Harry Potter HBP

No, he did not. Post was deleted though. If a mod wants to take things further, then okay. I'm sure shouting "ban the prick" like a slogan will make you feel real good.

In any case, nothing I said has been verified yet. So what's it matter to you?
You haven't answered the question. Why did you do it? Did it make you feel good?



The_Monkey said:
You haven't answered the question. Why did you do it? Did it make you feel good?

TBH? For the hell of it. It didn't serve much purpose to me. And it will only impact those that believe what I say.
Hagrid doesn't die.
I haven't read the book yet, but checked around page 606, and I didn't find anything on Dumbledore dieing, perhaps I just missed it though
Absinthe said:
TBH? For the hell of it. It didn't serve much purpose to me. And it will only impact those that believe what I say.
Why would you even do that to willing readers who don't want their story spoiled? Now you have me wondering. You are a selfish person, I hope you know.
just finished it No ahrry potter doesnt die it was pretty solid imho

SPOILERS dont highlight unless you read book or you just like spoiling things
well well well jk rowling has seemed to do it again EVER better than ever IMHO. the way she used the Half Blood Prince book and turned it around on Potter like that was truly genius. i liked the draco part but i felt at times the book couldve been sped up. i was highly dissapointed at the way the kids treated hagrid though they couldve atleast tried his lessons, I think harry potter will return to hogwarts next year but only to start a club aimed at screwing the death eaters. i wonder what happened to riddles horcrux though. i was also hoping that somone else had died im not sure how dumbledore managed to get to bottom of the tower tho next book should be intersting

i dont see how anyone could make a movie out of this book, in one movie. it would be wise to pull a stars wars imho and make an animated type harry potter on like cartoon network or some other globally acclaimed tv network that setups the background for the movie other than that I dont seee it happening in one movie thats not crapped out because of crucial missing parts which this book has, thats imho needed to make a nice flowing movie

edited again: oh ya i wouldnt bother surfing the web or do anything else before you finsih i seriously didnt want to be spoiled but from reading someone elses previous post i kind of was :( but it still is a good read no matter what, if you like the rest of the books

edit once once more possible spoiler so tags up!!
I knew something was up when harry didnt mention the HBP book to dumbled0re
Finshed it.

Very, very sad ending. All teary eyed from it. Its hard to think she would kill him off but hey.. it works. I think the next book harry will not return to hogwarts, naw will Ron and Hermione. Great that Ginny and him got to together at last. Ron and hermione are allready an item even if they dont know it, so bleh.

I had no clue that Snape was really evil, the fact Snape killed the headmaster (Cant spell his name -.-) and not Draco was good, I dont think Draco will live though.

The idea J.K had with the capturing of the soul was fantastic, since it explained why Tom took a killing curse in the face and lived (sort of). The cliff hanger ending allmost make me rip the book in two, highly annoying we now need to wait a year, possably two for the last book.

Im sure lots of people will be upset if hogwarts is not in book seven, but I have faith she will make it work, harry really does need to do things by himself, or just with his friends now he has no one to help him out (Save the order that is).

A word to the antipotters who have come to post there insightfull..insights, get a life you stupid little children. No one cares what books you do or do not like, thats *if* you could read anything more then a 3rd grade level, I dont like some books yet I dont feel the overwelming need to come onto the forum to say how that book.. somehow, is a homosexial. You may think your looking cool to all your zit ridden teenage friends when you say just how gay you think harry potter is, but all it does for you is just make you look like a totall ****ing tit.
You finished it in a day ? ....

I'm in 105, to me, I think I'm getting old for Harry Potter, it's more of the same stuff, plot holes, a bit cheesy, clishé and I think there should be more teen stuff considering he is 17 and hasn't talked about Hermiones tits or ass... I think Harry must be gay.
That's what I have to say and I'm a good fan of the book.
Adrien C said:
You finished it in a day ? ....

I'm in 105, to me, I think I'm getting old for Harry Potter, it's more of the same stuff, plot holes, a bit cheesy, clishé and I think there should be more teen stuff considering he is 17 and hasn't talked about Hermiones tits or ass... I think Harry must be gay.
That's what I have to say and I'm a good fan of the book.

