HL2 Source Code

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i personally think nvidia leaked it over valves ati deals, just like ati leaked doom3 alpha after id's deals with nvidia...
Well i know they use Python for their scripting now, should make for interesting MODs.
Can't you fools see?!? Valve released the Source Engine into it's natural habitat, the internet, so they could sit back and watch it evolve a la X-Files episode 5X11 "Kill Switch" written by William Gibson!!!!
I just downloaded a 30mb rar with all those files in the screenshot in it, cool.
Originally posted by Pol
i personally think nvidia leaked it over valves ati deals, just like ati leaked doom3 alpha after id's deals with nvidia...

this is not a game leakage, is a source code leakage and neither ATI nor nvidia will ever see the HL2 source code (except now since it has been leaked) :)
Originally posted by Wesisapie
By fragmaster, at planethalflife:

lot of wacky crap is currently going down in Half-Lifesville. There are a lot of rumors and bad information out there at the moment, just keep in mind that most of it is inaccurate or only partially true.
The Half-Life 2 source code has in fact been leaked, though. While this certainly isn't good, it doesn't appear to be catastrophically bad at this point either, since no actual Half-Life 2 game content or art was included. Again, downloading the source code will not enable you to play the game.

We're hoping Valve will step up, do some damage control, and clear everything up.
LOL, of course, he knows it has been leaked just by stating it like that, and we are still unsure after 700+ posts. But there is no doubt for him. :dozey:
So, with some quake 2 engine power this script could become a game?
When was that announced? "UPDATE2: We can now say with pretty much absolute certainty that this is indeed real and not a hoax."
I leave for a cross country meet...and look what happens.....

I'm not sure whether this is the actual source code. Hopefully Valve can give is some info....
Administrators !!!!

please update The main page constantly about it..

FYI: the source provided with the SDK for Half-Life 1 and the "leaked" match up to 15.86%
Originally posted by shapeshifter
the source? no its completly valves own work, just becuase it might have commands that look the same does not mean its baised on it, many diffrent game engines "look" simmilar at certian times. (becuase there all doing the same thing, driving a game engine) just like a ford engine looks the same as a ferrari one, does not make them all made by "chevy" or whatever, there just baised on the same idea.

This is the steamiest, smelliest pile of BS I've read in a long time. Classic example of people talking about stuff they know absolutely nothing about. It's one thing to be "kinda" wrong... but it's another to just make shit up.

Valve LICENSED the Quake engine for HL1, and then modified it as needed during development.
Fragmaster is now going over this thread wondering why his Gamespy forums never get this busy :P anyway I think he didnt like the threads made up about him on these forums and has put on his "PHL is more profesional than Halflife2.net" face
Originally posted by VoidWraith
Fragmaster is one to make unfounded assumptions.

Yeah, like that stupid release date assumption . . . oh, wait. He was right about that one.
Unless... ITS fragmaster whos leaked the code!!! Hes valves janitor that has locked him self in to a room with a computer that has the code, extracted it his own FTP... and now look.... :P
The torrent is on a website who's name describes a collapsing star and ends with .org
droper: Don't ask for links. Don't ask anyone to send it to you. If you really want it, do some searching... I don't people should keep DLing it though, just make the problem more widespread =/
Originally posted by Democritus
Yeah, like that stupid release date assumption . . . oh, wait. He was right about that one.

Its still an unfounded assumption.
Originally posted by chewysplace
My question is HOW could it have been leaked.

Valve isn't dumb enought to leave comps hooked to the internet that have code, so thats pretty much out. the only other way i could think is that they had a burned cd of the code and someone swiped it somewhere, say a convention or maybe the janitor
My guess is that it was an inside job. Perhaps an intern or other temporary employee burned himself a copy to show his buddies. "I'll give you a copy, but you have to promise you won't give it to anybody else." Yeah, right.

Things like this have a habit of spinning out of control surprisingly quickly.
I've just came online and i see all this...HOLY SH!T, I hope the person who leaked this, if its real gets his ass sued.
Originally posted by Shuzer
droper: Don't ask for links. Don't ask anyone to send it to you. If you really want it, do some searching... I don't people should keep DLing it though, just make the problem more widespread =/

i already found it. I;m sure its all over the place already its not that big. I don't see how asking makes that any bigger a problem.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
My guess is that it was an inside job. Perhaps an intern or other temporary employee burned himself a copy to show his buddies. "I'll give you a copy, but you have to promise you won't give it to anybody else." Yeah, right.

Things like this have a habit of spinning out of control surprisingly quickly.

well they brought it upon themselves
LOL, why is there a Cstrike folder in the hl2_src, how would that make sense.
Originally posted by nw909
LOL, why is there a Cstrike folder in the hl2_src, how would that make sense.

Your not the king of current events are you.

Cause CS is using teh same freaking engine!
Personally by looking at the code it looks fake. Seems like other code that was written over so it looks like hl2.
enough hl2_src insanity for me for the moment... i need sleep.
can't wait for valves reaction.
Originally posted by nw909
LOL, why is there a Cstrike folder in the hl2_src, how would that make sense.

Actually, it would make a lot of sense if this were (fex) a copy of their development archive. Perhaps an old backup tape?

EDIT: RE: Linux - ever hear of a dedicated server?
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