Major magazines didn't create 9 page reviews along with multiple articles in the same issue specifically relating to the game such as how to get your PC to run the game for FarCry now did they?

They also didn't send e-mails out telling us that the game was more than we expected for FarCry now did they?

I find it hard to believe that FarCry would be a better game especially considering the only con that was listed here (assuming if this is all genuine) was a lack of DM.
I'll just say it again. 90% is a positive score.

Just as long as the game doesn't bore me as senseless as Far Cry, then I'll be happy.
This is all Pc Gamers doing, they give high reviews on other games because of just graphics and the scores get higher and higher on big budget releases.
a 'good' game should be in the 70's not 90's. 50 should be an 'okay' game. Instead they give these games all, 80's and 90's... so when they review hl2 they have to find niggly-bitty problems with it to bring the score down. There's no way that half-life2 will be worse than Doom3.
Nex321 said:
wait CS:S is its multiplayer!
no its not, its not even part of hl2 as its being released before. css is a different game.

hl2 has no mp :(
Tarkus said:
you guys all suck... how the heck does 90% turns out to be a bad score? geez get a grip... sad people

I guess it's just that I wanted the single game I've anticipated more than any other during my entire life to recieve better than a B+
Absinthe said:
This says **** all about how the game actually plays out as a whole. The end product may be more or less than the sum of its parts.

Maybe but it certainly holds a lot of promise, after I don't know how many years of developement I'm pretty sure Valve have tried to outdo themselves and I believe they will succeed - and that's why I think they will get more awards for this installment :)

Lots of stars in your last two posts by the way :LOL:
See what the PC Gameplay says about a score of 90-99%:

'Fantastic, superb, a classic. For a game like this you would sell your own mother.'
Nex321 said:
Farcry was totally overrated, I know many that thinks Farcry is boring. Only reason I see it got a high score was because of its graphics, at that time noone has seen anything like it.
The graphics were great. But that's hardly the only reason that FarCry got high scores. The gameplay was really good, it had the right feel to it. It had pretty good sound. Great AI. Really good editor... It's a great game, and deserved a high score.
mutt said:
no its not, its not even part of hl2 as its being released before. css is a different game.

hl2 has no mp :(

And wtf is CS:S then? Do you see any reviews of just CS:S? Didn't valve say that CS:S is its multiplayer? Pretend like you never played hl before and then say if its multiplayer or not.
The Mullinator said:
Major magazines didn't create 9 page reviews along with multiple articles in the same issue specifically relating to the game such as how to get your PC to run the game for FarCry now did they?

They also didn't send e-mails out telling us that the game was more than we expected for FarCry now did they?

I find it hard to believe that FarCry would be a better game especially considering the only con that was listed here (assuming if this is all genuine) was a lack of DM.

Nex321 said:
Farcry was totally overrated, I know many that thinks Farcry is boring. Only reason I see it got a high score was because of its graphics, at that time noone has seen anything like it.

Half-Life 2 might be overrated upon release. All I'm saying is that you people are in no position to judge how good Half-Life 2 is compared to other games currently or soon to be on the market. So I would appreciate it if we could cut back on the rampant stupidity instead of wailing "BUT HL2 DESERVES A BETTER SCORE".

The Mullinator said:
Major magazines didn't create 9 page reviews along with multiple articles in the same issue specifically relating to the game such as how to get your PC to run the game for FarCry now did they?

They also didn't send e-mails out telling us that the game was more than we expected for FarCry now did they?

Half-Life 2 is the bigger game. 'Nuff said.

I find it hard to believe that FarCry would be a better game especially considering the only con that was listed here (assuming if this is all genuine) was a lack of DM.

More reason as to why I suspect that this post is bullshit.

ADDED: I side with posey's post below me.
it sounds like a disgruntled fan read the news yesterday about hl2 not having its own mp, and just made up the review to vent.
poseyjmac said:
it sounds like a disgruntled fan read the news yesterday about hl2 not having its own mp, and just made up the review to vent.

Sorry to say but WRONG. Shall we discuss later when the magazinescans are online?
Guys, PC Gamer gave HL2 a 62. Believe me, I'm a random poster on the internet.
Absinthe said:
Half-Life 2 might be overrated upon release. All I'm saying is that you people are in no position to judge how good Half-Life 2 is compared to other games currently or soon to be on the market. So I would appreciate it if we could cut back on the rampant stupidity instead of wailing "BUT HL2 DESERVES A BETTER SCORE".

Half-Life 2 is the bigger game. 'Nuff said.

More reason as to why I suspect that this post is bullshit.

ADDED: I side with posey's post below me.

