Help me understand atheism

It means without. Not not.
1)Your wrong. While it does mean without, it is also not and a few other words.
2)The point still stands.
Theist = God
If you're theist you have a belief in god
if you're atheist you are without-the belief in god.
Therefor you are still allowed to have no belief in god. Therefor our defintion of weak atheist stands. Not having a belief in a god != having a belief the god does not exist.
I studied Greek. Sure you can interpret a not, but then you can interpret every greek word in fifty different ways. But then we might as well assume the bible's likely to be translated wrong.
atheism: without belief of a god.

And I withdraw my previous comments. Decided you're probably right. Except your analogies :P
But thats just daft saying 'lets just say the universe is infinite, instead of putting a strange God in there', thats just as bad as saying 'lets just say God created the universe'.

Because theists beleive that God is infinite, atheists counter saying thats ludicrous, but then he said the universe is infinite. See what im getting at?
But thats just daft saying 'lets just say the universe is infinite, instead of putting a strange God in there', thats just as bad as saying 'lets just say God created the universe'.

Because theists beleive that God is infinite, atheists counter saying thats ludicrous, but then he said the universe is infinite. See what im getting at?

Paradoxilly, the universe is both eternal and not. In some sense, it must be, "nothing" is something outside of our universe.
You know, you don't seem to realize that all you're doing is criticizing religion. Those are all things that THE PEOPLE YOU ARE AGAINST SAY / THINK / DO. Has nothing to do with the question of an existence of god. Really, **** RELIGION, FORGET IT, DISAGREEING WITH RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS != PROOF OF NON-EXISTENCE OF GOD.

What are you talking about? You're completely misunderstanding everything. Nobody is saying that us not agreeing with it is PROOF of it not being true. We have empirical evidence for that.

Well, it's the only logical explanation isn't it? It wouldn't make sense if we were special but had no reason for it, would it?
No. Its not logical. And yes, it would make sense. There doesnt have to be reason for anything to happen in the world... only a cause.
what the hell is there to understand? you either believe in fairy tales or you subscribe to logic and reason ..the answer is painfully obvious
I "chose" to be an Atheist in exactly the same way I "chose" to know mathematics. After being shown a lot of conclusive evidence, and giving a lot of 6-year-old thought to the issue, I came to the conclusion that "1+1=2" is correct. After giving a lot of thought to the issue, I came to the conclusion that, through logic, Atheism is the most correct viewpoint. I decided that I didn't believe in God. Then I discovered that the word for this is "atheism".

1+1=2 because man says it is, not because it's actually true. 1+1 could = 123903940 if man said so. math is man made, not evidence. just like Atheism, and not believing in god is man made, just like believing in god is man made. Atheism isn't right. Catholism isn't right. Buddhism isn't right. They're all man made opinions of where we're all going to go. So all you cocky Atheists that "know" your just going to rot in the ground, and all you proud Catholics that "know" your going to spend eternity.....doing what? Floating on clouds?:dozey: could all shut the **** up now. Thank you.:)

Btw, I'm none of those in the poll. Religion, or belief in anything other than what is physical and I can utilize right here, right now, while I AM alive, means nothing to me.
what the hell is there to understand? you either believe in fairy tales or you subscribe to logic and reason ..the answer is painfully obvious

And jackasses like you I forgot to mention in my previous post. "Logic and reason" is just as much bullshit as religion is. They're BOTH man made.
And jackasses like you I forgot to mention in my previous post. "Logic and reason" is just as much bullshit as religion is. They're BOTH man made.

Well i would agree that the logic you seem to be using is bullshit.
And jackasses like you I forgot to mention in my previous post. "Logic and reason" is just as much bullshit as religion is. They're BOTH man made.

I'm a jackass for telling it like it is? there's as much validity in the major tenants of religion as there is in the validity of the existence of the tooth fairy or santa claus ..dont get pissed off at me for pointing out the obvious, not my fault you're too narrowminded to see what is painfully obvious
I can't be narrowminded if I'm on neither side. As an observer watching both sides (pro-fantasyWorld and pro-iDieAndNothingHappens) it's painfully obvious that neither side has any validity. you believe the laws of the universe only because its what we are told. can you prove the same laws apply to the rest of the universe? no, you can't. just like a religious person can't prove that god exists.
Ooo lets get into a philosophical discussion about whether reality really is as it is :hmph:

And Shift, just because your brain can't understand "infinity", it doesn't mean it's ridiculous. It's a concept which is dictated and outlined by logic.
Ooo lets get into a philosophical discussion about whether reality really is as it is :hmph:

And Shift, just because your brain can't understand "infinity", it doesn't mean it's ridiculous. It's a concept which is dictated and outlined by logic.

