HL2 Source Code

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If someone has found a piece of code that could be part of a DX9 engine or even DX8 one, then I would be very happy to know it's location.

oh and don't forget you can download DX9 source code for a basic engine off the net, so for it to be proof of this being real it would have to be pretty extensive.
OH, you all have all the source code? If it's alright - could you pm me it?
qckbeam - that comes more under the heading of pathfinding than AI and may be handled else where.
According to Gabe it was going to be out Sept 30 too.

Sorry to be blunt, but that logic is stupid. Telling someone how A.I. is currently working in a game, and telling them a release date which is always subject to change are two very different things. If we go by your logic we shouldn't believe anything Gabe has said about the game, at all.
Originally posted by qckbeam
Another thing, if the combine AI code that I have is real, the combine are going to act just like grunts did in the original half-Life. I mean, there is nothing written in there that is revolutionary. For example, according to Gabe this scenario could happen in half-Life 2. You are running from a combine. You come nto a dead end room, the only way out is through a window above you. You can't jump through it so you push a table over and use it to get up high enough to jump out the window. Due to the combines advanced A.I. they could hop onto the table and jump out the window after you. The combine A.I. from this supposed source code has NOTHING like that in it at all. With this supposed leaked code the combine would not be able to do the things described in that scenario (which Gabe confirmed could happen in HL2). It would operate exactly like a grunt.
It looks like a grunt, it moves like a grunt, it shoots like a grunt... OMFG! ITS AN COMBINE SOLDIER!! HL2 IZ TEH LEEKD!!!! :P
Sidenote: Without posting any code or such, have anyone found the AI for such combines as the assasiness or heavily armoured combine... Is the combine gunship AI file there?
moocow, although I can't post anymore code here, I can say that there is pathfinding stuff in the combines A.I. file, but it's exactly the same as the Half-Life 1 grunts, nothing new. I'd post it but then I'd get banned or something, sorry.
Originally posted by klopper
Haven't MOD teams had the SDK for awhile now? I would figure my g0t or some others could have got ahold of bits and chunks of the SDK to put into this package.
VNC dosent support file transfers :)
There is a whole lot of new blood related stuff. New new new, not at all like HL1. To do with streams of blood or something.
That gave me hope.
Not that this has anything to do with anything, but I was poking around and saw this, interesting


  • hl2icon.jpg
    41.6 KB · Views: 404
we need to be able to post code to prove anything, i think this ban on posting code is just stupid. Theres no real spoilers in there, I havn't come accross any characters names yet, not even gordon.
Originally posted by NeoLojik
VNC dosent support file transfers :)

Maybe not, but then you've got FTP, HTTP, e-mail ... lol!
Originally posted by Shuzer
Not that this has anything to do with anything, but I was poking around and saw this, interesting

OOOOO I'm gonna make that my HL1 shortcut!
Originally posted by Shuzer
Not that this has anything to do with anything, but I was poking around and saw this, interesting

heh looks nice at any rate.
Well I'm trying to compile this (supposed) Hl 2 source code . I'm using Visual C++ 6 enterprise and now i don't have any idea of what it's doing , but all this scrolling text is really making me think this is the real source code , he's compiling the Vertex Shader or something like that right now.. LOL . :cheers: :cheers:

I got the hl2.exe to work, can u call me hacker?????????? :bounce: Its so beautifull I wanna cry

U all fell for it hahahaha
Originally posted by ale2999
I got the hl2.exe to work, can u call me hacker?????????? :bounce: Its so beautifull I wanna cry
U all fell for it hahahaha

Ughhh... no.
Warning, moron ahead!

Originally posted by ale2999
I got the hl2.exe to work, can u call me hacker?????????? :bounce: Its so beautifull I wanna cry
U all fell for it hahahaha

Sorry I had to subject you all to that!
ehm i forgot to upgrade v6 to sp5 before start compiling ... is this bad???
Originally posted by Diablo2k
...... if thats a bogus file its a REALLY good one, cause that c++ language that is used is real.
Arbitrary yet legitimate C++ source code is readily available from a number of sources. It would be a trivial matter to accumulate 160MBs worth and zip it up into appropriately named directories.

Now I haven't seen the source code nor would it mean anything to me if I had, so this is all speculation. My point is, filling up an archive with legitimate C++ code is not the insurmountable task some of you think it is.
lol I am no moron, but it is really entertaining reading this forums day by day.
I just found a help file for the microsoft speach SDk I don't know if that means anything:

will someoen plz pm me a link or something to that code
i am very exprienced with c++ and coding but i dont hang out at the warez scene a lot so dont know good download links
i should be able to tell you if its real or not, i am pretty good with coding
and noboby can do harm with a partial code guys, relax
Originally posted by Stingey
will someoen plz pm me a link or something to that code
i am very exprienced with c++ and coding but i dont hang out at the warez scene a lot so dont know good download links
i should be able to tell you if its real or not, i am pretty good with coding
and noboby can do harm with a partial code guys, relax

No. And don't post multiple requests. Do some research.
it's 36mb rar file i don't think you can PM that...
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Arbitrary yet legitimate C++ source code is readily available from a number of sources. It would be a trivial matter to accumulate 160MBs worth and zip it up into appropriately named directories.

Perhaps, but the snippets I have seen also contain appropriately named functions and contain appropriately coded code!! It certainly is not "arbitrary" by any stretch of the imagination. It must at least be HL1 related source if it is a fake (based on the snippets I have seen).
Originally posted by Stingey
and noboby can do harm with a partial code guys, relax

That's total BS.

Releasing the WON identification code for example would be the biggest f*** up ever. It would allow someone to create a keygen that would produce valid on-line keys.
Originally posted by incorrigible
Based on all the HL1 references anf the OpenGL code, this could be an ealy version of the final code. That's why some of the AI routines are the same as HL1 ... they haven't worked on that yet.
If that's the case then this would be alpha or even pre-alpha code. In other words, there would be significant differences between this and the final code making this source code useless to hackers, assuming that it is indeed legitimate.
I have part of this supposed code, and from what I can see it is not harmful to have. It's the stuff you'd get with an SDK. However I don't have the full thing and I, like Stingey, have no idea where to get it. Also, I agree with mrchimp, the ban on posting code is stupid. We can't discuss it or determine whether or not it's real if we can't give examples. Could someone PM me a link to it though, I would like to take a look at the rest of it.
Well, since no one is doing anything to this, I believe its safe to assume that the guy who made all those files in his 'spare time' is laughing his head off.
Yeah there's a lot of fake looking stuff in there.

If he's laughing his head off about this..... i dunno. He needs to get a life. If he cooked it up in a minute that'd be funny, but the amount of work you would need for this, the end doesn't justify the means.
dun dun dun. steam platform update = scan your computer for hl2 source :x
there is nothing in the utils folder that mentions HL2 but there is plenty of stuff for HL1 includeing a model viewer and an optimization program for the geforce1,2 and 3 cards but no mention of 4 and fx which is very odd considering the app was made by NV so there is no reason why valve would have not updated it or kept the old one.
Err i dont wanna read all this shit you posted, But can someone sum me up about what you found out ?
If its fake, I wonder why there's lip synching in it, among other things (vehicles, etc.)
Originally posted by qckbeam
the ban on posting code is stupid. We can't discuss it or determine whether or not it's real if we can't give examples.
I think the point is, it's not really up to us to determine its legitimacy, and the site administrators are prudently taking a hard stance on the subject as I'm sure we'd all hate for this site to get shut down by overzealous lawyers.

Let's just wait for a statement from Valve.
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