Im a noob-keep getting me ass kicked


Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
As the title of the thread suggests,I am new to the game(been playing a couple of weeks)
I seem to keep getting killed without managing to do much killing of my own.I can be up against someone with a pistol,I have an SMG I fire a couple of burst they let off a couple of rounds and Im dead.
Any tips are gratefully received


You are probably used to the Hl2:DM setting.

I am too, and I have to 'shift' attitudes to play CS with whatever skill I can muster.

CS is a 'sneaky sneaky' game. Treat it as you would metal gear solid. Don't go out with a sword over your head screaming "freedom". Go around slowly holding shift and sneaking around corners. Find a nice hiding spot and camp. Camp is a tactic, not a cheat. If you don't have pantience like me, then I suggest you don't play CS.

A simple but effective tactic, aim for the head. It kills in 2 to 5 shots( estimate). Thats why you go down so quickly.

Even though it will stress your brain a little bit more, buy grenades and use them to their purpose. Throw them behind doors and around corners.

Practice 'whipping' your weapons out. Not near a corner of a box? No place to find cover and you need to reload? Then you need to practice whipping out sidearms or secondary weapons quickly.

If you have trouble aiming or are planning to snipe, follow this direction when facing moving targets: AIM WHERE THEY ARE GOING TO BE NOT WHERE THEY ARE.

Many more, but ADD just wiped out what I was thinking about.
And practice. Setup with a friend, who isn't firing at you, get a real good feel for the weapons.
I'd recommend doing a search for the "Hard Clan - Die Hard " video. I learned a lot from watching that movie. Another good way to practice is to create your own server with Bots and only let them use knives......this will help you learn how the weapons work.

Big Tip: Stop when you shoot and ease up on the trigger, this is the reason most noobs have a hard time killing.

Good Luck :frog:
TOP TIP: works in cs aswell as cs:s

STRAFE ALOT. simply running side to side makes you harder to hit. now this is hard to explain, but simple when you know how to do it. when you strafe, you use A for left and D for right (if you aren't usind WASD and are using the arrows, change to WASD NOW!!!!).

now, practice this with a mate, and make him stand still. then, using any weapon, start strafing in 1 direction and shoot. notice you miss him loads or you barely hit him. strafe again and then stop when you click (shoot), and you should hit the centre of your croshairs.

ok?? you following me? good. now, the tricky but devestating part that the opponent didnt see coming. strafe like i told you, but instead of stopping and shooting, strafe the opposite direction and shoot at the exact point of changing direction. hehe its hard to understand but bare with me :E

basically, strafe left (A) and then strafe right (D). you will be holding A to go left, and the second you hit D to go right, fire. the point at where you change direction and fire, is technically you standing still. therefore your accuracy is damn near 100%.

now that my essay is complete, and you are all laughing at me (dont waste your breath, i cant hear you), i will slide back into hole and continue to sip my mint liquor and smoke some legal substances...ahem...
no one more thing mate, ALWAYS use corners to your advantage. FOr instance your about to go down a passage as the camping team (ct on de maps and T on cs maps) strafe like pureball and pop out of the corner and suprise enemies with your sudden appearance and take a pot shot to kill, rinse repeat. If they storm up at your location use a flash to slow them down and find a new corner to gaurd (Frags work well too.)

Another tip is if your on a server were no one is being tactical, use your radar to see how teammates are rushing and how are they doing in a particalur area. If they suddenly dissappear, chances are there was an effective rush. If they make it through an area and to their spawn with very few kills, watch out the cts rushed or stealthed (walked silently to) through another way.

Also Ak=1 shot-3 shot burst m4=sprayable (rapidfire) to 5 shot burst
I learnt alot just by watching the best players on the server your on.

When you die, (which is soon and early if your a noob), See who has the best scores on your team, then click through the players till your watching the top guy on the team.

Watch from the 1st person view and see what guns they use, what tactics, where they throw grenades, where they camp etc.

Helped me alot.
i find that most people go on ct because they have the m4a1...dont be a noob like most people and join ct because of that (soooooo many times ive seen like 4 ts v 5 cts, and the person who just joined the server joins cts making it 4 v 6...i mean FFS USE YOUR BRAIN!!! :E)

AK is actually the best gun in the game, no matter what people say. if you use a 2/3 shot burst, you're a guarantee hit. and if you prefer the m4, just join t, kill a ct with the m4 and take it off him :E:E:E

and as oasismark says, watch the people with the highest scores.

also be patient. dont get frustrated because you keep dying, and if people on the server say how noobish you are, just laugh with them and say 'nice one mate' etc etc etc, and theyll stop because theyll see how you dont actually give a s**t about what they think....hate people with big egos

anyway, just keep at it. dont quit just because you keep dying. we all were at the same stage as you, how do you think we got good...ish?

and believe me, there are plenty of people in the same boat as you mate, just dont give up :D
You have to know the maps but the best thing is to be somewhere they don't expect... Fighting head to head battles is no way to boost your score. T's in Office for instance often try and flank around the backside to come up behind the CT's as they are moving towards the hosties.