Not every 17 year old is allways thinking about sex. Harry is getting older but there are still kids reading this book, considering there is alot of snogging in this one I think it covers it just fine.

I finshed it in 2 days (Getting it midnight on release from the shops which where open at.. well midnight to sell it).
Adrien C said:
You finished it in a day ? ....

I'm in 105, to me, I think I'm getting old for Harry Potter, it's more of the same stuff, plot holes, a bit cheesy, clishé and I think there should be more teen stuff considering he is 17 and hasn't talked about Hermiones tits or ass... I think Harry must be gay.
That's what I have to say and I'm a good fan of the book.

I though the same thing but the book evolves its like it starts off kind of slow but as the school year progresses the kids become more adultish and teenish at the same time. i even managed read the word slut in the book. I thought to myself WOW I didnt expect this in a kids book. But it didnt totally flatter me as anime linguistics tends to be worst. I enjoyed the darker tones rowling used but i was hoping that ,...

When dumbledore trained potter he would teach him new spells and stuff and not just ravel about tom riddle's past. I BET in the next book voldemort wont die Harry potter will probably make a reasoning with him and he'll open his eyes and ask himself whats hes been doing... and harry will then kil him in revenge for his friends. OR they both will die. the horcrux = good idea on rowlings part. oh yea on minor bug on the cover i believe his right hand is perfectly fine but his right hand is supposed to be borked but i may just been potterized.
That's the main problem when the audience are kids. a problem too, is that I don't really remember what happened in book number 5.
Wow. What a shocker. I never expected that to happen in teh book. Anyhow, it was an awesome book.

So here are some of my thoughts.

The scene in the cave with all the dead bodies is gonna make a great scene for the movie.

There are 7 bits of Voldemorts soul somwhere. I think that harry is going to turn out to be one of those bits. If you think about it, Voldemort had to kill in order to split his soul. When he killed harry's parents and left a bit of his power in harry.... welll... teh prophecy did say that that can't both live...
DreadLord1337 said:
I dislike this thread.

Then get the **** out.

Anthraxx, that's a good theory, but
Voldemort cannot exist inside Harry and couldn't even touch him before he rose again, as we saw in books 1 and 5; he can't handle the emotion, and so his soul would have a problem sitting inside Harry with all that good around.
Anthraxxx said:
Wow. What a shocker. I never expected that to happen in teh book. Anyhow, it was an awesome book.

So here are some of my thoughts.

The scene in the cave with all the dead bodies is gonna make a great scene for the movie.

There are 7 bits of Voldemorts soul somwhere. I think that harry is going to turn out to be one of those bits. If you think about it, Voldemort had to kill in order to split his soul. When he killed harry's parents and left a bit of his power in harry.... welll... teh prophecy did say that that can't both live...
I'm interested to know who R.A.B is and what the note means by the real holocrux
Feath said:
I'm interested to know who R.A.B is and what the note means by the real holocrux

When he talks about the "real" horcrux he just means the one he took and then destroyed (or intended to immediately destroy).

I just finished the book too. I had a bad feeling about Snape from the very start of the book. All this time Dumbledore had trusted Snape and I had yet to hear of why...well now we know Dumbledore seemed to have made his biggest mistake of all by trusting him for this long.

I really like the idea of the horcrux. In the past 5 books we've merely known that Voldemort had taken various steps to become immortal...but it was a little vague and that was starting to bug me.

I'd say it was the best of them all although it's close with the 4th. The 4th was happier and more exciting throughout most of the book though. I liked the character building and development we see in the 6th though.

Boo to Harry pulling a Peter Parker with Ginny. I have a feeling that it'll take the same type of turn in Spiderman 2 though that they'll eventually be together again.

As for the next book, can't wait...although we'll have to for a few years I bet. It'll be interesting to see where Rowling takes the book when it's not confined to the Hogwarts grounds and Hogsmeade.
My idiot brother's hogging the bok which I paid for, while I do his homework for him.

EDIT: Can't... resist... temptation...

Oh dammit I looked at the spoilers. *sigh*.
JellyWorld said:
Can't... resist... temptation...

