HL2 Source Code

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Originally posted by droper
i already found it. I;m sure its all over the place already its not that big. I don't see how asking makes that any bigger a problem.

Let's say you DL it, and tell one of your friends, and in turn you send it to him/give him a link, and he does the same with 2, and so forth.. just makes it spread around quicker, that's all I'm saying
it seems so simple to me... i mean just by the directory its in...
Originally posted by droper
Personally by looking at the code it looks fake. Seems like other code that was written over so it looks like hl2.

Nah, it compiles ok. just cant run it since there are no model files or grafix :/
It looks real if you have it just look at the strider code, i mean could you make something like that up and would you do it for a hoax?
the entire HL1 engine's in there but it's not the normal HL1 engine it has refrences to VTF files which weren't used in HL1 (unless they added it in a patch).
It might be an older build, they surely wouldn't release the game with known bugs.
//!!!BUGBUG - we should make this check movetype and make sure it isn't FLY? Players who jump a lot are unlikely to
// be grenaded.
whats this 400mb Doom3 E3 demo thats floating about too? its on that collapsing star website.

wtf is going on
again here is a repost of qckbeam (or something :D)

originally written by Qckbeam:

Ok, this bit of code is taken from the Half-Life SDK v2.3:

// Speak Sentence - say your cued up sentence.
// Some grunt sentences (take cover and charge) rely on actually
// being able to execute the intended action. It's really lame
// when a grunt says 'COVER ME' and then doesn't move. The problem
// is that the sentences were played when the decision to TRY
// to move to cover was made. Now the sentence is played after
// we know for sure that there is a valid path. The schedule
// may still fail but in most cases, well after the grunt has
// started moving.

And this is taken from the supposed Half-Life 2 SDK, from the npc_combine file:

// Speak Sentence - say your cued up sentence.
// Some grunt sentences (take cover and charge) rely on actually
// being able to execute the intended action. It's really lame
// when a grunt says 'COVER ME' and then doesn't move. The problem
// is that the sentences were played when the decision to TRY
// to move to cover was made. Now the sentence is played after
// we know for sure that there is a valid path. The schedule
// may still fail but in most cases, well after the grunt has
// started moving.

It's fake. Someone took the HL1 SDK and reworked it to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK

Heres another comment from the HL1 SDK:

// ISoundMask - Overidden for human grunts because they
// hear the DANGER sound that is made by hand grenades and
// other dangerous items.

And here is it's somewhat edited twin in the supposed Half-Life 2 SDK

Purpose: Overidden for human grunts because they hear the DANGER sound

As you can see the author of the fake SDK went ahead and changed some stuff here and there to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK. There is more but I'm not going to post it all here.

Edit: ok I'm going to say this too. The npc_combine file (which is part of the supposed HL2 SDK) and the hgrunt file from the HL1 SDK are very, very similar. That means that either A) Valve decided to basically reuse the Half-Life 1 SDK only making minor changes here and there, or that B) Some guy with a knowledge of programming went out and changed the files from the HL1 SDK to make them look like the files from the Half-Life 2 SDK.

Also, code was posted earlier showing the rendering engine for Half-Life 2 making OpenGl calls. Since Half-Life2 does NOT use OpenGl in any way, that code is false. Made up. Here is the code from this supposed HL2 code, it's found in a folder called glquake.h (suspicious):

#ifndef GLQUAKE_H
#define GLQUAKE_H
#pragma once

#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // MIPS
#pragma warning(disable : 4136) // X86
#pragma warning(disable : 4051) // ALPHA

#include "basetypes.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "bspfile.h"

Also from glquake.h

extern ConVar r_norefresh;
extern ConVar r_speeds;
extern ConVar r_speedsquiet;
extern ConVar r_lightmapcolorscale;
extern ConVar r_decals;
extern ConVar mp_decals;
extern ConVar r_lightmap;
extern ConVar r_lightstyle;
extern ConVar r_dynamic;

That just wouldn't be in Half-Life 2 code, it's quake code.
look at the manhack code, good lord, if that's fake someone has WAY, WAY too much time on their hands. The detail is amazing.

Edit: thats me being quoted in the post above, and after seeing the full source I am pretty much sure that it is real code from sometime during or soon after E3.
Originally posted by nw909
and a linux folder, WTF!

*sigh*... Half Life 1 came with a linux release, so its not surprising... Apparently HL2 probably won't ship with a linux release, but just a dedicated server (and as mentioned... Half Life 1's most popular dedicated server format is... you guessed it... Linux)
one thing first.... Could it be so that the HL2 Engine is only 30mb big?
Only that seems a little bit suspious.. But who know, maybe its just me tryin to deny the truth
Originally posted by Fat_Bob
one thing first.... Could it be so that the HL2 Engine is only 30mb big?
Only that seems a little bit suspious.. But who know, maybe its just me tryin to deny the truth

because it extracts to over 160 megs of files (about 8,000 of them).
Foggy it's been confirmed real (not by valve) but by coders unless you have been proging C++ for 10 years i'll listen to others. THe GL_QUAKE is from the HL1 engine that USED the Quake engine orginally, porting parts from HL1 to HL2 im sure happend and that why thoose files are there
Originally posted by willy1ka
whats this 400mb Doom3 E3 demo thats floating about too? its on that collapsing star website.

