HL2 Theories

Originally posted by ShadowJustice
Uhm, we already know that from hl2.
There isnt something else you found out (not necessary in the end)??
And in what decay consist^?? in what parts of black mesa does it take place? There are some npc? who are those gals?

if you dont have time to answer it's ok anyway.


OK. This is a big one.

It goes like this. 2 scientists named Gina Cross and Collette Green (recognise them?) own the 2 HEV suits that have been nicked by the sides of the original orange one. They make their way into the labs to help out with the experiment. This consists of setting the antimatterspectrometer to its 105% status and carrying the crystal to Gordon. When the accident occurs,you are underneath it and take a couple of bumps.

While this happens you are watched on by Rosenberg and a wheel-chaired fellow (cant remember his name). Through the course of the levels, you reactivate numerous generators, repel the miltary, assist Rosenberg to the surface to call for the military (!) ready for his role in Blue Shift, and destroy an alien equivalent of an F22 Lightning.

1 big continuity error could be made upon in this game. There are 2 days come across in this game. In the original, Freeman goes through one. This could mean as they destroy the dimensional rift, Nihilanth is not controlling it as he is dead. So who is controlling it and if the rift is closed, how did Big G and Freeman get back? This could either set us up for betrayal or be a very embarrassing error.

Any more questions, folks? I'm all ready.
Originally posted by Rossell
OK. This is a big one.

It goes like this. 2 scientists named Gina Cross and Collette Green (recognise them?) own the 2 HEV suits that have been nicked by the sides of the original orange one. They make their way into the labs to help out with the experiment. This consists of setting the antimatterspectrometer to its 105% status and carrying the crystal to Gordon. When the accident occurs,you are underneath it and take a couple of bumps.

Ohh yes, i remember in bs when you use the security monitor you can see gina pushing the yellow crystal.
So they were working under the spectometer room?

While this happens you are watched on by Rosenberg and a wheel-chaired fellow (cant remember his name). Through the course of the levels, you reactivate numerous generators, repel the miltary, assist Rosenberg to the surface to call for the military (!) ready for his role in Blue Shift, and destroy an alien equivalent of an F22 Lightning.

Rosenberg calls for the military ??? :O

1 big continuity error could be made upon in this game. There are 2 days come across in this game. In the original, Freeman goes through one. This could mean as they destroy the dimensional rift, Nihilanth is not controlling it as he is dead. So who is controlling it and if the rift is closed, how did Big G and Freeman get back? This could either set us up for betrayal or be a very embarrassing error.

Any more questions, folks? I'm all ready.

Uhm i think you are wrong about this.

In hl1, you begin the game at 8:30 of morning.

In the chapter "on a track" it is night.

In apprehension it is early morning, then in surface tension it's afternoon i believe.

In the last chapters, it could be night again, so probably there is not continuity error.

Anyway, was the game any good?

1. Correct.
2. Correct again.
3. I'm honestly not sure. Last time you see day in HL, its evening so you may be right.

Oh, you just need Half-Life PS2 - its there from the beginning.
oh cool, so i'm going to rent and play hl on my friend's ps2.
Maybe today.

3: well, it is possible that gordon adventure last 2 days, so i hope it's not a continuity issue.

Bye and thanks
Holy Jesus on a pogo stick, 20 damn pages! :bounce: :bounce: , and not one bit of spam.

IMO half-life on ps2 sucked because of the controls, too hard for me, lol it was so funny when me and my bro where playing coop and he rammed a crowbar into that guy on the wheel chair, it was funny as hell!!!

And no I dont have anything against wheelchair people, sorry if I have offended anyone
I think it would be better to start a part 2 of this topic. instead off filling this topic untill it has 120 pages
Does it really matter how long it is? Theres some interesting stuff here too.

