HL2 on Hard completed with 0 total damage

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My thoughts exactly.

Title reads: HL2 on Hard completed with 0 total damage

Correct Title should read: Who wants 59585924 quicksaves?
Hey man it's hard enough to not take damage, doing it with minimum ammount of saving is even worse...If not impossible.

As for the thread maker, props to you for doing such a feat.
He claims not to have used the buggy.

I think its a steaming load.
CookieCuttah said:
Hey man it's hard enough to not take damage, doing it with minimum ammount of saving is even worse...If not impossible.

Yep. - That's why it would actually be impressive.
Didn't bother to read through this thread, so to post 1: Good job man! Nice!
Nothing to see here but a man with too much time. "Omg i can hit quicksave every 5 secs to stop me from getting damage, omg i rock i will tell the whole world about this!" Thier was no skill here, Getting though area not killing anything, or beating the game with one weapon, these are things that need skill.

Yes, you need the buggy to start the last dropship battle, hes not telling the truth. Also there is one area you can't avoid damage in, Ravenholm, those fast zombie will get to you, you can't take out all of them fast enough.
Jeez, the guy did something no one else has done (as far as we know). Who cares about quicksaving? He did the whole f'ing game without taking damage.

Good job. :D
Havoc01 said:
Nothing to see here but a man with too much time. "Omg i can hit quicksave every 5 secs to stop me from getting damage, omg i rock i will tell the whole world about this!" Thier was no skill here, Getting though area not killing anything, or beating the game with one weapon, these are things that need skill.

Yes, you need the buggy to start the last dropship battle, hes not telling the truth. Also there is one area you can't avoid damage in, Ravenholm, those fast zombie will get to you, you can't take out all of them fast enough.
i went through ravenholm without taking damage from the fast zombies
Hey guys, I've got a bridge to sell you.
Delicious Bass said:
i went through ravenholm without taking damage from the fast zombies

You must have better aim, I always aim too low at hit the head.
What would be an interesting challenge would be: how far can you get without taking any damage in one run?

It would be interesting to see how far someone could get.
Tynan said:
What would be an interesting challenge would be: how far can you get without taking any damage in one run?

It would be interesting to see how far someoen could get.

Err... apparently someone has beaten the game without taking damage...
SixThree said:
Err... apparently someone has beaten the game without taking damage...
going throughout the whole game without taking damage? without quicksaving every step? thats insane
jellydoughnut217 said:
why do people have to be such dicks (refering to all the stupid remarks)

i see no dicks - i see two camps... those who are impressed by the thread starters' F6/F9 pressing skills. and those that simply ARE NOT IMRPRESSED and don't appreciate his BS. :dozey:
hahah, you all make me laugh.

he saved it a lot, but its what he did inbetween the saving that counts. At least he has offered proof.

Imagine if you did something like this, and you got pricks saying it wasnt true and generally acting like arses. You could just say, "sorry i dont believe it, can i see some proof", but you act really immature about it. wouldnt you be annoyed.

Dot com heros i think they call you lot.
To the people that think that all it is is F6 F9 - try it. It's not so easy.

As for the run.. I had my doubts, but was inclined to believe.. then I went and downloaded and watched the FULL speed run... THAT's impressive. I learned stuff, I was amazed at what he/they could do.. I -still- can't do that dang physgun jump, and he made it look so easy! And after watching that speed run.. I'm pretty sure someone could do the whole thing on hard with 0 damage.

Impressive. I would like to see some more demos too.. just because it's great to watch them and learn more stuff.. much like the speed demos.

Heck, I can't even get past the part between where you get the crowbar, and where you get the pistol (train tracks) without taking -some- damage. Even a demo of that would be cool.

But.. I'd like to see a full demo too, as others have suggested.. if some parts really are that boring.. leave them out.. not big deal..

To anyone who hasn't watched any of the speed demos.. You're missing out on some great stuff.. If you've finished the game, and are interested at all in seeing some great moves.. some amazing action in there.. ok, I'm not big on FPS games, but HL2 I played through 3 times (easy, normal, then hard) and then watched and was just blown away by the speed demos! Laughin' and having a great time watching.. Just as good as the getaway in Stockholm movies! ;) (Ok, the Stockholm movies had something to them, being real.. but ... you know..)

