i don't see what's wrong with the gaming score system. 90% and above is "excellent" at least in the american grading system(schools). it means hl2 got an A. what's wrong with that? nothing. i am actually glad that they said the gameplay IS physics based, and not at all a gimmick.

Concept said:
I blame it on the general videogame scoring system for these distortions.

Thanks to the likes of IGN et al, people seem to think 70% is poor, 85% is average and 90% is only good. So when you do get magazines and critics applying a much more straighforward rationale (50% average, 90% excellent etc.), people don't seem to take account of it.

50% isn't average. 59% and lower should be seen as very poor, 60-69% poor, 70-79% good/average, 80-89% good/great, 90% and up excellent.
flupke said:
Wanna bet?

Alright flupke, just tell us exactly what he told you, not that I don't believe, or wanna believe you, but that summary of you doesn't make a lot of sense and a more elaborate transcription of what he told you would be nice.
People think 90% is a bad score? That's a bloody good score from my point of view. :)
Jackal hit said:
50% isn't average. 59% and lower should be seen as very poor, 60-69% poor, 70-79% good/average, 80-89% good/great, 90% and up excellent.

We view scores differently then. I come from the Edge/GamesTM/Game Critics/Eurogamer/NTSC-uk scoring background of 50% = Average.

Below 50% = Not worth considering
Above 50% = Worth considering

Because when you look at it objectively regardless of distortions within most videogaming media that's what 50% is. The middle. The average.

I prefer my scoring system to be logical rather than being completely tilted on one side and being unrepresentative as to what the numbers/text mean.
After waiting for so long, I'd expect this game to get higher than a measly 90%.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrryyy goood
if the only problem is no hldm i can survive good ...
Jackal hit said:
50% isn't average. 59% and lower should be seen as very poor, 60-69% poor, 70-79% good/average, 80-89% good/great, 90% and up excellent.

That scoring system employed by most videogaming magazines and sites to me is completely and utterly baffling to be honest.
Personally I've considered myself adult enough to know that review scores do not make entertainment. I knew HL2 would rock and it would get reviews across the board, even with differences in percentages.

At the end of the day, its not down to review scores, its down to your personal enjoyment of the game. And if you enjoyed the game, who gives a flying **** what the review scores are?

Pure and simple. We've been given the nod that HL2 rocks. So why do we concern ourself with numbers to say how much we're going to enjoy it?
Xcellere said:
How do you know?

Because everyone knows Valve is too incompetent to give out actual, real information regarding a game that will never see the light of day.
[[LuCkY]] said:
Because everyone knows Valve is too incompetent to give out actual, real information regarding a game that will never see the light of day.

Then we have twats like you trying to stir up fanboys. Cut the shit out.
Maybe the mag reviewed HL2 and CS:S separately, and if the guy just took a quick look, maybe what he saw was the CS:S score. The pros&cons would definitely fit at least. Or maybe I'm in denial... (I deny it though!)

While 90 is a really great score, especially coming from a mag that doesn't give very high scores easily, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that the same mag would rate Far Cry better than HL2. Far Cry was a good game in my opinion, but what I've seen of HL2 definitely blows FC into oblivion. Heck, just watching the binks is more fun than playing FC! If it really is true, and they gave HL2 "only" 90, I wonder what Valve has filled the game outside what we've seen in the binks with. Crap? Escort missions? Probably, since if the rest of the game even remotely resembles what we've seen in the binks, it's just impossible for it to be worse than Far Cry.
The forum is messing up big style right now. Expect double posts galore people.
Rossell said:
Personally I've considered myself adult enough to know that review scores do not make entertainment. I knew HL2 would rock and it would get reviews across the board, even with differences in percentages.

At the end of the day, its not down to review scores, its down to your personal enjoyment of the game. And if you enjoyed the game, who gives a flying **** what the review scores are?

Pure and simple. We've been given the nod that HL2 rocks. So why do we concern ourself with numbers to say how much we're going to enjoy it?
Well, not too rarely movie and videogame reviews can give us a good idea on how good, bad, or mediocre the movie/game really is. You can also pass judgement on the sales, too. But not all the time, is what saying.
If a game receives overwhelming low scores/ratings from all reviews out there, do you really think that that game is actually worth buying?
it appears that it's not that big of a deal if you read those forums...i think it's fake
Well, actually I thought similary to your post just after the the one you quoted. Yes it is a good idea to get a general feel of a games quality.

But my point is, when a game is rated at 70% and above. Thats above average and therefore it has the power to entertain. Who gives a damn if HL2 will score 77% if your going to enjoy it? You've seen the videos, the screenshots, the interviews, the betas. You know what to expect, and you'll know that whatever happens, you'll find yourself enjoying it.
To everyone who's 100% sure this is fake or a hoax, I really believe it's not...

I've been on the shrimpcity forum for quite a while, and Kobayashi (He even worked a while for www.spelletjesgarnaal.be) is very reliable.
He DOES work at pcgameplay if my mind isn't playing games with me, he mentioned that once on the forum.

PC-gameplay has, more than once, given "weird" scores. Like Far-Cry, good game, but definately not a 90%+ game imo.

If they don't mention any other cons, that really is good!

