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Jul 13, 2003
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Just curious.

who here has no problem with it? who here fears it? who here thinks gay people should be forced to not be gay..

who thinks homos should be dragged out into the street and shot?(no offense, some people think this way)
/me can see how this is going to end up.
Well I don't think this is gonna end well.

I don't care about it, I'm not homophobic, but I find it a bit disgusting(in men anyway ;P). No offense to anyone, just the... act.. itself kind of is like "eugh" to me.

But I have no problem with homosexuals.
u shoulda made a poll :hmph:

i have no problem with it... if u wanna sleep with ur own sex, go for it! if u wanna sleep with animals... wear protection... but go for it!
Originally posted by thehunter1320
u shoulda made a poll :hmph:

i have no problem with it... if u wanna sleep with ur own sex, go for it! if u wanna sleep with animals... wear protection... but go for it!

i meant to make a poll.... forgot to check the box.
i was just curious....my brother was gay so ive never really had a problem with it....theres seems to be alot of hatred and intolerance though......all this crap in the news about gay marriage got me thinking about it....

/me can see how this is going to end up.

thats up to you.
I dont like Homos, Man or woman. I wont bash them but I dont like them.
According to some lady on Howard Stern this morning god hates fags. I personally don't have a problem with it, but I grew up in NYC surrounded by gays.
I dont give a flying f .

People can do whatever they want to exept no pedofile shit and ****ing
any dead people(in my family) I dont care about other people familys ofcourse.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
i meant to make a poll.... forgot to check the box.
i was just curious....my brother was gay so ive never really had a problem with it...
Was gay? Did he turn straight, or was that just a slip.
who thinks homos should be dragged out into the street and shot.

I think they have to be excuted.
Originally posted by not28
Was gay? Did he turn straight, or was that just a slip.

...i knew someone would say that.

my brother is dead. he commited suicide two years ago.

I have gay male and female friends...

Doesn't bother me one bit.
Originally posted by not28
Oh Jesus. Sorry.

Good job, RETARD! now crabcakes is sad.... one of my best girl friends (not dating girlfriend) killed herself cause her parents died in a car crash.... the creppiest part is that she did it in my neighbor's backyard on thier oak tree... :borg:
god hates fags......

jk gay straight whatever its all good in the hood

but for the record I aint gay -jay from jay and bob strike back voice-

-awaits flames-
Should have called this thread "Who hates gay people cause they are secretly gay themselves?" Oh well, the same answers apply.
i dont really care if someones gay or not, but personally, if they're male, i dont wanna see it haha. But it can be annoying if they always act feminin and scream and stuff, that bothers me.
I've got nothing against homosexuals. It doesn't bother me; it's their life, and if that's how they feel, that's fine with me. A few of my friends are homophobic though
I don't have a problem with the concept of homosexuality, but to be honest, two guys smooching isn't something I look at if I can avoid it either.

I'm not proud that a I feel that way, but I think it's more preference than prejudice.
I don't really care if someone is gay, it's their own life live how you want.

What I do hate is how here in the states we are being overrun by gayness. Everyday a new show about gays is put on. This flux of metrosexualness is just getting annoying.
Not got a problem with it. Don't really see how anyone can have a problem with it.....
I believe it would be metrosexuality. or even better, never say the word metrosexual as it makes baby jesus cry =\

but yes, that point stands all too tall. This rampage of gay pride or "hey look at the funny gay guy" type shows are really getting annoying. its sad that the market is overrun by that and reality shows. ugh.
It's fine, but I'm getting tired of reading crap from non-homosexuals about how homosexuals feel. It's just a political debate for them... a worthless one.
I get anoyed by those really girly gays...i mean dont gays want men? why act like a woman then? (hey that rhymes, kinda)
Originally posted by crabcakes66
Just curious.

who here has no problem with it? who here fears it? who here thinks gay people should be forced to not be gay..

who thinks homos should be dragged out into the street and shot?(no offense, some people think this way)

Didn't leave much room for in between there did ya. I don't hate gays, but I don't agree with there lifestyle. I don't want to punish them, but at the same time I wouldn't want one for my kids (don't have any kids yet) teacher. I'm not homophobic. I've had friends at school who were gay. I just personally think it's morally worng. I don't want to take anything away from gays. I hope I'm not labled as homophobic just because I have conservative values. I don't think they are bad people, I just think they have a different take on things in which I don't really agree with. At the same time that doesn't mean I can't be friends with them because having a different view is not something I can hate somebody for.
I dont have a problem with them at all really, but many people still do. Thats what causes problems. And not likeing them is understandable.
"We all fear what we dont understand."

