HL2 Source Code

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Originally posted by BoRn[nBk]
Matter of a fact i think valve had it coming they promised us benchmarks would be handed out to the fans and valve failed to do so some hacker got into one of the systems at valve and took the sorce engine

Valve shouldn't have had this coming.
Valve stated that the benchmarks were to be publically released by having it included IN BOX with HL2. If people still expected the benchmark on the 30th after an official delay, hey.. it's not Valve's fault they refused to think it all the way through.

The benchmarks weren't promised to fans, from what I can tell.
Originally posted by BoRn[nBk]
Matter of a fact i think valve had it coming they promised us benchmarks would be handed out to the fans and valve failed to do so some hacker got into one of the systems at valve and took the sorce engine

Are you insinuating their motives for doing so were fueled by the delay/benchmark fiasco? If you ask me whoever did it would've probably done it anyway. They probably had been planning how to hack in for some time, and make sure they couldn't get caught doing it.
oh well... Keep smiling :)

btw... how the hell do u do those cool quote things...
yeah, hackers wouldn't just fly off the handle n go do something major like that on a spurr the moment kinda dilly-o
The source code tell you nothing about the story anyway, that would be in a set of map files some where that our enterprising hacker neglected to probe.
I would think that if the game DID come out the 30th everyone would of been occupied with the game. And there be a slight chance the hacker would of never got in
Originally posted by BoRn[nBk]
Matter of a fact i think valve had it coming they promised us benchmarks would be handed out to the fans and valve failed to do so some hacker got into one of the systems at valve and took the sorce engine
Oh yeah, btw.
That post from Gabe (if it's true, not entirely sure yet) said that this occured before the delay was announced... I think, Lemme check.. I forget things very easily.

ADDED: Just checked and this WAS leaked on 9/19. That's before the delay was even announced officially.
By the way, if you have a copy, i recommend keeping it... it will be valuable one day :)

Like an antique.
Originally posted by Ares
ADDED: Just checked and this WAS leaked on 9/19. That's before the delay was even announced officially.

Thought I read somewhere that Valve recently said the game was finished and all they needed to do now was optimize Steam for release and localize it for the 12 different languages represented. This code could possibly be from a near-final build.
I know what you;re talking about. And youre right.. but things/excuses change.
Anyways, I hope it's not further delayed.
Can't vavle use anti cheat software to fend off the mother f uckers who make cheats?
There will never be such a thing as 100% cheat proof online-gaming. Never :(
Americas Army is 99% cheat proof, all those hacks are stuper unstable after 1.9, and crash every second, plus when they are not working they are detected after 2 mins, and your IP is permanently banned from AAO
You know, Maybe I would care about this if steam wasn't so gay. Its called what goes around comes around.

three cheers to the hacker for making valve feel some of that steam power up their asses.
"steamisgay" although I agree with you that valve deserves everthing they get, I really hope this doesnt cause a game delay.
Originally posted by steamisgay
You know, Maybe I would care about this if steam wasn't so gay. Its called what goes around comes around.

three cheers to the hacker for making valve feel some of that steam power up their asses.

Being constructive isn't one of your strong points, is it?
You see, I have Steam on my computer. Guess what. It works flawlessly. I can play all the games just fine without any slowdown, any problems with bugs, etc. If you have a problem with Steam perhaps it's a problem with your configuration..


Geez, what the hell is with this place being flooded with the Steam forum kiddies? Go back to your little cave you trolls.. while you're at it grow up.

ARGH, I can't stand immature people like these.
Originally posted by steamisgay
You know, Maybe I would care about this if steam wasn't so gay. Its called what goes around comes around.

three cheers to the hacker for making valve feel some of that steam power up their asses.

Go back to /. you stupid goons.
Originally posted by rluto
"steamisgay" although I agree with you that valve deserves everthing they get, I really hope this doesnt cause a game delay.
delays are fun. you get to await stuff.
Originally posted by rluto
"steamisgay" although I agree with you that valve deserves everthing they get, I really hope this doesnt cause a game delay.

