HL2 Source Code

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Re: ?

Originally posted by huzze
Where can i get the source?.....PM me if you cant post it... thx
Your gunna go to hell little child, i hope u dont E-mail your mom with that keyboard
Ok if u dont get it, u cant, u get banned for asking. U get banned for posting links, u get banned for PM'ing links, this is tottaly anti warez. Obviously u dont read the Threads u just leach if something good comes along
Where you usually find copyrighted material, seriously if you have no idea where to look your probably not going to be able to understand the code anyway.
I agree with you but phl is hardly the fountain of knwledge.
Originally posted by Yata
has everyone read this; http://www.mygot.com/ChrisNewcombe-PR.txt


and it looks like yatta has some competition lol
The release of the source code doesn't really do anything to us gamers. Just to the company but I guess that could come back and knock us in the face. I bet the guys at ID Software are trying to get their hands on the source code to whip their game up like Valve's.
I doubt ID would even try. I think now its just a bit too dangerous for them
Yes it does you fool To7n, when HL2 comes out there will be a high chance there will be cheats for multiplayer allready
Don't be ridiculous. Id wouldn't touch another company's illegally-obtained source code, and why would they want to?

The Source engine, while undoubtedly good, doesn't really do anything over and above other top-grade engines. Half-Life 2 is all about the content
Originally posted by PiMuRho
Don't be ridiculous. Id wouldn't touch another company's illegally-obtained source code, and why would they want to?

The Source engine, while undoubtedly good, doesn't really do anything over and above other top-grade engines. Half-Life 2 is all about the content

Well put.
You know, when he puts it that way... seems like valve really isnt in much danger. Moreless MP problems.
I think its harsh the way these forums keep getting error messages because the server gets full! All because of this thread.

I cant seem to understand why so many of you dont want to see any of the source code, surely the screenies and vids that have been realeased are gonna spoil the game moreso than a few lines of objects, properties and commands.

The biggest thing to come of this whole drama is the huge egg that got thrown in valves face. They wont lose money from this, they wont lose sales cause of the leak, hell if anything they will only gain in the long run while the short run they may run into liabilty issues. BUt even that is doubtful with out seeing the havok license contract. Not to mention that since a crime was commited they most likely will only be held liable if they are found negligent. Which i doubt they will be
Where the hell can we download the source code ??? I'm looking for a link for 2 hours now, and still nothing ....
You're not going to find it here.
...its not that bad...

So far, at least it can it lead more into community, what using OpenSource and allow others to find a debug possible problems rather than Valve do :|

Remember the odd problem with non-working gama correction into HalfLife add-on Counter Strike, when using/enforcing custom config, as everyone do?
(othervise gama worked perfectly well)

So, problems like that bother almost every CS player on earth and i bet that it can be partly a reason for this source code stealing action.

From some point of view i can even say that they deserved it, for not fixing the game problem so far, for HalfLike engine containing thousads of files W/O using any wad/pak datafiles and for developing HL2 under DirectX crap, instead of trusted, faster and reliable OpenGL :hmph:
Anyone ever run a benchmark OGL/DX mode into HalfLife? I did. Damn that is a difference! Im alone, who noticed how DX games are unreliable and slow, compated to OGL ones? Take a look at MaxPayne! Todays, on DX9 it run like snail and crashing like hell.
Damn DX!

So far, nothing bad happened. Just first step into Open Source community.

...and another reason why never ever use software, what come from M$ - :flame:
We need Skynet, to go through the web and sort this thing out...
Phew, this thread has finally calmed down. I can actually refresh the page a few minutes apart and not find any new posts. =)
grüße aus Deutschland

Dumm ist der, der Dummes tut.

Wenn man Internet Explorer und Outlook benutzt dann hat man es eben nicht anders verdient. Du hast anscheinend den falschen Job !

Grüße aus Deutschland, das jetzt - völlig berechtig - über Dich lacht.
Re: grüße aus Deutschland

Originally posted by checkup
Dumm ist der, der Dummes tut.

Wenn man Internet Explorer und Outlook benutzt dann hat man es eben nicht anders verdient. Du hast anscheinend den falschen Job !

Grüße aus Deutschland, das jetzt - völlig berechtig - über Dich lacht.

english mother****er, do you speak it?!?!
Re: Re: grüße aus Deutschland

Originally posted by Xtasy0
english mother****er, do you speak it?!?!

!ERWE rg
Dude I swear thats from a movie! Jesus.. It's...
fgljfdshgjkl r
g dhl ksdh st ;;l ;l l arrggghhh not comming to me.
Just a quick question.

If Valve had suspicions of a problem before the 19th, I would imagine someone must have been paying closer attention to network traffic. When Munro dutifully pointed out a problem, I have to imagine that they would have become overly cautious. So how could that email have been leaked without throwing up some red flags somewhere?
Re: Re: Re: grüße aus Deutschland

Originally posted by nsxownzme
!ERWE rg
Dude I swear thats from a movie! Jesus.. It's...
fgljfdshgjkl r
g dhl ksdh st ;;l ;l l arrggghhh not comming to me.

pulp fiction
Re: Re: Re: Re: grüße aus Deutschland

Originally posted by poseyjmac
pulp fiction
Haha, no. It actually is from Forrest Gump.

Dumm ist der, der Dummes tut.
Stupid is, who does stupid things. (or somehow my grammar lol)

Using Microsoft products was the firs step to this incident so it is their own fault. :dork:

Originally posted by Xtasy0
english mother****er, do you speak it?!?!
That's rude. :dozey:
"english mother****er, do you speak it?"

thats what jules says in pulp fiction
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