Harry Potter HBP

Ennui said:
I figured he wasn't because that's already been done with the diary and I didn't think Rowling would do it again. I thought at first it could by Harry's mother but then I couldn't justify that so I was up in the air. I knew it was a bad thing though.

I thought it was Lily too, must have been the potions thing. I never suspected Snape strangely enough. Sectumsempra seems like a cool hex though...
SNAPE KILLS....ahh hell, overused
*Joins the spoiler-wagon
anybody else notice that it looks like JK Rowling had a bit of work done to her?
What bothered me most, is that the book has nothing really to do with with the postion boook and/or the title. It's not really important.
I think it played in well with the mysterious part. The cover illustration by Grand Dupre also gave hints, which to me balanced it out more than the british cover art.
nofx said:
I think it played in well with the mysterious part. The cover illustration by Grand Dupre also gave hints, which to me balanced it out more than the british cover art.

That reminds me, A while before the book came out, they had pictures of the rear cover art, and it was of
snape holding narcissa's hand with the binding charm flames going 'round
and now it's of some kids looking at the dark mark.
I'm listening to the audio-book, waiting for the Swedish version of it (November), and I'm really enjoying it. Sometimes, the guy who speaks, is pretty lame with his accents :/

"arriiii, arriii pouttourrrr!!!" Flem.. or what the witche's name is. And he sounds gay too.

But he's good. I like it. I still hate that fking ____***__ who spoiled the whole end for me.. :/ well.
OMG Robert, I crack up everytime I see your avatar.

Everytime. Never fails.
We should change this thread to *spoiler thread*. Hell, half our conversation is in *spoiler* tags!!
Great book :). Being the last but one it was always going to serve as a set up for the climax, but still that didn't take away from it.

Killing off Dumbledore made it even more open ended, and the characters were definately less two sided this time - Malfoy and Snape had a lot of depth added to them.

Seemed like Dumbledore had been hinting to Harry that he'd soon have to do without him, and Snape might still be acting on his orders.

She better release the last one next week or something.
Ha, made you waste some time reading this awesome spoiler..so I guess I'll give you something to be spoiled by. SNAPE KILLS DUM....again, oveused *sigh* I'm outta ideas...you got anything?
Finished it!

One thing doesn't make sense though...

Spoiler: Highlight to read
Snape is The Half-Blood Prince, right, but Harry checked the age of the book, and found that it was from long before James' time, even though Snape went to school the same time as James.

A plot hole?

I noticed this as well. This isnt really a minor mistake either because the book is named after the Half Blood Prince. I think it was done on purpose, but I cannot think of what that purpose was. Dumbledore seems to be the only person in the story that would have attended school 50 years ago...
I finished it in just 1 day! can't wait for the next one.
seinfeldrules said:
I noticed this as well. This isnt really a minor mistake either because the book is named after the Half Blood Prince. I think it was done on purpose, but I cannot think of what that purpose was. Dumbledore seems to be the only person in the story that would have attended school 50 years ago...

Just because Snape had the book, doesn't mean he bought it. He was from a poor, abusive family, who likely handed stuff down to him... making the Prince connection more viable as it could have been his mothers' book.
Does anyone realize what's in store for Hogwarts now that Dumbledore's gone? He was a key in protecting his students because no one would ever fathom touching him. Now with McGonnagal running the show, I am sure it won't be as feared and as highly regarded.
Yeah, that's true; but the security Dumbledore put in place won't have disappeared - or will it, in the same way his body-bind jinx dissappeared? :|
Just finished reading it. Loved it to bits, second only to Prisoner. Better than Goblet, Better than Phoniex (that was a really annoying book).