I liked Decay alot, was fun and interesting, and the two player puzzles were awesome. But yeah as Simmo2k3 said, the PS2 First Person Shooter controls are awful.
I think that all of CyrusIV's ideas are possible, and i might as well expect to see something like his theories in the game. I also heard at many places that Shepard AND Barney will be in HL 2...

:borg: :borg:
Only barney. I havent heard anything about shepard
Hey folks - on the subject of Barney just saw 20 minutes of the GameSpot interview and Gabe Newell did refer to him as Barney Calhoun.
He said:

"some of the people are back ehh... Barney Calhoun, the security guard, ehh.. who was sort of a cloned army in half-life 1 is now a real character"

doesn't that say that it could be any of the Barneys in HL1?
Originally posted by henrik
He said:

"some of the people are back ehh... Barney Calhoun, the security guard, ehh.. who was sort of a cloned army in half-life 1 is now a real character"

doesn't that say that it could be any of the Barneys in HL1?


No no no! He talks about Barney Calhoun who escaped in the van at the end of Blue Shift, at least it makes more sense that way.
What do you think he meant by Clone Army? Just that all the models were the same? In the locker room the security guards had different names, even if they were those of the Valve / Gearbox team :0)
Originally posted by Mr.Reak

No no no! He talks about Barney Calhoun who escaped in the van at the end of Blue Shift, at least it makes more sense that way.

Yeah... I taught so to, but what he said makes me unsure...
Well.. yeah, it's probably that Barney Calhoun.
Originally posted by votka
What do you think he meant by Clone Army? Just that all the models were the same? In the locker room the security guards had different names, even if they were those of the Valve / Gearbox team :0)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was more or less a joke. At least I laughed at it. I'm pretty sure he meant that Barney was basically just some generic guard that somehow reappeared constantly throughout HL despite the fact that he would die/not move over and over. If you've ever played Halo, just think of Sarge. He died tons of times, and he's back in Halo 2. A cloned army of Sarges. Just a joke, I figure.

*bump* We're in desperate need of good threads on front page. This one's got some interesting posts. Read up.


So Gabe said we will revisit familiar places....

What this could mean??

Flashbacks? Trips to the place where once was the black mesa research facility?

Or Maybe hl2 will start where hl1 ends?

Maybe the lambda complex has been teleported\spared from the nuke\rebuilt ^?^? Lambda is still the half-life2 logo, so maybe the reactor complex will play some role again.
I think lambda is just Half-Life's logo, they wouldnt change it if they didnt see Black mesa again. Its possible you may see the complex or maybe 'Familiar places' are real world sites which are well know.

Hmmm i just noticed you said 'revisit' so that ruins what i just said. Did he deffinately say revisit?
Uhm, probably not.

You are right anyway about the logo part.

I'm going to check what he exactly said
Alright put this in your pipes and smoke it:

This is totally far-fetched but just for giggles (because I've read 21 pages of (very interesting) theories and this has only been brought up once:

What says Freeman is a good guy at all? Not with an evil agenda, but not hero material either. Why should he be? The scientists don't think he's that great ("With my brains and your braun, I'm sure we'll make an excellent team" ...makes him sound like a dumb football player). We all like to think he's the good guy because it seems obvious. Aliens = bad so scientists = good and so Gordon is immediately the savior because he's young, strong, and has an HEV suit (and because you are him). And how could someone with THAT cute of glasses and his own video game POSSIBLY be a bad guy?

However, why not assume that our beloved hero is really just trying to save his own ass? He certainly doesn't help anyone along the way in any of the many scripted sequences. Then maybe he accepts G-Man's proposition figuring "I have no choice...might as well live."

Of course we know that little ole Gordon didn't think he'd be saving the world on his way to work and that he probably had no clue of the day's events because of his minimal security clearance but it's a thought.

