HL2 Source Code

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I wonder what the fall out of all this is going to be?

And how the hell did something of this maginitude get out of Valve's hands in the first place? Bits of source code, yes, but whole f*cking source code tree? What the hell!
Looking at the source, the collision detection of a bullet hitting a target in HL2 is very similiar to the code of the ball hitting a paddle in Pong...Copy&Paste???
Thats like, beyond ...everything.
The leak, and the files themselves, it's ****ing amazing.
yeah, we all know it's real now, but i want to hear valve's reaction to this, don't keep me waiting!!!!!!
I'v changed my mind some guy just showed where a whole chunk of engine code is, this now seems very convincing.
Dammit, this is such a mess! How did this happen? And azz0r, are there spoilers in that quote, or is it OK to read?
true say guys, I will be very angry if this is real.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Wow, azz0r, you may as well PM a mod and ask him to ban you.

Shut the **** up, I dont consider it spoilers at all, but seeing as he's sees it as a spoiler Ive posted it elsewhere for you to view, asswipe.
Is it possible for Coders/moders whatever to make a playable level with hl2 GFX ?
The more I read, the more this seems to be legitimate. I can not imagine what the consequences of this are going to be, not just for Half-Life 2 but for the future of Valve.
Originally posted by Digital.dk
Is it possible for Coders/moders whatever to make a playable level with hl2 GFX ?

I don't know... if they could make all the content I'm assuming yes.
Hmm how do you now CS is released with HL 2? Just cause there is code in that build doesnt mean it will have CS in it .......
I am a bit slow guys.

I just want to know whats going to happen to HL2 or valve company if this is a true. it is not the game its only codes/
Looks like Valve will be doing some house cleaning in terms of human resources...

As if the Steam and HL-2 delays that have been experienced lately hadn't given some people in the community enough reason to bash VALVe, someone has recently leaked a large archive (decompresses to approximately 160MB) yesterday, containing what appears to be the source code for none other than HalfLife-2, along wth TF2 and a whole slew of other utilities. Is it real? Fake? Someone's sick attempt at a prank? What does this mean for VALVe?

Well, no one knows for sure yet. VALVe has not commented on the situation as of this posting, but the archive definitely does contain working, compiling source code for what appears to be HalfLife-2. Obviously the source code will not allow anyone to play the game before release (partly due to the fact that none of the resources -- like maps, models, sprites, some other libraries, etc -- are contained in the archive), but the idea of having the source code for such an anticipated game as HalfLife-2 is something that could have VALVe in a pretty sticky situation.

For obvious reasons, I'm not willing to provide any details about the source code itself, but I can say that the entire source tree can be compiled within a couple hours, and most of the resulting files can be executed, though as of yet, neither the client nor server can be used in any kind of running state.

That isn't what worries me however. Having a leaked copy of the game would have been cool for all the people who want a sneak peak at the gameplay itself, but with the source code, much worse things can happen. A cheat developer could use part of the code to find ways to hook the client and produce cheats. Or emerging game developers could steal parts of the new engine (which, yes, is also entirely contained in this "leaked" archive), for a game of their own. With the source code of a game that would normally have a pricetag, ... this could mean bad things for VALVe.

Just yesterday, a Steam developer was social-engineered (intentionally or not) to discuss information about Steam, its current drawbacks, and plans for future features (sourced from Halflife2.net, and a transcript of an email between Steam developers). With all this information about Steam and HL-2 coming out which shouldn't normally be public, it has some people speculating that it could be a publicity stunt executed by VALVe. What they would get out of it, I do not know.

Alas, all is not lost for VALVe. Since this leak did happen before the game is publicly released, they still have time to make enough changes to the game to at least discourage amateur programmers from attempting to compile their own client or server DLLs. That may stop would-be cheaters from mutilating the game, but when you consider that in this source code lies six years of hard work from one of the industry's leading companies, it's hard to fathom what VALVe has up their sleeve to recover from what could be a detrimetal blow to their profit, research, and company as a whole.

As a programmer myself, I can surely appreciate the time and brilliance that was required to construct this beauty, and I can only hope that VALVe can make it through this without suffering any losses.

Keep an eye out here for updates.
Originally posted by azz0r
Shut the **** up, I dont consider it spoilers at all, but seeing as he's sees it as a spoiler Ive posted it elsewhere for you to view, asswipe.
Whether you personally consider it spoilerish or not is irrelevant as the moderators have made it abundantly clear that they don't want people posting source code or information derived from the source code. Frankly, I'm surprised you weren't banned outright for that stunt.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
Looks like Valve will be doing some house cleaning in terms of human resources...
yes, I can see some heads rolling right now...
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Whether you personally consider it spoilerish or not is irrelevant as the moderators have made it abundantly clear that they don't want people posting source code or information derived from the source code. Frankly, I'm surprised you weren't banned outright for that stunt.

Would be a shitty forum if people were banned on the first warning.
Originally posted by G0rgon
I am a bit slow guys.

that is clear.

A cheat developer could use part of the code to find ways to hook the client and produce cheats. Or emerging game developers could steal parts of the new engine (which, yes, is also entirely contained in this "leaked" archive), for a game of their own.

so as to not waste my time, i copied/pasted part of the following article:

counter-server article
Originally posted by azz0r
Would be a shitty forum if people were banned on the first warning.

the moderators asking you not to post that kind of stuff on this thread should've been your first warning.

read the thread before posting. if it's too long to read, don't post.
everything is planed 100% valve put a 50% of the source code so they can delay the game. we never knew what type of weapons cars... will be in the game, but now we know thanks to the damn source code... its all planed trust me people :(
Originally posted by Maskirovka
that is clear.

A cheat developer could use part of the code to find ways to hook the client and produce cheats. Or emerging game developers could steal parts of the new engine (which, yes, is also entirely contained in this "leaked" archive), for a game of their own.

so as to not waste my time, i copied/pasted part of the following article:

counter-server article


It appears the entire HL1 code is there as well, which was not publicly available before this.

in theory you could compile the HL1 code then put it in you HL folder and it would work, you could also add bump mapping and other such things.
Yep, they are going to cancel HL2 now and waste all the money (their profit from HL1) they spent on it...
The new release date is 15-05-04.

(if this is real)
Why would somebody leak this? Pissed off at Valve for their bizzare behavior?
Originally posted by azz0r
Would be a shitty forum if people were banned on the first warning.

We are not forcing you to stay here, but if you do want to stay, then please obey the rules. This is quite a serious thing going on with Source, so dont be surprised if we come down hard on this.
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