HL2 Source Code

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So Pulp Fiction is rude. :D
/me runs
That's too far OT.

I wonder what they can actually do with the sources ...
Originally posted by coolio2man
Your gunna go to hell little child, i hope u dont E-mail your mom with that keyboard

lol! that made me laugh.

wow, this thread certainly grew while I was asleep.

EDIT: Damn living in the UK, I miss all the action.
Originally posted by MrD
wow, this thread certainly grew while I was asleep.

EDIT: Damn living in the UK, I miss all the action.
U think u missed a lot, my isp has been down during all this! WTF is going on here :D !!!
Originally posted by Sushi
U think u missed a lot, my isp has been down during all this! WTF is going on here :D !!!


You serious?? cos I can explain it lol
HEY, i found the real criminals, these 2 worked on the valve hackjob together. heres a pic. be on the lookout!


  • mgma002386-still_hires.jpg
    23.8 KB · Views: 353
"only" 32 :( can someone sum some things up for me? cause im to lazy to read a goddamn 92 pages long thread :'(
Originally posted by MrD
lol! that made me laugh.

wow, this thread certainly grew while I was asleep.

EDIT: Damn living in the UK, I miss all the action.

arrrgg too true.

whenever valve says something I'm not there to witness it ;(
Originally posted by PhatBoyz
... and your IP is permanently banned from AAO

So, if some bugger cheats using the same service provider as me, then I might end up being able to connect because I might get the dynamic IP that they were using to cheat. This seems like a bad plan. Surely we'll end up with half the ISP's dynamic IP range getting banned since the cheater will just keep reconnecting??

Do you think Valve will bother mentioning anything about HL3 until they are ready to release it? It would certainly be safer not to, judging by this little episode.
Originally posted by He@t!
OmG 92 pages what have u guys been doing! lol

Join the club, lol!

Bloody Americans!
(disclaimer: I mean that in a nice jokey, friendly way)
lol LAst night Aprox 24hours ago same time it was at 9 pages then i wake up late today cuz it was my off day then BAM it was like at 80+ pages...Thats gotta be a record!!
Originally posted by He@t!
lol LAst night Aprox 24hours ago same time it was at 9 pages then i wake up late today cuz it was my off day then BAM it was like at 80+ pages...Thats gotta be a record!!

yeah i think so too :D what is/what was the total amount of posts per min here?
hey some people have got it to work now, they can enter console commands and stuff like that.

The editor is included in the source code as well so in theory somone could make a fully functional map....
If thats the case then it won't be long before the techdemo pops up ...
I was thinking that you could rip textures and models from, say a game like Unreal2 then convert them to something source can use??

Or just make your own, I think Valve need to get HL2 out the door before people take the time to start doing stuff like that.
Originally posted by Sh0t
========= Copyright © 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose: Giant walking strider thing!

You are familiar with the word "Copyright"? It means you sit on and proved you sit on Copyrighted material. Liek in major world wide virus breakouts, I am sure FBI will get onvolved in this matter. Has anyone ever heard of source code being stolen that is valued in hundreds of million dollars ever? This is truly a first and I beleive Valve has filed a police report long ago and FBI has been connected since then.

I would not sit on this code, I would not download it and anyone who is sharing it will be the first target for FBI, I am sure. Also, as in world wide virus outbreaks, you might see law enforcements in other countries get involved, just like in the huge child pornography bust last week where over 500 homes in Germany were raided by the police and 26 000 addresses world wide are being prone for checkup by local law enforcements.
Originally posted by Pol
hmm, i'm wondering if this was someones way of getting revenge for hl2 not being out on the 30th...

The game is most likely delayed *because* of this theft. Valve cannot release a game and payment system if the source code is out in the open!
Originally posted by Rice-Rocketeer
Whether or not it is old, it doesn't matter.

Hackers will have a headstart if they have a rudimentary understanding of the engine code.