Not a great theory but it takes into consider the base assumption of many of our theories: That humans are the good guys. I focus on Gordon here because no one else has and because he's the main character. Maybe he's on the G-Man's side whether his cause is noble or not? Only Half-Life 2 shall tell....
btw, has anyone noticed that in the video with barney, he's wearing the exact same clothing as the police combines (apart from the gas mask of course) who were lining people up in one of those screenshots?
Originally posted by Alzxul
btw, has anyone noticed that in the video with barney, he's wearing the exact same clothing as the police combines (apart from the gas mask of course) who were lining people up in one of those screenshots?

YES THAT WAS NOTICED!!!!!...asshat :P
AgentOrange: Possible because HL's technology constraints meant you couldn't interfere with scripted sequences.

And anyway. Whether your a good or bad guy is up to you. This is what makes Half-Life so great is no matter how linear it is, its really up to you if your good or bad, help out people or shoot them. You ARE Gordon Freeman.

And yes about Barney, but please note this is the September 2002 build so it could change.
Of course that's what it meant. If you could do as you pleased then it wouldn't matter who was good and who was bad???

This is getting a little far-fetched...but it seemed thought-provoking at the time. Realistically, our base assumption that Freeman's the good guy is really the only logical one.

But why not? We've three more months to fill up with something....
Nah, gordon freeman doesnt have any personal agenda when we are playing.

I think that he is someone who wants to survive or to save the world if he is in the position of doing it.

He may work for bad guys, but him, i just dont think he is some kind on conspirer\evil one .....
I really don't think so either. His character too embedded in the plot for him to just say "hey screw you guys I'm going to the bar"

He wouldn't be our main character if he weren't the good guy. I think Half-Life 2 and 3 will give us what we want (ie. good Gordon, bad ????, and G-Man...who knows?)

It's always a thought...
Shit, who in their right mind would read all of this?!
i started reading this almost 2 weeks ago, and just finished it
I think that Nihilath is the last guardian of xen and when gordon kills him its free for g-man to come in and take over.

Another thought is that city 17 is the port to xen made by the russians and that the aliens invade through it when the one in USA is destoyed.

My last theory is that g-mans employers are microsoft and that they are taking over the world with the help of the aliens to enslave everybody and force us to use microsoft products.
going off of baldrics last theory.. what if Gman is really Bill Gates.. I mean think about it.. G-man... Bill Gates.... evil MS bastards
i think the flood of posts is slowing down now, since the retards *us* came in.
Talk about a long thread, I knew it would have been better to have made a petition for a "HL2 Theories" forum. :E

G-Man = Bill Gates?

Some weird theories seem to have come in since I been gone.

I read about a theory that Gordon was in a coma for the last few years, this is plausible I think. It would make sense.

Gordon accepts G-Man's offer. Gordon is then put to sleep and the G-Mans scientists have a poke around him, he has been overly exposed to Aliens after all. Maybe they give him some enhancements or something too?

Anyway, their experiments are cut short when the earth is attacked by Aliens.

The Combine are the G-Mans soliders, they are Humans modified with Alien Technology, making them a bad-ass trooper.

Some Aliens teleport into the base where Gordon was being experimented on, they smash some stuff up and kill some scientists. The machine keeping Gordon in suspended animation gets destroyed, and Gordon wakes up. Amist the Aliens slaughtering the scientists, and the odd Combine Trooper sent in to help, Gordon spots his old HEV suit, puts it on, and sneaks out of the lab area and into the cargo area.

Loads of Combine Troopers are loading in to ships to be transported to City 17 (The Aliens main port of call), so Gordon sneaks on a ship and hides.

Some point in the journey before the ship reaches City 17, it's destroyed by some Alien Creatures, Gordon runs off towards the first level whilst the surviving Combine are taking care of the Aliens.

the new HEV suit doesn't really look like the old one...
I think as has been said before. The HEV is the same as before but it now looks more like VALVe originaly intended.
The suit is definately different, enough so as to suggest a newer model. Perhaps HEV suit 2.0.

Wonder what else it has besides morphine.

HEV Suit Voice: "Gordon is tired, administering caffeine injection"