Oh dammit I looked at the spoilers. *sigh*.

Wow, you just failed big time Jelly..
Anthraxxx said:
There are 7 bits of Voldemorts soul somwhere. I think that harry is going to turn out to be one of those bits.
I'm surprised someone else was thinking the same thing I was. After all, Voldemort transferred some of his power into Harry that night.
Even if Harry's not an actual horcrux, per se, the fact that some of Voldemort's powers linger inside of him might mean that they have a soul-link of some sort. We find out that the reason Voldemort can take possession of Nagini, and see through her eyes and hear her thoughts is because she's a horcrux. With Harry, because of his scar he can do the same thing with Voldemort. He even saw through the snake's eyes in OoTP (although I don't recall if that snake was Nagini, but it was possessed by Riddle, wasn't it?). I don't think it's the curse that links Voldemort and Harry together like that, I think it has something to do with their souls.

Also, I'm gonna call this right now:
Whether for good or evil, Snape killing Dumbledore was part of another prophecy. I don't know if Snape did it on Dumbledore's orders, or because he IS still loyal to Voldemort, or possibly because of the Unbreakable Vow, but ever since I read the spoiler it has just seemed like something prophecized. I do, however, think that it was on Dumbledore's orders that Snape killed him. Consider the argument they had in the forest, Snape not wanting to do a certain something, and Dumbledore becoming angry because he already agreed to do it. The way he's calm and in control of the situation on the Astronomy Tower up until Snape gets there, and he begins pleading with him...the look of hate on Snape's face doesn't mean that he hated Dumbledore, but possibly he hates that Dumbledore is making him do what he agreed. Plus the curse is impossible to perform unless you muster up all that hate and rage.

In addition to that, if Snape was truly against Harry, why would he want to prevent him from using the Unforgivable Curses? And tell him to close his mind, giving him TIPS in the middle of a battle? The only time he loses it is when he's called a coward.
Anyway, overall it was a great book. Probably my #2 favorite of the series, right after Goblet of Fire. After I got done with it I found myself thinking, "I really can't believe the series is almost over." Just one more book...
Got it today, read it. Not bad. I think people are going to horribly overanalyse the major plot points, though.
I don't read books. The only interesting book for me was shadow warrior. I got bored of Harry Potter after reading the 1st one, and lost interest in Harry Potter completely after the 2nd movie.
Adrien C said:
That's the main problem when the audience are kids. a problem too, is that I don't really remember what happened in book number 5.
Wow, I am in the exact same boat as you. When they mention the private Dark Arts classes they took, I was like, "WOAH! I don't remember that."
I also forgot about
the Order of the Phoenix, they fought in the Ministry, and so on.
(These are spoilers from the last book.)
I am on page 217. Should be done by tomorrow. :bounce:
I am also feeling extremely bad for Hagrid. They aren't taking his class and he's all giddy that they will be seeing him everyday. I was quite saddened.
Just finished the book. It's VERY good. Definitely in the top three with 'Phoenix' and maybe 'Prisoner'. It isn't as teen-angst as Phoenix nor multi-threaded as Goblet. It's clear and intense. Like, bloody intense.

I also agree that Harry might be the last horcrux. If I may also say, that we will see the good side of Draco by the end. Dumbledore is right in that respect.
My favorites part was the cave, that WILL make an awesome movie scene, as it's already well written.
Can anyone else see Ian McKellan play the new minister's role eh?
Javert said:
Just finished the book. It's VERY good. Definitely in the top three with 'Phoenix' and maybe 'Prisoner'. It isn't as teen-angst as Phoenix nor multi-threaded as Goblet. It's clear and intense. Like, bloody intense.

I also agree that Harry might be the last horcrux. If I may also say, that we will see the good side of Draco by the end. Dumbledore is right in that respect.
My favorites part was the cave, that WILL make an awesome movie scene, as it's already well written.
Can anyone else see Ian McKellan play the new minister's role eh?

I can indeed see that.
Any theories on what R.A.B stands for? My guess is Regulus Black. Is his middle name mentioned anywhere in the 6 books?