HL2 Source Code

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Originally posted by Headwires
wot is newsplash.bmp then, not every 1 has it :/

Its a new ugly splashscreen for hammer. It says Hammer and in the middle there is a (surprise) hammer. Copyright valve software 1997 - 2002 or something. Its red - orange - grey - blackish.
Originally posted by Tork
even if its delayed more it cant be that bad. Halloween , Thanksgiving , Xmas , New years :) and maybe halflife2.

ffs that ages away :/
haha. so seriously, how do the hl2.net staff confirm it's real?
Originally posted by budgie55
whats everyone talking about some email or something I read somewhere thats been deleted fro everywhere.
Apparently one of the Steam developers was socially engineered by someone here at halflife2.net, who used another developer's email address to register on Steam (which doesn't validate/confirm email addresses first). He basically gave an ultimate proof-of-concept of his "bug" that emails need to be validated. By looking like a Steam developer, the other developer discussed parts of Steam that shouldn't have been public. I won't post a link to the actual email transcription, but ... it can be found on a "certain" popular cheating organization's website.
Surely there would be no harm in posting newsplash.bmp?
How can it be compiled with batches?

Does it have some links in it?
Originally posted by mrchimp
where is the engine code WHERE, i have been asking for somone to tell me the location for ages. I can find the HL1 engine code in there which doesn't make any sense and i can find some files that appear to define PS shaders but they could have been made in render monkey (www.ati.com), so give me the location of the DX9 renderer core components.
Can't tell you that, and even if the moderator was going to allow it, I wouldnt because its not something that is supposed to be public. Although, someone just posted a link to the slashdot article -- maybe you'll be lucky there.
Originally posted by XaTrIx
Its a new ugly splashscreen for hammer. It says Hammer and in the middle there is a (surprise) hammer. Copyright valve software 1997 - 2002 or something. Its red - orange - grey - blackish.

looks very unprofessional... I could whip up that logo in 5 minutes in photoshop.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
haha. so seriously, how do the hl2.net staff confirm it's real?
Staff don't have to be the ones to confirm it. They have confrimed the social engineering of Chris, to get Steam details from him, but the only proof that you have of this archive being real are the statements from those of us who have seen it, and who have the experience to know that it is not a fake.
Hmmm... I had a look at this... I really think that Valve goofed up on the relase of HL2, but I don't think they deserved this. This stuff is NOT fake...
but the guy was saying that hl2.net could confirm it was real! just before! about 5 pages ago.
Originally posted by madCoder
Can't tell you that, and even if the moderator was going to allow it, I wouldnt because its not something that is supposed to be public. Although, someone just posted a link to the slashdot article -- maybe you'll be lucky there.

you can tell me which bloody file it's in, I have the source code but i can only find OpenGL stuff apart from the pixel shaders which could have been made in render monkey or nvidias Cg.

So if someone can tell me which file if it even exists, has the main DX9 engine code i would take it as gospel truth that this is real.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
but the guy was saying that hl2.net could confirm it was real! just before! about 5 pages ago.

My thought is that either the staff are experienced C++ programmers or they got confirmation from Valve that it's real.
Haha, I don't this thread...has that guy got the source code?
I feel sick for Valve, they must be so upset that 5 years work is now out there for little script kiddies to scoff over, its really sad.
Please connect to irc.quakenet.org #halflife2 for further discussion.
Apparently quite a few people have the source code now, it's supposedly been up on a certain BT link hub for a long while now.

Edit: Sorry rec, I was mid-post when you made the comment.
It's starting to really piss me off that people are takeing one look at this and saying it's real, anyone who actually is an expert would take a reasonable amount of time to come to a conclusion. Instead there are people who couldn't write a "hello world" app in any language atall claiming it's real.

FFS don't jump to conclusions.
Originally posted by mrchimp
It's starting to really piss me off that people are takeing one look at this and saying it's real, anyone who actually is an expert would take a reasonable amount of time to come to a conclusion. Instead there are people who couldn't write a "hello world" app in any language atall claiming it's real.

FFS don't jump to conclusions.

its the vectors man, the vectors are all wrong !
Originally posted by mrchimp
It's starting to really piss me off that people are takeing one look at this and saying it's real, anyone who actually is an expert would take a reasonable amount of time to come to a conclusion. Instead there are people who couldn't write a "hello world" app in any language atall claiming it's real.

FFS don't jump to conclusions.
http://server.counter-strike.net/ -- Read that article and decide for yourself. my opinion is that it is real -- I don't possibly see how it could be anything else, and yes I am a C++ programmer, and have been for years.
Call me an idiot, but how do I connect to irc.quakenet.org in mIRC, it's all muddled, I rarely use this program!
Originally posted by Athlon7
Call me an idiot, but how do I connect to irc.quakenet.org in mIRC, it's all muddled, I rarely use this program!
you're an idiot ;)


type: /server irc.quakenet.org -j #halflife2
type, /server irc.quakenet.org when you join that, type /join #halflife2
10 Print"Hello World"
20 Goto 10

I hope that's proof enough...
Don't bother with the IRC channel there talking shit... I'm still waiting for someone to give the core DX9 renderer code
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