And as I said...nobody is stupid enough to use an outdated Source engine for their game, but what is to stop them from taking bits and pieces of technology to make their "own" engine?

Valve is. Any company suspecting another company is using copyrighted material, even if only a small code snippet, can be sued big time. The whole SCO law suit against Linux companies is about SCO claming Linux contains copyrighted code from IBM and others from the 70s. Any independant 3rd party can be assigned to look at the source codes to see if the law suit holds or not and anyone using code snippets from HL2 could be suid out of the sky by Valve. Think about it for a while... if anyone anywhere suddenly and unexpectedly pops out of the blue with some new DX9 game within a year from now, it will raise eyebrowses.
pjotr: Too many people have it, there not going to raid everyones house. Child porno is different, because it's child abuse and it doesn't matter how many people abuse children the police of any state will try to stop it regardless of cost.

There is nothing Valve can do about this, other than catch the person who hacked them and try to make there products secure.
Dam Man I am really sad right now, because my game my best game will be delayed till next year. fxik
Moral dilema: Do recollect a list of ip adresses of those with the source code, while at the same time revealing my ip to people with the same idea?
damn all these circles... its makin' me dizzy...
Originally posted by mrchimp
pjotr: Too many people have it, there not going to raid everyones house. Child porno is different, because it's child abuse and it doesn't matter how many people abuse children the police of any state will try to stop it regardless of cost.

There is nothing Valve can do about this, other than catch the person who hacked them and try to make there products secure.

Realistically, of course. But if a police report is filed, the police or FBI can do whatever they see fit. If they want to state examples by arresting anyone hosting the source code, they can. Just like anyone hosting movies or music can be arrested. Since HL2 source code carries a much much higher value than a single copy of a Hollywood movie or a music CD, I think things come in a different light. I know of no previous case where source code have been stolen that values in the range of tens or hundreds of million dollars.
Originally posted by MrMethane
I don't follow. Doom3a was supposedly leaked by an ATi employee to show to the world that the 9700pro was the best card for Doom3.

So now part of the HL2 source code is leaked by X to prove Y?

Please fill in the blanks:



So young, yet so cynical :)

Y=Visual Studio .NET compiler
Originally posted by Rice-Rocketeer
Argh. Think about the ramifications of this leak, though.

The original HL source code hasn't even been released. And now, people have HL2's...

Why do people call it a leak? It's not an leak, a leak implies someone from the inside stole it. This is pure theft, someone external to Valve broke into Valve and stole the source code.
Originally posted by derby
I'm just waiting for this news to hit fark.com (they posted a story on the delay) what tag do you think they'd give it?

Yep it made Fark.com, with an 'interesting' tag...
Originally posted by Pjotr
Realistically, of course. But if a police report is filed, the police or FBI can do whatever they see fit. If they want to state examples by arresting anyone hosting the source code, they can. Just like anyone hosting movies or music can be arrested. Since HL2 source code carries a much much higher value than a single copy of a Hollywood movie or a music CD, I think things come in a different light. I know of no previous case where source code have been stolen that values in the range of tens or hundreds of million dollars.

Hosting it is a different matter I think anyone doing that will get shut down if possible.

BTW some hackers stole the windows 2000 source code, I don't know what happened to that, but it didn't get as wide spread as this.
Hooray! It took 2 days but i've read the whole thread!

Originally posted by Pjotr
Why do people call it a leak? It's not an leak, a leak implies someone from the inside stole it. This is pure theft, someone external to Valve broke into Valve and stole the source code.

How do you know it was taken from Valve, i still stand on the fact that it had something to do with external entities like nVidia or ATI, cos Valve are tighter than a ducks ass.

Has nobody read the sticky from Gabe??

It was stolen, pure and simple.
Originally posted by Joho
a ducks ass aint that tight trust me i know LOL
Thats just dirty!

Obviously this is bad if people are starting to manipulate the code and use it, since its only been a few days since its been readily available! (or at least to my knowledge).

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