Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

slashandburn said:
Something else that messud up my paper verson was angles. I had to balloon out sections or pull them back in. The best way to get it done right is to trace out the shapes and also mark the lines that make up triangles. I always try to match up the linse since it has some curvy parts.

thanks mate, but we gave up, was going to try and get the fabric to make it today, but we slept too long and now the market is closed, looks like i'm gonna have to wait till monday. :(
dude i would love to wear one of them hats and go down to the local mall that would b a blast.
Mad-Larkin said:
u need to make a big one with a proper 'mouth' so u can put it on properly, and walk around pretending to be a zombie.

I'm working on the head classic pattern, AKA normal hl2 headcrab. It has the space for the hole and has fewer peices.

Whats the actual dimensions of a headcrab. Isn't like I a can take a ruler to them in-game.
you'll have to guess for the dimensions, its gotta fit over your head tho hasn't it, so use that as a guide.

and if u are working on the normal headcrab, what the one u have already done?
Mad-Larkin said:
you'll have to guess for the dimensions, its gotta fit over your head tho hasn't it, so use that as a guide.

and if u are working on the normal headcrab, what the one u have already done?

The current one is based on the half-life 1 model. I just got a hl2 mdl extractor that works, so i'm now working with an updated version, but i have the LOD 3 model, which has less details.
aren't the halflife 1 and halflife 2 headcrabs the same?? i thought they looked pretty similar.
SHIPPI said:
Hahaha, awesomeness :D

You need to make a little santa hat for it :E

thats really good idea, it'll be sorta like hte king headcrab off sven coop
i thought i might make mine a tux, just cos its an alien zombie machine, doesn't mean it can't do it in style ;)
I'm still waiting for that santa hat ;) :p

Great job man, awesome stuff
I have to say dude, you have skillz. Awsome work, and can't wait to maybe one day see a full line up of characters :D
erf, yea, that's what i meant. Was wondering how it would look finished instead of half hl1 headcrab, half hl2 headcrab.
I had that picture just to show how much larger the newer one is. I'm scrapping the black half and now going to start work on a three colored version, then i will fix the snarknest pattern, check every corner and make one.

Switching to legal paper was the right choice for this one.
hey man, what are the actual differences between the two headcrabs??

we have almost made the classic one, but we forgot to mirror the second half, so some of my headcrab has stitching on the inside, and half on the outside.
Oh, the awesomeness of these! I'm totally going to try and make one. Maybe more than one.. ;)
alright mate, we have pretty much done it, will post pickky later, but we think that there is an extra bit on the classic headcrab that you don't need. we made one half and between its front legs, where those two little triangle bits are, we have a large paddle bit. and we screwed up and didn't put it in the second half. but it looks better, more like the little teethy thingys it does have. is this right??
presently, we are stuffing it with plastic bags... whilst we bought fabric, we firgot stuffing :( will re-stuff it later :)
okay, we finished it. have some pics.


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Nice, Now i have to get back to sewing. I'm going to split a few lines in the front to better define the mouth, for color.

is that the classic one?
another picture of my current project. This shows 1/2 of headcrab classic made from 4 colors. I stopped work on the black headcrab classic. I don't really like how this new one feels, fake leather isn't fun for toys. And fur costs to much. But after i finish it i'm going to work on a fleace snarknest.

hey slashandburn, have you considered using one solid piece over the "dome" of the headcrab so it looks more uniform or will it not work properly?
its a classic, and furs not too expensive, we bought a meter of cuddly toy fur for about £5
hey, have either of u emailed these pics to Valve? :E
im sure Gabe would smile at the very least ;)
I wonder why no one is selling them already. I would buy one.