, except it's a healthkit that you can give to friendlies that need it, and secondary fire uses bitters out of your ammo (because if you need it and run over one it will automatically use it for yourself). so when you run over healthkits and don't need it, it adds it to your ammo.
ScriptO: I'll look into the strider cpp and tell you what I find,but I know it's easy to have a strider crouching via the console command"ent_fire strider crouch". I like the option 1 the most because all you have to think is "do I want to destroy/rpg or hijack/firearm this strider?",anywhere and in any form (even if the most hard-hitting ones would be better for this). We can also add that the Iron Man Form can steal striders at will,instead.

Personally I would do the portable medikit this way:
-model of the C4,reskinned
-uses an unlimited autoreplenishing ammo source
-when used,speeds up the npc health regeneration ratio (sk_ally_regen_time X)

I also had the idea to attach this to Big Boss' sprint,so that it both served his autohealing and the healing of npcs,but ultimately I think it would be better to give the weapon to all the forms but keeping autohealing to BB only...
Flyingdebris: I would like to have both hijacking and conversion available,separately,but the 2 ideas could be meshed by setting that a weakened strider goes crouch and can be boarded,and a converted one is both fightining on your side AND boardable
well i'll have to change a few things as to how it is currently set, but if either a good or bad strider get shot too much, they will both go to crouch and be "bordable" (hijack able right?). my current problem is having them not die as after they crouch they are still an active target so they die if you do not get into them fast enough for enemies to kill it. i was going to start on a c4/slam install idea to convert it but your idea is good as well. i was going to add an animation skin with a radar effect on the caved sphere part of the c4/slam weapon, with the shocking animation (if possible with active chrouch, should be) and then ready to take control over. and for the portable healthkit do you want it to fully replenish their health, or replensh faster for X seconds?
ScriptO: for what I saw,the striders are currently vulnerable to rockets because of a single line declaring null the hits from other bullets in their cpp(similar to the chopper ones,but restricted to the gauss gun): instead it should be set that they receive damages from mundane bullets too,but A) only from the player,B) at a 1/10 ratio and C) a strider can't get lower than 1 health if hit by mundane player bullets. I have yet to consider the portable medikit 100%,lend me some time...while I do,update me on the portkit development by mail!

what a pleasant surprise,our friend Postal_dude has just relased a sound pack for Substance! Added in the downloads section