How many of you would actually wear a hl2 shirt?

Would you wear a Half-Life 2 t-shirt?

  • Yes, I will proudly wear my Half-Life 2 shirt.

    Votes: 196 62.4%
  • No, I want to keep it in its pristine condition.

    Votes: 23 7.3%
  • No way, I'm too 'hip' to be seen in a video game shirt.

    Votes: 95 30.3%

  • Total voters
See that is where you make yourself look insane. Wearing HK or Glock shirts is over the top, gun-nut.
As for game shirts, everyone who wears them smells bad, as far as i've seen/smelt at university. Really.
C'mon I wear Dragon Ball Z shirts for craps sake!!! I wear em because I like DBZ/Anime/the way they look.

So I think I can deal with wearing a HL2 shirt and who knows, maybe meet someone else in Pennsylvania who likes HL (and sadly I dont know any)!!!

And Btw I have gotten compliments on my DBZ shirts and no snide remarks or anything.
i would hang it up for everyone to see who comes in my room and have a poster...But wear it in public...Hmmmm might where it when i am at home or around the area but not going out
I already wear a HL2 t-shirt, made it myself...
(but I stopped wearing it after some punks started making fun of me)
If Im too poor to buy a HL2 shirt, Ill just get an orange highlighter and put a little 2 above my HL shirt which Ive been wearing for years.
I would wear a dirt brown khaki shirt that had the City 17 logo on it. That could look pretty cool. No direct link to the video game, so less geeky, but all hardcore hl2 fans would know what you were wearing. I could do that I spose...

As far as something that says "Half-life 2" or the lambda sign... that would have to be very minimalist for me to wear..
spicoli420 said:
If and when we all get shirts, how many of you will actually slap that cloth on?

I would modified it into an underwear, which i have none. wrong get don't me this but sux thread. Nothing personal though. :cheese:
theotherguy said:
I already wear a HL2 t-shirt, made it myself...
(but I stopped wearing it after some punks started making fun of me)
You pitiful! Don't be intimidated!

Caminante said:
I would modified it into an underwear, which i have none. wrong get don't me this but sux thread. Nothing personal though. :cheese:

What?! What the?...
it's sad how many ppl think that you are a loser if you wear a certain piece of clothing.

so as long as you dress cool you are an alright guy... even if, in fact, you are a loser?
or you can be a great person who happens to lack a sense of fashion.. then you are automatically a loser?

how is that not pathetic?

not everyone has the time or the desire to... ahh **** this.
Cant be any worse than the bright green "legend of Zelda" shirt Im wearing now :p
Ive had my HL2 T shirt for 2 weeks now (The black one with the Orange Hl2 logo and the words Half Life 2 below it) and already twice I have had nice comments about it from poeple I dont know! I guess there are alot of HL2 fans here in Brighton hewhehe :cheers: .
I'd wear a shirt with the logo on it... or even better, a headcrab.
I think a good game shirt is one that is only recognized as a game shirt if the person looking at it has some knowledge on the subject.

Character's face might be a bit odd, but a lambda shirt would not mean "I PLAY L33T games!" to the average viewer
No, no way. Not if it had any explicit reference to HL like "Half-Life" or the Lambda symbol or a picture of a character. I wear what I like, but I won't wear any old crap. I have something of my own style that I like and think is cool for me, that suits my personality. My clothes aren't expensive labels though, it's just whatever takes my fancy that I can afford. It's not that such a t-shirt wouldn't be cool or complying with popular trends, it's that I can't see it fitting in with any style that looks good.
I really think a t-shirt with something like that would just be very tasteless and tacky. I don't understand why people wear clothes with stuff about something else on. I mean, I like drinking Diet Coke, but I'm not gonna get a shirt that says Diet Coke on it. My favourite writer is Kim Stanley Robinson, but I feel the need for a cap with "MarsFirst!" written accross it. I really love playing Half-Life, but I don't see the point in wearing clothes which say so on them. It just seems crass to be shouting out "I like Half-Life/Diet Coke/anything at all." I think it's pretty tragic if videogames are such an important part of your life that they effect your appearance.
If I saw someone wearing a shirt with Half-Life on it, I'd probably think, "Wow, he likes Half-Life. In fact he must like it so much. I really don't think I want to talk to him."
wow... this thread still going ?

i dont like plain black or white shirts and stuff.. not my style.. would wear it around the house tho ;p