Weasly Wizard's Wheases are hilareous. That cursed note signed R.A.B.... so sequal-tastic. Oh well, fan material. But i think that Hogwarts will be *mostly* safe... the only real importance it has is Potter, right now. And Generations of young wizards and witches? With Dumbledore gone, what is Hogwart's position in the relative scheme of things?
I think RAB is Siriuses brother, It would fit. Also I don't think dumbledore is dead. They pointed out SOO many times in the book taht he trusts Snape fully, and alos near the end Mcdognall(or whatever) told everyone in the hospital wing that dumbledore has iron-clad proof that Snape is loyal to him. Also Dubledore would never ever beg, making me feel his death was staged, also in the first book theres a referance to a potion that makes you appear dead, though you aren't. I think he staged his death to search for the remaining hoarcruxes in peace.
MaxiKana said:
I think RAB is Siriuses brother, It would fit. Also I don't think dumbledore is dead. They pointed out SOO many times in the book taht he trusts Snape fully, and alos near the end Mcdognall(or whatever) told everyone in the hospital wing that dumbledore has iron-clad proof that Snape is loyal to him. Also Dubledore would never ever beg, making me feel his death was staged, also in the first book theres a referance to a potion that makes you appear dead, though you aren't. I think he staged his death to search for the remaining hoarcruxes in peace.

But what about the killing curse? Surely that hit Dumbledore.
Qwert93 said:
But what about the killing curse? Surely that hit Dumbledore.
Yep. Dumbledore is dead.

His painting, however..
I'm sure JK rowling has thought something up I mean to me atleast it's way clear he's not dead. I will quote this when the next book is released :p
The first time I rerad "trainers" I somehow interpreted it as underwear (I know, stupid american)

FOr those of you who have read it, I suggest you read it again and try to keep in mind this:

It'll be much more entertaining, I promise you :D
MaxiKana said:
I think RAB is Siriuses brother, It would fit. Also I don't think dumbledore is dead. They pointed out SOO many times in the book taht he trusts Snape fully, and alos near the end Mcdognall(or whatever) told everyone in the hospital wing that dumbledore has iron-clad proof that Snape is loyal to him. Also Dubledore would never ever beg, making me feel his death was staged, also in the first book theres a referance to a potion that makes you appear dead, though you aren't. I think he staged his death to search for the remaining hoarcruxes in peace.

Yes, I thought something like this also. I was wondering wether Snape was a double-double agent, being loyal to Dumbledore but at the same time being loyal to Voldemort but actually not. Maybe he escaped death when he fell from the tower, Buck-whatever caught him in mid-air or something and then he made a doll of himself or something :D Then he paralyzed Harry in order to stop him from screwing things up. In the battle Harry had with Snape at the end Snape said "no, you're not going to use Unforgivable Curses(?) on me, Potter!". It's a bit annoying that I don't remember things from the earlier books so I had to think from the context or later things which something meant. It also confuses me a little that I read the first four books in Finnish.
Jintor said:
Just finished reading it. Loved it to bits, second only to Prisoner. Better than Goblet, Better than Phoniex (that was a really annoying book).

Hell yeah.

I didn't like Pheonix at all.
I dont like the story at all, YET IM READING THE SPOILERS..wtf?! Save me.
Righto. *cuffs cyberpitz around the head*

Anyways, I didn't really feel a sense of time in HBP. I don't know why. I remember feeling a sense of time in all the other books, even Phoneix, but in HBP i just looked around and went 'Oh, it's Christmas Already? What, it's the end of the book? God damn, it was just starting to get intresting.'

How big do you think the last one will be? HBP was actually about 100 pages smaller than phoneix, and it uses larger text as well. Going against the trend...?
I just read this book last weekend, I finished the Goblet of Fire for the second time last night, and I started Order of the Phoenix. Someone save me.
ray_MAN said:
I just read this book last weekend, I finished the Goblet of Fire for the second time last night, and I started Order of the Phoenix. Someone save me.

Samon holds out his hand as ray slides backward into a pit of oblivion..."Take my hand!"
The bigger the book = doesnt equal the better.
I read somewhere in another forum that book 5 mentioned something about an old locket in Sirius's house (forgot the name) they found while cleaning, dunno if it's true or not though.
JellyWorld said:
I read somewhere in another forum that book 5 mentioned something about an old locket in Sirius's house (forgot the name) they found while cleaning, dunno if it's true or not though.
I'll tell you soon. I am in the middle of reading book 5 again. :p
Finished it, loved it. Anyone have a clue when the final one will be released? Can't wait :p
ray_MAN said:
I'll tell you soon. I am in the middle of reading book 5 again. :p

Yeah, there is a locket;

'An old locket none of them could open'

Can't remember the page number but it goes something like that