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no shit! someone should find some randomizer and insert it into that section of the link, so it spells out every possible combo of letters
SixThree said:
How can you be from Surrey and Vancouver?

no no, it says "vancover" obviously he lives in a van cover down by the river in surrey.
ytinupmi said:
no no, it says "vancover" obviously he lives in a van cover down by the river in surrey.

That must be it :) I'm from Coquitlam and Port Moody wooo!
the game's over now? Shame. and they never got to work in move=cast_cure

"you raise your hands in a grand gesture while uttering ancinet words known only to the wisest mystics. As the headcrab turns you into a Zombie you realise you're in the wrong game"
hey i live in vancouver. ppl just say that they live in vancouver since its a more known city than surrey and there quite close.
if i say surrey people will be like what? if i say vancouver they say cool!
oh i'm sure people know ALL about surrey and your dirty dirty sluty girls.
Not to sound bitter, or childish, though I would never dream of denying either of those two descriptions. Why did I get ignored? I thought my statement would have at least merited a flame, but nobody even said a word on it. Heck I didn't even get a welcome :( I feel unloved.
I'm happy with my contribution to this: move=kill. I got that 1 :-D
i will rephrase this so vegeta doesent tell me i suck again. PLZ someone get a randomizer and go thru everything
dekstar said:
Hey, I have a few... Continuancy errors (for lack of a better word), here:
Ok. for one, on the "http://www.half-life2.com/hl2.php?move=impulse101" page, you are inside, because you go "outside" and get riddled with combine gunfire. Which is another thing, which way are the combine? Forward?

Ok, well that's it. Not much is it? I did though, notice that VALVe are attempting to make it increasingly difficult for us, as they put a "right mouse click blocker" on the "http://storefront.steampowered.com/games.php?gId=220&p=1&g=2ff&l=english&s=0,1&i=0,10,30,20,40,50,60,70,92,5/storefront.css"
Site. There's a link in there to go to its homepage (http://www.dynamicdrive.com). Maybe someone would want to check further?

Good work, though.
When I tried going to that link, I got this text on the page:
"Error: CanonicalVector: degenerate"
What happened?
is it possible to make a weapong with these letters
just asking
When I tried going to that link, I got this text on the page:
"Error: CanonicalVector: degenerate"
What happened?

Some people believe the CanonicalVector - degenerate pair is a user name - password pair.

Heil ok vel,
If you try going to HAlf-Life2.com/admin, it doesn't ask for a password anymore. It just says "403 forbidden"

For me, at least.
life the universe and everything...42 is the answer to all..
its from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy books...
So long, and thanks for all the fish...
I loved that series. You know, they're making a H2G2 movie? I hope it doesn't suck.....
Hazar Dakiri said:
that didn't make it any smaller.

No i just noticed how big it was. When i looked at how many replies it had.
and now its off the rails heading due south, and its all my doing. woot.
T.H.C.138 said:
life the universe and everything...42 is the answer to all..
its from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy books...
So long, and thanks for all the fish...

what is the question tho?????

nm I just noticed the post above mine
BetaMaster said:
I loved that series. You know, they're making a H2G2 movie? I hope it doesn't suck.....

It will - Have you seen the logo? :P

As for Half-life 2. I wish theyd start it up again, and add my move:

"Move=win", where you... win...

i dont really want to read 60 pages of info so can someone pls post a summary
whoa i geuss no info is coming into this thread anymore is there any info anyone has found out since yesterday
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