Can someone tell me where I got that quote from. :p
Well, the Bible (Christian) does say that man was meant to be with a woman, not another man. That is why he made Eve for Adam. Although that can be interpreted in many ways. Also, hatred towards homos exists because they pretty much started the AIDS virus. Two homos had sex, and it spread. I might be wrong though. I heard that somewhere.
Re: Re: Homosexuality

Originally posted by SIGbastard
Didn't leave much room for in between there did ya. I don't hate gays, but I don't agree with there lifestyle. I don't want to punish them, but at the same time I wouldn't want one for my kids (don't have any kids yet) teacher. I'm not homophobic. I've had friends at school who were gay. I just personally think it's morally worng. I don't want to take anything away from gays. I hope I'm not labled as homophobic just because I have conservative values. I don't think they are bad people, I just think they have a different take on things in which I don't really agree with. At the same time that doesn't mean I can't be friends with them because having a different view is not something I can hate somebody for.

Don't ge me wrong here ok, I'm not trying to attack you. But you do understand that being gay isn't something a person decides on, right? If you do, then you wouldn't say something like "I just personally think it's morally wrong". Being gay cannot be morally wrong since it isn't something a person chooses, it isn't a choice. It's something determined at birth. or early childhood.
Right, I have absolutly no problem with homosexuality :)

I've actually been called gay myself, since I'm not the most manly of men ;)
Originally posted by ROD
Well, the Bible (Christian) does say that man was meant to be with a woman, not another man. That is why he made Eve for Adam. Although that can be interpreted in many ways. Also, hatred towards homos exists because they pretty much started the AIDS virus. Two homos had sex, and it spread. I might be wrong though. I heard that somewhere.

Your teachers must be so proud. LOL
Re: Re: Re: Homosexuality

Originally posted by qckbeam
Don't ge me wrong here ok, I'm not trying to attack you. But you do understand that being gay isn't something a person decides on, right? If you do, then you wouldn't say something like "I just personally think it's morally wrong". Being gay cannot be morally wrong since it isn't something a person chooses, it isn't a choice. It's something determined at birth. or early childhood.

This is very true. But many people cannot comprehend it.


heres another question.... do "flaming" gays annoy you? (lack of a better word, sorry im not very politically correct)

My brothers "significant other" was very feminine...and you wouldnt even be able to tell my bro was gay unless he told you.....

if all you have experianced is the more stereo typical gay person..... then i would assume that would lead to a more generalise dislike for gay people.
Despite what most people think there has never been PROOF of homosexuality being genetically based. I'm a zoology major and have had several genetics classes, and one of my professors went over this. There is support for both sides of the argument, but no proof exists. Until there is proof I will consider homosexuality as a life CHOICE. Furthermore even if it was genetically based would that make it ok??? There is evidence that criminals have genetics that give them a predisposition to become criminals, but this doesn't mean it's ok since it's in there genetics. I know this is a bad analogy because it compares gays to criminals. That's not what I intend to do, it's just the only anolgy i can think of at the moment. I have to go to work now so I probably won't respond to any replies for awhile...
I have seen things saying it is genetic and also choice/upbringing.

Example of why its not genetic:
Two twins, one gay one not.....

I cant think of other counter arguements....
ok, how about this, I'm a homosexual and I'm ****ing telling you, I would never choose to live life like this. Do you understand that? Sometimes I would rather put a bullet in my head, rather than continue living life as a homosexual, the way I HAVE to every miserable ****ing day. Trust me, no one in their right mind would ever choose to be gay, ever. Since it is genetically based, that means it cannot possibly be wrong or sinful, since a sin has to be something one chooses to do freely.
Originally posted by SIGbastard
Despite what most people think there has never been PROOF of homosexuality being genetically based. I'm a zoology major and have had several genetics classes, and one of my professors went over this. There is support for both sides of the argument, but no proof exists. Until there is proof I will consider homosexuality as a life CHOICE. Furthermore even if it was genetically based would that make it ok??? There is evidence that criminals have genetics that give them a predisposition to become criminals, but this doesn't mean it's ok since it's in there genetics. I know this is a bad analogy because it compares gays to criminals. That's not what I intend to do, it's just the only anolgy i can think of at the moment. I have to go to work now so I probably won't respond to any replies for awhile...

just becuase science cant explain something doesnt mean its not true.

what about god and religion........90%(or something) of the earths population believes in some sort of higher being..........

and science will never be able to prove or disprove religion......

(im not really religious, but this is a good example.
Doesn't bother me or don't care.....I don't like homophobes tho.I do like pissing homophobes off and act gay around them and tell them that I love them.... :)
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