Thats not what im saying. I'm saying that I EXPECT hl2 to be BETTER then a 90%. I don't blame the reviewers for this, IF this is true.
But let's find out what the other reviewers say, and what their arguments are.


Ill try to contact Xrenity if he can email pcgameplay if this is true. He also mailed them about If they really had a review, and made it public on this forum, on my advice :)
( or is that a quite pathetic move? :p)
Xenome said:
Thats not what im saying. I'm saying that I EXPECT hl2 to be BETTER then a 90%. I don't blame the reviewers for this, IF this is true.
But let's find out what the other reviewers say, and what their arguments are.

I don't believe I directed that post to you.
flupke said:
Sorry to say but WRONG. Shall we discuss later when the magazinescans are online?
I am sorry but there are really two problems here. Either someone is lying and no one here knows the actual mark it recieved or this magazine will have lost all credibility to me because they listed as their only con a lack of DM which is something that no magazine should ever do unless a DM were advertised on the box.

Like I said before you don't see reviewers subtracting marks from the first Splinter Cell game because it didn't have multiplayer.

Either way this mark is meaningless.
btw, i actually forgot to say but this 'guy' is a reviewwriter at one of the biggest gamesites in Belgium.
Time to just post the entire review so we can tell for sure... :p
flupke said:
btw, i actually forgot to say but this 'guy' is a reviewwriter at one of the biggest gamesites in Belgium.

Good for him. I clap my hands.

You do realize, however, that I have no reason to believe you. So excuse me if you don't win me over when you can't really prove anything you're saying.
So it means HL2 sucks .
90% for HL2 is like 60% for any other games ...
I'll just say it again:

The game grading system is not linear. A decent game never gets 50%, it gets 70%-75%. A good game gets around 80% and a great game 90%+.
A game that gets 90% is not twice as good as one that got 45% but maybe 4-5 times as good... even though you really can't make that comparison I think you understand what I'm trying to say.

If you think about it, giving a game full score ruins the credibility of the grading system. Even 98%,99% is pushing it. All IMHO of course.
flupke said:
btw, i actually forgot to say but this 'guy' is a reviewwriter at one of the biggest gamesites in Belgium.
So the guy who told you the mark is either the reviewer himself for the game who has probably broken an NDA by revealing this or he is a reviewer from another magazine that should never have had a chance to see a review from another magazine unless it involved some sort of industrial espionage.

The only kind of people I could possibly believe seeing it would be warehouse workers and people who work at the printing press. Not another reviewer from another magazine.
I think people were expecting the world from Half-Life 2. The second coming.

If it's 'merely' a fantastic videogame with a lot to offer, then that'll be enough for me.
I have seen/read a lot of reviews in PCGameplay and they always talk about multiplayer and how it is a sin to not have it in a game nowadays. Half Life 2 has no real multiplayer so they let that weigh in their score as well, that is why it is 90%.

They gave Doom 3 a 86% score, I personally think the score of Half Life 2 should have been higher because of the better story line and the fact it isnt only a techdemo.

Greetz KrackHead
I don't care what anyone says about the game, I know it's great.
Why are people so upset?
if hl2 really did get a 90...im beginning to get very...very scared that ive wasted the past year and a half of my life...
I notice people are more likely to read a post if it has a title so here...

krackhead said:
I have seen/read a lot of reviews in PCGameplay and they always talk about multiplayer and how it is a sin to not have it in a game nowadays. Half Life 2 has no real multiplayer so they let that weigh in their score as well, that is why it is 90%.
I have never read the magazine so I am going by your word here.

As you can see everyone this magazine should not be used as a way of judging HL2's true abilities unless you are an extremelly impatient multiplayer only gamer who doesn't like Counter-Strike and can't wait for any mods.

Then of course is the fact that we still don't have any way of knowing if this is true or not. Stop being so depressed everyone. :D
The only real point i can see myself disliking the game for is that maybe (just a guess) some of the tension that we (as gamers) got from the first game will be lost with the environments on show being based in outside places, im sure theres going to be some tense indoor action but i dont think it will compare to actually making you way upto the surace of BM.

But to each his/her own opinion, im sure some will hate it, some will love it, some might even think its mediocre and not bother with it after 10min.
guinny said:
if hl2 really did get a 90...im beginning to get very...very scared that ive wasted the past year and a half of my life...


Xcellere said:
I think we need to do a group suicide.

guinny said:
if hl2 really did get a 90...im beginning to get very...very scared that ive wasted the past year and a half of my life...
You mean that you will think exactly the same about the game as that reviewer? And how do you know that 90% isn't the highest score he ever gave?
Basically the review score is just what that one(mostly) person thought about the game, that says nothing about what you will think about the same game.