You stupid ass, the leaking caused the delay.
How can a piece of software have a sexual preference, does it gang up on all the other programs in the shower and take them from behind?
wow... trolls.. dude.. thats really weak... put some effort into your abuse mate... :) or at least use big words that just sound funny when u put them together... hehe... ahh the fun of being young and immature :)
If you have a problem with Steam perhaps it's a problem with your configuration..
I'd have to say operator error would be the issue. Mine workd flawlessly, all day every day. Steam is equilivant to credit cards. You can use steam, or go to the store and buy the game the hard way. You can pay bills in cash or by credit card over the phone. You people need to realize that this is the future of getting all games.
According to a source I read, the Havok physics code is only about 80% there, because Havok does not release their full set of code with their license. That said, there will still be procedural calls and references in the HL2 source code that will call on specific algorithms, etc. in the Havok engine to allow talented hackers to pick apart Havok.

Anyhow, for those of you that say VALVe deserved this because of the delay, you'll note that the bloody leak is the CAUSE of the delay. Additionally, ENOUGH with bashing Steam already. Yes, we know the unveiling was horribly flawed, but for crying out loud...it's purpose is designed to help the end user save money, and to obtain software quickly. So, if you don't have anything constructive to say: please just keep quiet.
OK-From now on "steam" will be called "THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS"

yeah THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS works fine*laughs*....nobody can use D3D. Some people can ONLY play in D3D. They cannot play since the intro of THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS. THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS grinds the HD for 20mins upon startup, doing god knows what. THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS cannot connect to the servers to authenticate my HL CD key. I goto the site and 1/2 the servers are down. THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS causes lockups on my comp as well. THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS is incredibly gay. I play HL less and less because of THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS. I made an account to bitch about how gay THE INCREDIBLE GAYNESS is.
Originally posted by Rice-Rocketeer
So, if you don't have anything constructive to say: please just keep quiet.

Amen to that.

If any sort of positive spin can be put on this, I overheard some of the guys who go to my school (seniors in game programming course) talking about how they checked out the code, and were truly amazed at both its size and its quality. They thought it was really cool stuff. While I personally haven't seen it (and am strongly fighting the urge to check it out for educational purposes), I too am amazed that there is 180ish megabytes of code. That's a lot of writing. Kudos to Valve for being able to create that monster. Hope the ones who were the hackers get caught.
This is the 9/11 of the gaming community.

I blame liberal terrorists.

I'm gonna have to probably buy two copies to support VAVLE through these hard times.

I suggest all the honest people of the world support entertainment and sustain/nurture independent developers.

The open source community is the bastard child of the Internet.

This whole incident has convinced me that the RIAA is right. Convincd me so well in fact that I think that THEY are the ones behind it all!!!
Its not that bad for the game even tho it may be bad for valve in terms of loss of ip and more work need to implement anti cheat stuff.
Originally posted by peoplesuc
This whole incident has convinced me that the RIAA is right. Convincd me so well in fact that I think that THEY are the ones behind it all!!!

I still consider this to be much much much worse than downloading music. Its like you are not only stealing the recording, but also the instruments, the musicians, and their inspiration which together made the music.... I really feel aweful about this, and its not even my project. I can't imagine how they must feel right now. But i'm sure it would be pretty easy to detect bogus copies of the exe's and dll's with steam. Or better yet, automatically replace them with more secure binaries, so that the cheating is kept to a minimum.

Originally posted by peoplesuc
This is the 9/11 of the gaming community.

I blame liberal terrorists.

I'm gonna have to probably buy two copies to support VAVLE through these hard times.

I suggest all the honest people of the world support entertainment and sustain/nurture independent developers.

The open source community is the bastard child of the Internet.

This whole incident has convinced me that the RIAA is right. Convincd me so well in fact that I think that THEY are the ones behind it all!!!
Hahahaha, you poor brain-washed bastard. :LOL:
I blame Osama .BIN L33D3N. You know, that guy. International computer terrorist. Poor Valve, so much hard work and then there was the delay insults, and now this.

Anyway... 180mb of code. Right now I'm fighting the urge to check out the code too for educational purposes (well there's not much else it can be used for).
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