hl2 Pushed back..

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I just called vave (again) and got through to Gabe. I asked if there is any official statements he can release on it. All he could tell me is that it will not be shipping on the 30th. So I heard with my ears from the man himself.....it will not be coming out the 30th. The e-mails are very real =/

- Optikfusion
Awww some of us poor immature people are going crazy over a vewy wittle delay. Awwwwww.

So what, better to have a BETTER game release in a few months, instead of a buggy mess released in 7 days.

However I questions Valves silence right up to 6 days before the release. Unprofessional.
Buggy mess? I hope not. This game has been in development for 5 years. I don't see how there could BE a buggy mess...unless they have wild apes programming the game.
Originally posted by BlumenKohl
Awww some of us poor immature people are going crazy over a vewy wittle delay. Awwwwww.

So what, better to have a BETTER game release in a few months, instead of a buggy mess released in 7 days.

However I questions Valves silence right up to 6 days before the release. Unprofessional.
the point is, they should not have even given a release date until they were 100% positive it would be done. 3DR did the same thing and look where they are now.. i wouldn't be suprised if they delayed it a couple more times.
they should not have even given a release date until they were 100% positive it would be done.
Sigh, would any of us be here on this forum now if Valve annouced 'here is HL2, it will be out sometime'

They had to give a date, in order to make a splash.
I think id hit the nail on the head as far as release dates go.

When It's Done.
Originally posted by BladeTurbo
the point is, they should not have even given a release date until they were 100% positive it would be done. 3DR did the same thing and look where they are now.. i wouldn't be suprised if they delayed it a couple more times.

they never did give a release date, their was no press realease, everything they said was to people asking whne do you think its done? they said they wanted to target sept 30, they never claimed it would be out then, just that's what they were aiming for.
If I recall correctly, condition zero was supposed to come out last year too. Only a year late. Maybe they will delay hl2 a year too. I hope to hell not. I'm getting really f*****g tired of waiting. I guess I got no choice. I guess I'll keep on playing hl1.
Originally posted by blag
If I recall correctly, condition zero was supposed to come out last year too. Only a year late. Maybe they will delay hl2 a year too. I hope to hell not. I'm getting really f*****g tired of waiting. I guess I got no choice. I guess I'll keep on playing hl1.

don't ever think that! a YR DELAY! that is just......just......

i can't even think what will happen if it was a yr delay!
I'm just telling you what I remember. I want hl2 as much as anyone.
Seems that everyone now knows since things have slowed down...things are gonna get really slow around here in a few weeks cause the hype is gone until november or whenever
Valve doesn't owe you anything. I trust them to make a good game, and I'll pay 50$ for it.

Their schedual decisions are their own. All we can do is accept it and move on.

Valve doesn't owe you anything
To be honest.. I started to notice that hl2 was gonna be delayed when the sdk wasnt released when they said it would be. guess now we can only wait and hope to hell that they dont push it back again.. otherwise there will be an angry mob of about 1000-2000 people around the building that valve is in.
Well, this was a replay to thread about the game being realeased over steam on the 30th, but it got deleted while I was typing this...:) SO I post it here. I just had to:)

It would be very .... strange to release the game over steam 2 months before retail. Many people, I mean the majority of people, will have no choise, but to warez the game. Who can pay online and download 2GB? Not many. Why is it so hard to believe the game is delayed? The game is delayed? It is normal. HL1 was delayed for one year. There will be no Steam release on the 30th!!! All of you were so blind and said, Gabe said (before a couple months) the game will be out on 30th. And only what Gabe says is true. Now Gabe said, there will be ONLY ONE release date. Why don't believe him now??? It will NEVER happen, that the game will be realeased over steam more than maybe couple dayes sooner, than the retail version.
Originally posted by Dagobert
Sigh, would any of us be here on this forum now if Valve annouced 'here is HL2, it will be out sometime'

They had to give a date, in order to make a splash.

Exactly. Then they waited until the last minute to delay it, in order to get the most pre-orders possible.

The Sep. 30 release date was to build hype and pre-orders.
Does anyone find it weird that the day or two after Half-Life 2 was announced delayed they release a huge update of steam with lots of bug fixes... ?

Well nah not really but they also have Cs updates coming, dod and friends network and server browser updates coming as well, so I see good things as far as all of that goes.

- Jason
this has to be a new record....over 90 pages in one thread that has only been up a few days...:eek:
Originally posted by shapeshifter
they never did give a release date, there was no press release ... they never claimed it would be out then, just that's what they were aiming for.

Actually, they did give a release date. Watch the E3 vid, at the end an announcement is made that the game will hit store shelves on September 30th, and i'll bet they're sorry they ever said that.
Originally posted by alco
Valve doesn't owe you anything. I trust them to make a good game, and I'll pay 50$ for it.

Their schedual decisions are their own. All we can do is accept it and move on.

Valve doesn't owe you anything

If they expect money then they owe the customer everything. If this was anything other than HL2 it would be boycotted big time and they company would learnt to respect its customers.

Too rich and fat for their own good if you ask me.
Originally posted by ||Diablo||
this has to be a new record....over 90 pages in one thread that has only been up a few days...:eek:

I only see 70, am I on something??
you must have it showing more posts per page.

If you use default there's 93
when HL2 was first announced in PCGamer, Voodoo Extreme was the first to run the story. the comments for that news post went on for over 4,000 replies
Originally posted by ||Diablo||
this has to be a new record....over 90 pages in one thread that has only been up a few days...:eek:
There was one on this forum not too long ago that reached 100+ pages in a matter hours.
wow 94 pages! that is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.

crappy delay thing so annoyed and destroyed next week for me!

lets just hope they announce...

1) the final release
2) gone gold date
3) reason for delay

HL2 delyed and its months from now. End of this thread.

Nice one
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