Infinity can't be understood by the human brain. If you can understand infinity, I applaud you, and they should do extensive testing on your brain so the rest of the world can understand it. And infinity is also man made. I am not even talking about whether reality is what it is. You obviously cannot comprehend that everything we see and do and think and believe was created by ourselves, and thus not a single genuine fact of our existence and what happens to us can be proven.
Um... I said infinity couldn't be understood... you just backed my point...

And omg! Stop saying logic is man-made! It's like saying America is man-made!

God is man-made because he is of the mind. And requires belief.

Logic comes from experience with the world.
Um... I said infinity couldn't be understood... you just backed my point...

And omg! Stop saying logic is man-made! It's like saying America is man-made!

God is man-made because he is of the mind. And requires belief.

Logic comes from experience with the world.

I'm sorry, I misunderstood your post about infinity. Logic does come from experience of the world, the world we've created. Do you see what I mean? Everything we consider logic is something that is based off of an experience that was created by man.
No. It's based off the experiences we see. For example two apples. No-one created the apples (no-one man at least).

Logic is used to describe the world.
Infinity can't be understood by the human brain. If you can understand infinity, I applaud you, and they should do extensive testing on your brain so the rest of the world can understand it. And infinity is also man made.

So infinity is man made, yet cannot be understood by the human brain? You sir, are a silly billy.

I am not even talking about whether reality is what it is. You obviously cannot comprehend that everything we see and do and think and believe was created by ourselves, and thus not a single genuine fact of our existence and what happens to us can be proven.

It is true that nothing can be proven 100% but this doesn't matter, being proven beyond a reasonable doubt will do just fine.
Again, agreed. Logic describes OUR world. But it doesn't negate the fact that logic itself is man made.
So infinity is man made, yet cannot be understood by the human brain? You sir, are a silly billy.

Infinity is a word man uses to describe a limitless entity. We obviously cannot understand the limitless entity, thus it's incomprehensible.
Again, infinity is a description. But they're all based off experience. So if you take away logic, you have to take away the world on which it was based.
Again, infinity is a description. But they're all based off experience. So if you take away logic, you have to take away the world on which it was based.

Absolutely! Idk if you realize you're just backing me up. Take away the logic we've made up, take away the world we've made up. Nothing in this world is true. Which is why I laugh when a Catholic tries to state "facts" from the Bible, or when an Atheist uses the big bang theory to tell us we're going nowhere after we die.
Um... I thought you were trying to disprove logic. But disproving experience and life is just silly. One of the most basic philosophies, discussing whether stuff exists. There's no point.
And Shift, just because your brain can't understand "infinity", it doesn't mean it's ridiculous. It's a concept which is dictated and outlined by logic.

Exactly, so why cant God if it exists have been there always, or infinite if you will?
Absolutely! Idk if you realize you're just backing me up. Take away the logic we've made up, take away the world we've made up. Nothing in this world is true. Which is why I laugh when a Catholic tries to state "facts" from the Bible, or when an Atheist uses the big bang theory to tell us we're going nowhere after we die.

Sure why not, let's make him a cowboy too. It still doesn't effect the likley hood of him existing.

I know it doesn't, I was addressing a point that people say its ludicrous that God can be infinite, read.
Watching you all talk about infinity is like watching a kid try to tie his shoe without shoelaces.

Then what happens after death D:

Simple, it's like it is when we are sleeping, but forever. You know how you fall asleep then wake up and there's a big gap in there? yeah that's what death's like.
I understand what infinity means. I just cant comprehend anything so endlessly huge. :E

Sorry to be so pedantic over your word usage but im just taking the piss out of a useless philosophical argument that needs to be ignored for the sake of reason.
I know it doesn't, I was addressing a point that people say its ludicrous that God can be infinite, read.

No-one said God couldn't exist because he was infinite.