Welcome to last year, willy! :)
the entire gameui folder is steam and 1.6 source code.

you all need to realize this isn't just half-life 2.
yeah i know the alpha was leaked - but this says e3 demo. maybe someone just renamed the alpha....
perhaps this is what valve gets for having a finished HL2 game awaiting productiona nd shipment because they decided to release it via some shitty program they cant get to work

its very unfortunate and i believe the longer they hold back the worse this situation will become.

i REALLY wish steam would get it together
Originally posted by JavaGuy
This is the steamiest, smelliest pile of BS I've read in a long time. Classic example of people talking about stuff they know absolutely nothing about. It's one thing to be "kinda" wrong... but it's another to just make shit up.

Valve LICENSED the Quake engine for HL1, and then modified it as needed during development.

YOU weren't reading I wasent talking about Half life 1, Im talking about half life 2, which is completly valves OWN work.
I think it's funny how www.hl2.nl is basing it's FAKE claims on comments from the source code. Although believeable to a non-programmer anyone with coding knowledge would see the amount of code using pixel and vertex shaders and things that HL1 didn't support (again basing this off of what I have read)
DON"T POST CODE! You could get this site into trouble if it's real!
Originally posted by qckbeam
DON"T POST CODE! You could get this site into trouble if it's real!

but for good jeebus sake thats alot of code to be faking.
Concerning the similarities... This COULD be a very early testbed for HL2, still based on a large part of the HL1 engine... It would explain why the grunt is the combine, as it behaves similar (they dont need different behaviour for the combine) and why there are so many new parts.
I still havent bothered downloading it, but its a theory.
nw909, if it is real you could get this site into legal trouble.

Edit: The code gives alot of information about Half-Life 2, not to mention it is all of what Valve has been working on for five years. They have disclaimers in the code too.
Originally posted by shapeshifter
YOU weren't reading I wasent talking about Half life 1, Im talking about half life 2, which is completly valves OWN work.

One thing about game development you should learn, YOU NEVER rewrite code when you don't have too, if there were things that can be used from HL1(which there are) they are put to use in HL2
Froggy really did his homework. This is infact a fake.

again here is a repost of qckbeam (or something )

originally written by Qckbeam:

Ok, this bit of code is taken from the Half-Life SDK v2.3:

// Speak Sentence - say your cued up sentence.
// Some grunt sentences (take cover and charge) rely on actually
// being able to execute the intended action. It's really lame
// when a grunt says 'COVER ME' and then doesn't move. The problem
// is that the sentences were played when the decision to TRY
// to move to cover was made. Now the sentence is played after
// we know for sure that there is a valid path. The schedule
// may still fail but in most cases, well after the grunt has
// started moving.

And this is taken from the supposed Half-Life 2 SDK, from the npc_combine file:

// Speak Sentence - say your cued up sentence.
// Some grunt sentences (take cover and charge) rely on actually
// being able to execute the intended action. It's really lame
// when a grunt says 'COVER ME' and then doesn't move. The problem
// is that the sentences were played when the decision to TRY
// to move to cover was made. Now the sentence is played after
// we know for sure that there is a valid path. The schedule
// may still fail but in most cases, well after the grunt has
// started moving.

It's fake. Someone took the HL1 SDK and reworked it to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK

Heres another comment from the HL1 SDK:

// ISoundMask - Overidden for human grunts because they
// hear the DANGER sound that is made by hand grenades and
// other dangerous items.

And here is it's somewhat edited twin in the supposed Half-Life 2 SDK

Purpose: Overidden for human grunts because they hear the DANGER sound

As you can see the author of the fake SDK went ahead and changed some stuff here and there to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK. There is more but I'm not going to post it all here.

Edit: ok I'm going to say this too. The npc_combine file (which is part of the supposed HL2 SDK) and the hgrunt file from the HL1 SDK are very, very similar. That means that either A) Valve decided to basically reuse the Half-Life 1 SDK only making minor changes here and there, or that B) Some guy with a knowledge of programming went out and changed the files from the HL1 SDK to make them look like the files from the Half-Life 2 SDK.

Also, code was posted earlier showing the rendering engine for Half-Life 2 making OpenGl calls. Since Half-Life2 does NOT use OpenGl in any way, that code is false. Made up. Here is the code from this supposed HL2 code, it's found in a folder called glquake.h (suspicious):

#ifndef GLQUAKE_H
#define GLQUAKE_H
#pragma once

#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // MIPS
#pragma warning(disable : 4136) // X86
#pragma warning(disable : 4051) // ALPHA

#include "basetypes.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "bspfile.h"

Also from glquake.h

extern ConVar r_norefresh;
extern ConVar r_speeds;
extern ConVar r_speedsquiet;
extern ConVar r_lightmapcolorscale;
extern ConVar r_decals;
extern ConVar mp_decals;
extern ConVar r_lightmap;
extern ConVar r_lightstyle;
extern ConVar r_dynamic;

That just wouldn't be in Half-Life 2 code, it's quake code.
Originally posted by scurvy

scurvy wins idiot of the day award :) nah.. like I said, it's been explained before why this is bad news for VALVe
The rar thats floating around conatins partial code from hl1 as well as hl2 and steam, thats why the opengl stuff keeps croping up it's just old redundant code in there.

And some havok stuff as well...
that zombie code refers to a headcrab detatching from a zombie - that did not happen in HL1...
Originally posted by Digital.dk
Its fake


Its a re-worked HL1 SDK ... Bah

HL2.NL is just confused. This leak is not just HL2 code it's also HL1, CS, TF2, Steam, Havok, LipSynch and DX9 Shader code. And much more which remains to be discovered.
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