Harry Potter HBP

The_Monkey said:
Getting it tomorrow. The first 3 books weren't very good, but the last two were awesome.
:eek: Nonsense sir! It goes like this, in descending order from best->worst:
1. Prisoner of Azkaban
2. Goblet of Fire
3. Philosopher's Stone (not the feckin' "Sorcerer's Stone", you Yankee imbeciles)
4. Order of the Phoenix
5. The second one, which was so bad I don't even care what it was called.
The point is, the last one really wasn't all that. Faaaar longer than it needed to be, Rowling has no self-control and no-one at her publishers has the balls to stand up to her and edit them. This one's 672 pages long; it doesn't bode well.
Second one was chamber of secrets with the big snake, it was pretty shite.

I've read 1-4, when the order of the phoenix came out, i read...and gave up 1/3 in, it was just boring, and i have grown up. This one probably won't get a look in, my gf loves them though and i won't see her till she finishes it probably.

672 pages, FFS LONGGGGGGG!
Although English isn't my first language (or my second), I'm going to read it in English this time.

I waited the other five times until it got released in Dutch.
Jack_Karverboy said:
Holy crap, ....... dies? :(


Anyway, I'm getting it! The fifth one was the only book I've ever read totally in a moving car! (well the first time through it anyway, I've read it like four times)

Dude totally not cool. Now i dont even want to buy it.Ass you coudlve least had deceny to use spoiler tags... i wish people like you were banned from the internet.

Ok glad you were joking, after verifying this with a friend.
nofx said:
Dude totally not cool. Now i dont even want to buy it.Ass you coudlve least had deceny to use spoiler tags... i wish people like you were banned from the internet.

Ok glad you were joking, after verifying this with a friend.
Same here.

I hate it when people do that, not even when they're joking. You're looking forward reading the book for so long and then some guy messes it up for you in a second.
No way I'm waiting until it's translated into Swedish. I started reading the 4th one on English when I was 11, but my english was pretty crappy back then so I only got half way before giving up. The 5th one went fine, and I guess this one will do too.
el Chi said:
:eek: Nonsense sir! It goes like this, in descending order from best->worst:
1. Prisoner of Azkaban
I agree, the third book was the best.
i never got into potter but i have some friends my age that still read them.
:/ I've been waiting for this for 2 years, and have had a desktop countdown sence the release date was made public. at another forum I had a major spoiler accidently read because of a child who decided not to use spoiler tags :( anyways, I'll still be getting it at midnight and reading all night anyway :p
joule said:
For you, Kangy.
I am a very very very cross Chi.
Oh wait, it might just be that the address showed. Nevertheless: WWWRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!
el Chi said:
I am a very very very cross Chi
Stop reading childrens' books.
They're not childrens books. Calling them childrens books is a feeble attempt to deny good storytelling and thus continue on with the illusion that you are fully literate :p
Kangy said:
They're not childrens books. Calling them childrens books is a feeble attempt to deny good storytelling and thus continue on with the illusion that you are fully literate :p
el Chi sincerely endorses this product/event/sentiment/defendant.

<Delete as applicable>
It's like the audience at this point in the movie is supposed to be saying "OH SHIT, THEY'RE REALLY IN TROUBLE NOW" then the wizard catches them off guard by saying "you kids did a good job" and the audience says "WOAH SHIT! WHAT A GOOD ENDING, LET'S GO HOME AND MASTURBATE.

Dumbledore is killed by snape

I hate the books.
And the movies too.
And the games for good measure.
The first few books feel more childish than the 4th and 5th but I got both my brother and sister into the books and movies (they're 4 years older than me - 24 years old).

I was reading out loud to my sister in the car because she had a headache (I'm nice like that) and my brother was skeptical of the books thinking they were dumb and I got to a part where a character just gets murdered and a character gets tortured and he piped in, "WTF? That's a kid's book they can't just torture and kill people?"

From then on he started reading them and got hooked :p
I'm getting it tomorrow morning, I was the 3rd person in my town to get The Order of the Phoenix, despite the ridiculous price.
RakuraiTenjin said:

I thought these were children's books. Are they actually good reads and such?
nope..... They're horrilby written, geeky, and really dumbed down. (but that's just my opinion)
and yes, I have read one. :rolleyes:
at first, it was a good childrens book, then movies, and even more books, made it just lame
ktimekiller said:
at first, it was a good childrens book, then movies, and even more books, made it just lame

Yes, goddamn her for continuing on with her planned series!
After the 3rd one they stopped being children's books. I'm on page 42 BTW... :)
I want it too :(

I have to wait until two other persons read it, so I'll have to wait for a long, long time.
****ing Asshole! I just got the book from Shop Rite. No line. \o/
Stop posting spoliers without tags. Just because you're not interested in the book doesn't mean you should go around spoiling it for those who do.
Thanks Absinthe for ruining my reading. Very thoughtful of you.
You're all damn Muggles! Muggles the lot of you! BEGONE BITCHES.


I've no idea whether that was true or not but I deleted just in case.
Well, sad Jondy says
dumbledore should have survived, but Malfoys reaction at the end was well done

Now we wait again

edit: that's a real spoiler up there, and will **** you right up if you haven't read the book through, so don't read it unless you want your shit ruined
Why is this book just 607 pages long? The last one had 733 and they said they would be longer and longer...
No idea if it's true or not. If you want to assume it is, that's your right.
Why would you do it anyway? Do you get some sort of joy out of ruining reading?