There's the full run download by marshmallow (including a movie, if you can get it to download.. I just watched the demos) at:

Or the "official" current fastest demos for each map.. with the latest tricks and fastest, twitchiest, most skilled persons demo up and ready for downloads:


Cool stuff.. highly recommended, if you really enjoyed the game. :)

I want to be a mortal and learn to live a happy/normal life. Thank You. :p
Still, it's pretty cool being untouchable anyway :D
Hmm... I cant almost believe it!!! Even the most skilled player takes a damage from teh enemy.
I doubt that he is telling the truth, a pic or demo would have been nice as anyone can say they have.
Hes telling the truth. What the **** is a pic going to do?
Good job dude. Yes, I'm sure some of it is just patience/persistance so some of you may not care. My question would be, if you don't care you would not be viewing the thread right? And if you really didn't care, would you take the time to POST? Probably not. Granted, it's your opinion and I won't take that from you. If you disagree that he did this, then by all means disagree. No reason to disagree so impolitely though. The point is though, if you read his post you will have to admit that there are some sections that will take a good amount of skill and reflexes to make it through without getting hit. ONCE!! Pretty cool. I don't have the time to try and make it through without getting hit AT ALL but I personally play in a very similar style. Very conservatively, trying to get hit very little, using my surroundings to my advantage, etc. I enjoy the game that way and don't understand why someone would rush through the game in 10 hours. But that person who rushed the game can't understand why i would take so long on it! So, we agree to disagree. After all. It's a flipping GAME, no money is on the line, no one's life or manhood is being threatened. Maybe ya'll need some prozac or some dope to chill out? ;-)

Anyway, I'm downloading the speed demos now, they look interesting. To the original poster, whenever you have more time, a few more demos of areas that YOU enjoyed playing that were challenging would be cool.
what he did was when he lost health he just reverted to the last save and did it again he probly had a million saves or smthing
pishi said:
what he did was when he lost health he just reverted to the last save and did it again he probly had a million saves or smthing

I'm sure more than a million because it's not easy!! I just tried the lighthouse in sandtraps where the 3 dropships and the gunship come in. I got through the first 2 dropships with no damage, but the 3rd one hit me. Then the gunship was quite a handfull to take down without getting hit once. Just that one fight took me 8 or 9 tries....
I regret reading this thread so late, because I am interested in this topic (no damage playstyle). I usually do first runs of a game similarly to this, but keeping above 100/80 WITH healthpacks etc.

Okay, so here are the parts I had trouble with :

1. The gunship past the "keep going, friend" girl. Is this the "culvert" area you mentioned?

2. Water Hazard. Period. Please make a demo of driving through gunship fire without taking damage.

3. The area where you first pick up the magnum. Im-poss-i-bill.

2. The gunship at Odessa.

3. The red room with Alyx where the lights go out.

4. The final strider sequence.

5. Heck, any area with striders.

Damn, I could go on and on. But please reply, because I am sincerely very interested in this topic.
oh, sorry I forgot, one more thing :

I also make sure no squad members die. I just cannot go on knowing if I redo it better they may survive. If fictional characters were not capable of invoking emotions, what is the point of fiction.

And one more area :

The area before the passage that has to be exploded that leads to the radioactive room, with manhacks and two manned turrets.

In short : gunships, fighter choppers, manned turrets, and swarms of manhacks. I don't believe it is possible to avoid all damage from them.
The first post said that he used a "gazillion" saves.

So I am assuming when you say 0 damage, you mean if you took damage, you would just load the savegame and retry the part until you got through without taking damage.

Whats the point...? I mean technically you made it through without damage, but only by using a gazillion saves, and playing basically like a pu$$y. Ok thats real cool to say you did it, but why not try getting through the whole game with just the pistol, grav gun and rocket launcher? Or go through with 0 damage just using the autosaves. That would at least be impressive because it would show a skill level that might be hard to match. Anyone can do it with a gazillion saves.

I rather play through it on medium, but play like your really Gordon Freeman, you don't have time to waste, and you gotta keep moving... thats means not being a pu$$y, not moving slow and killing guys 1 at a time. Forget playing conservatively! That's just lame. Any 5 year old could beat any game on Hard if they just went slow enough. Add in a gazillion saves and that same 5 year old could make it through with 0 damage.

Do you think Gordon Freeman would really have time to explore every nook and cranny in the game, and kill guys one at a time, or swim to rescue Eli? Noooo.. Playing like it's real is a lot more fun. Slow = Boring, Fast = Fun,

Think about it.. moving like your really a man on a mission is a lot more fun than swimming along the entire beach to avoid antlions and damage. LOL.

Anyway I guess it's kind of impressive, but not really. It's cool to know that it can actually be done, only I don't think it's that hard.. with a gazillion savegames. Your F6 and F9 must be worn out by now.
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