HL2 SP MAP RELEASE: Antlion Troopers

I saw game musics for this map, but how come it doesn't play the music while playing this map?
RomeoJGuy said:
Already the Sequel map is I would say 5x as big.

Can we get an ETA?

Also, is there any possibility of dropships dropping off Striders for backup?

Imagine that.... !
I know this probably won't be well recieved, but.... i didn't like it.

Let me explain. As you can tell, i didn't get this straight away, as i was busy with other stuff, but i recently had time to play it, so after reading all the prase this got my hopes were pretty high.

Unfortunatly i was a little suprised to see what looked like a 1st proper map that took an hour or two (total) to make.
Don't get me wrong, i really like the idea, it reminds me of that early sven coop map (called swarm i think), which was a very fun map.

I guess you're not supposed to go outside the edge of the base (or even look to closely outside!) since you're just on a floating square of land.

Not sure if you did, but you should really put in some nodes for the AI, so that the antlions can chase you if you do venture outside.

I found the lack of ammo to be very annoying. Far enough you want the player to be conservative with the shotgun/super-machine-gun, but one clip! That was just frustraiting, i found myself waiting for the combine to die so i could get their gun.

I found the map played out pretty badly in my opinion, since all you had to do to suvive was position the turrents around the lower edge of your base facing inwards and wait.

One other thing was that i was reading that people loved all the scripted stuff..... but really there was hardly anything. Unless i'm mistaken the only things were the pause before the antlions attacked, the spawning of the antlion gaurd, with the distruction of the entrance, and the dropships at the end.

It's probably just me (and would change the theme of the level), but i'd much prefer a level with a variety of different creatures to kill, not just the same once over and over (and over) again.

One thing that was really annoying though, was the combine's ability to block my path on the very narrow upper level.

I see that you're already making another one, and it looks like it's gonna be much better. Hope it is. :)
haha, did you not see the big green limitless ammo chest?
Combine Hybrid said:
Then somethings wrong with mine.

You had problems with the Strider mod installation also. I would check your install (maybe even try reinstalling the mod/map). Give that a try.
Baal said:
haha, did you not see the big green limitless ammo chest?

He clearly stated he was referring to the shotgun and combine gun ammo.
ah, I guess he did.

His choice of wording threw me off a little.
Acert93 said:
You had problems with the Strider mod installation also. I would check your install (maybe even try reinstalling the mod/map). Give that a try.

No, it's not about installation. The musics won't play during when I play the antlion map.
SLH all i can say is that u make a better map and ill heed ur critiscism with one ounce of importance....
your f***ing site's bandwidth is exceeded...place map somewhere else where it can be downloaded
gweedodogg69 said:
your f***ing site's bandwidth is exceeded...place map somewhere else where it can be downloaded

Dude, calm down. I believe this made the front page of FilePlanet so go there. Sheeesh...
How the **** did my site exceeed bandwidth. It wasnt even hosted on it :flame: Ugh and I just had a month of this last month. :flame:
RomeoJGuy said:
How the **** did my site exceeed bandwidth. It wasnt even hosted on it :flame: Ugh and I just had a month of this last month. :flame:

Didn't have much bandwidth maybe?
RomeoJGuy said:
How the **** did my site exceeed bandwidth. It wasnt even hosted on it :flame: Ugh and I just had a month of this last month. :flame:

Because you're so goddamn popular and everyone wants to have secks with you. :O
Oh and the new map is really going to be where I try to do as much as I can.

If you followed the map before release I only made this map for my own amusement and to try and get some stuff working that one of my friends needed. The bunker gun and the dropships.

Ive taken dropships a step further and now you start inside one navigating a canyon as your commander tells you whats going down. Klendathu Drop song plays in background as your dropship and others land at an infested base to revive it, so the survivors live.
RomeoJGuy said:
Oh and the new map is really going to be where I try to do as much as I can.

If you followed the map before release I only made this map for my own amusement and to try and get some stuff working that one of my friends needed. The bunker gun and the dropships.