I won't be 100% sure till the magazine is in my hands, but I find this info very reliable.
First off, there's no reason to give a lot of credit to this. Like someone said, what's a reviewer doing reading other magazines' reviews or leaking his own magazine's?

Second, like many people have been saying, reviews are never as important as the game itself. There was a game for Super Nintendo called The 7th Saga that I loved, but a lot of people think it's crap.

Oh, and if the main con is the lack of deathmatch, that doesn't worry me much. :smoking:
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
What? A little overwhelmed?

Don't be...it's best to take it as a lie. Since, there is no proof and it seems rather fake.
I'm going to enjoy Half-Life 2 no matter what. I've supported Half-Life from day one.

I'm biased and I'm proud but Im not going to ram it down peoples throats.

Which some people here must learn.
pcgameplay's guide to their reviews, translated.

0-39%: Use this cd-rom as a beer coaster

40-49%: visiting your mother in law would be more fun

50-59%: Euh..how doe we say this: this game has big problems, it either has horrible shortcomings on gameplay or its filled with bugs (or worse, both)>

60-69%: This is were it gets worse, a less than good game with a few shortcomings, you have to be a die hard fan of the genre, other wise you wouldn't buy this.

70-79%: An average game, nothing special, but not necessarily bad. Perhaps for those who like the genre but the average gamer couldn't care less.

80-89%: A very good game, certainly needed in your software collection, better than the average.

90-99%: Fantastic, sublime, a classic, for this kind of game you would sell your own mother.
Oh well, i'm used to being ignored.

90% people... 9/10.
It's not bad, it's great...

So everyone seems sure it's fake cuz it's not 90% + ...
And judging over a forum that little here know, about reliability...
Yeah, guys, forget about the 90% for just a second. It's all relative.

What SHOULD concern you is:

Half-Life 2: 90% Far Cry: 91%

Just like PC Gamer US scores:

Doom 3: 93% Far Cry: 94%

I was a doom 3 fanboy, just like all of you half life fan boys. When I saw that review score, I just couldn't believe it. Now, don't get me wrong, but I think Far Cry is the BEST single player FPS of all time. It's a terrifically fun and challenging game, with superb graphics. But I thought surely the moody atmosphere, and unbelievable graphics would propel doom 3 farther and get a higher score than far cry. But after playing it, I would have given it more like a 90% compared to a 94% for far cry. It just wasn't as good. (Although it WAS a good game, go play it!)

I hope that Half-Life 2 is a better experience than Far Cry. I was really expecting better.
You guys need to get a grip. Alpha-numeric ratings are, for the most part, worthless. Wait for the text of the review. If he says the whole game feels like the Xen levels from HL1 maybe then I'll be concerned.
CreedoG said:
Just like PC Gamer US scores:

Doom 3: 93% Far Cry: 94%

PCGamer US scored DOOM 3 with a 94% and Far Cry received a 95%.
Farcry went all bleh for me when those ugly monster thingies started showing up (really... those weren't pretty imho)

Starting to think about it, a couple more points couldn't have hurt. Considering it would be just the mp as a con. Still, I find a 90% score not impossible.
[sl@yer] said:
PC Gamer (both UK and USA) have stated that we won't be disappointed and that the game achieves more than was expected. PC Gamer (and PC Zone) do not subtract marks for no multiplayer, they review the game that IS there (e.g. Max Payne, Unreal 2). I think that perhaps these magazines will give a fairer review of the game.

Don't believe a word in any UK games magazine. You've been warned. If you imagine them to be comics they are quite fun though. And I'm sure PCG US is heavily influenced by advertisers too...
User Name said:

PCGamer US scored DOOM 3 with a 94% and Far Cry received a 95%.

doom 3 got that high? The game was fun but no way did it deserve that neither did far cry.
User Name said:

PCGamer US scored DOOM 3 with a 94% and Far Cry received a 95%.

Sheesh. I got the difference right. Far Cry > Doom 3

Now it will be Far Cry > Half-Life2 > Doom 3
Heh, why would any self respecting games magazine have a con as no deathmatch, and even more stupid, the pro as good gameplay.

I mean, if you post a hoax, at least try to make it believable...
CreedoG said:
Sheesh. I got the difference right. Far Cry > Doom 3

Now it will be Far Cry > Half-Life2 > Doom 3
So you're saying that Half-Life 2 will receive a 94.5%???

Last time I checked, PCGamer doesn't deal with decimals. :rolleyes:
User Name said:
So you're saying that Half-Life 2 will receive a 94.5%???

Last time I checked, PCGamer doesn't deal with decimals. :rolleyes:

Why are you being so hostile? There's no need for sarcasm.
User Name said:
So you're saying that Half-Life 2 will receive a 94.5%???

Last time I checked, PCGamer doesn't deal with decimals. :rolleyes:

[sarcasm]Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm obsessed with relative numbers like all of you. [/sarcasm]
I forgot to mention that HL2 is on the cover for the mag. Can anyone link to what the editors of PC Gameplay said about their experience?
CreedoG said:
[sarcasm]Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm obsessed with relative numbers like all of you. [/sarcasm]
KagePrototype said:
Why are you being so hostile? There's no need for sarcasm.