Ive taken dropships a step further and now you start inside one navigating a canyon as your commander tells you whats going down. Klendathu Drop song plays in background as your dropship and others land at an infested base to revive it, so the survivors live.


holy shit!!! I want to play that map! immediately! hurry up! :D nono take ur time and make it perfect ^^ sounds great
RomeoJGuy said:
Oh and the new map is really going to be where I try to do as much as I can.

If you followed the map before release I only made this map for my own amusement and to try and get some stuff working that one of my friends needed. The bunker gun and the dropships.

Ive taken dropships a step further and now you start inside one navigating a canyon as your commander tells you whats going down. Klendathu Drop song plays in background as your dropship and others land at an infested base to revive it, so the survivors live.

Whoa! Sounds great :)
RomeoJGuy said:
Oh and the new map is really going to be where I try to do as much as I can.

If you followed the map before release I only made this map for my own amusement and to try and get some stuff working that one of my friends needed. The bunker gun and the dropships.

Ive taken dropships a step further and now you start inside one navigating a canyon as your commander tells you whats going down. Klendathu Drop song plays in background as your dropship and others land at an infested base to revive it, so the survivors live.

I really like what u did with that mod, Keep up the great work. :afro:
Antlion Troopers Duece first shots:



Lighting is still adjusting.

Takes 30 minutes now just compiling lighting and bsp without vis.
Baal said:
haha, did you not see the big green limitless ammo chest?
That only had ammo for the submachine gun.
RomeoJGuy said:
Antlion Troopers Duece first shots:



Lighting is still adjusting.

Takes 30 minutes now just compiling lighting and bsp without vis.
Looks good, i hope you take my post as constructive criticism, as opposed to flaming, since it was intended that way. :)
jwilson02 said:
SLH all i can say is that u make a better map and ill heed ur critiscism with one ounce of importance....
It my view really of no significance if i can't replicate his map?? I thought people were able to be critical regardless of talent in a particular field.

Even if i couldn't make a map (which i can and have for HL1) i can still apreciate what makes a map good or bad.
any mirrors? :D can u tell planet half life or this site to host the file, ur bandwidth has exceeded
SLH said:
It my view really of no significance if i can't replicate his map?? I thought people were able to be critical regardless of talent in a particular field.

Even if i couldn't make a map (which i can and have for HL1) i can still apreciate what makes a map good or bad.

Ive had many of those crits before and yes every major issues is fixed for this map.

Walkways are double wide now.
I will do something for ammo, not sure yet.
RomeoJGuy said:
Ive had many of those crits before and yes every major issues is fixed for this map.

Walkways are double wide now.
I will do something for ammo, not sure yet.

Glad to hear it, will be downloading it for sure. :D
You could make them spawn further away so that it might make it useful to defend the walls instead of retreating into the compound and shooting at them when they fly in.. maybe.
eediot said:
You could make them spawn further away so that it might make it useful to defend the walls instead of retreating into the compound and shooting at them when they fly in.. maybe.

I have doors that only open when the commander calls for retreat.
Sorry wouldnt let me edit :upstare:

But All that link does is redirect you to hl2world.

Just go there manually and goto community releases you can get it from there.

Oh and also www.pcgamemods.com has it in the hl2 section. Its the only two maps in the staff picks. Its also the only place to host the low quality. It seems every other host pretends like it dont exist.
RomeoJGuy said:
I have doors that only open when the commander calls for retreat.

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.. I was referring to the antlions spawning further away, so that they wouldn't just fly into the compound immediately and negate the point of having walls and mounted guns. Sorry for the confusion.
Nice, romeo, hehe, guess you took my advice for the big stompers that scare away antlions.
eediot said:
I'm not sure what you're talking about here.. I was referring to the antlions spawning further away, so that they wouldn't just fly into the compound immediately and negate the point of having walls and mounted guns. Sorry for the confusion.

Oh I was refering to your comment of people hiding inside the base.

When battle is taking place in a particular section or sections of base you are only given access to those sections. You still have allies up top helping though on the second level of the base. But until the commander calls for a retreat the door to the second level will not open. Wether they start farther back or not they will automatically fly as soon as they are at the farthest possible flying distance. Its how their ai was done. Sorry =/
Your site got owned by all the usage, anyone got a mirror of the map?