If you do find yourself head to head with someone get out of there... Don't feel the need to stay and empty your weapon until one of you is dead. Go back the way you just came (if you can) and get in behind them.

And always, always, always go for headshots... I think it's a bad habit to learn the left foot spray and pray.

New people also tend to stand still when firing... You want to be shifting left and right while attacking because if you have a shot at them, they have a shot at you.

Advanced technique is to jump croutch around corners and even out in the open... It makes you a hard target and gives you great accuracy.

Try changing you're attitude/mission at the beginning of a round to staying alive rather than going out to kill. You'd be surprised how many people you'll kill while alive... lol.

(I know the rush fans will object to this but you can still perserve your butt while rushing)
hmm try the Shotgun... its t3h totally pimped in css... jump around everywhere shooting at them..ish

i can take down snipers on Dust2 this way :O
You don't always have to have a friend to improve. Create a server and start on a level like dust that has places where walls are visible in near, middle and far distances. Spray a target or two on each of these, choose a weapon and practice. I usually use one target as a baseline and spray it, then do controlled burst on the other. If the "target" spray is too boring then get a CT or terrorist one and practice targeting certain body parts
Thanks again for all your tips
I have been putting them into practise and although I am still getting killed regularly I seem to be taking a few more of them with me
i've been playing for about a month and have got pretty good with practise,i only play on a dust/dust 2 server which is always full,the best advice i got and easiest to implement is when running around keep your crosshair at HEADHEIGHT,the amount of times i see noobs who are the last players on their team get wasted coz they have their crosshair pointed to the ground,

learn the maps also nothing suks more than not knowing wats around the nxt corner,find a noobish server if u like or 1 where u get to know the players.dont rush in at the rounds start like every1 else,hang to the back and if the guy in front is shooting at something around the corner jump in their and steal his kill,love doing that,use cover obviously,hug the walls in relation to the corners direction up ahead
beam said:
I'd recommend doing a search for the "Hard Clan - Die Hard " video. I learned a lot from watching that movie. Another good way to practice is to create your own server with Bots and only let them use knives......this will help you learn how the weapons work.

Big Tip: Stop when you shoot and ease up on the trigger, this is the reason most noobs have a hard time killing.

Good Luck :frog:

are there any other sources of this download other than this one;2507500;;/fileinfo.html
bassman I don't think there is another place to get that movie cuz it's pretty old but just download it over night or when your out for the day, I promise you will enjoy it and probably learn a few things :afro:
Hey. Changing over to CS is indeed very hard, just because the aiming is so weird at first, every gun acts fairly different. I first bought the Half Life plat. pack on Aug 3. (yes i bought it with doom3, for I had never played half life or cs before, i wanted hl2, but never played the first one) I loved UT and we where one of the top ONS clans, I was also very good at DM. In a super fast paced game like UT where aim is almost everything, I couldent really understand why I got romped in CS. Eventually I got fed up, came back some time later, bought a galil and played my first good game ever. (yes, with the galil only) Eventually you just catch on to how you need to shoot in different situations. Like in a 5 foot range, most of the time it's a good idea to unload. Also, try to aim for the high chest, or neck area when possible.

Also, my playing style is based on sound. I dont really like to go out unless I know where they are. When your alone check your radar and listen for something. Learn the sounds of gun and know whats being shot at you. If it's an aug, scout, sig or awp or something of the sort, chances are you're going to have a harder time if they are far away, unless you pull of one of those fabled CS headshots that happen every so often. I would recommend you get a nice headset, play somewhat often and it will all come to you in time.
Hi mikey388

I used to play CS on and off a few years ago - my standard of play kept going up and down along with it, but I never got 'good'. I was happy if I came out of a server with a kill score higher than my deaths.

Since getting CS:S though, I have played regularly (at least an hour a day) and this has dramatically improved my skill level. I am a college student, so I get plenty of time - some days I play up to 3 or 4 hours.

One thing that I am sure made a difference is the fact that CS:S is easier than CS. There is a lot less recoil in CS:S, so you can fire single bullets more frequently without losing your aim. I was amazed how good I was when I started playing CS:S because of this!

No matter how bad you think you are, just keep playing regularly - don't give up on the game, which is what I ended up doing. Several times. You will get through the feelings of wanting to burn your PC eventually :) I can now join a server confident that I can have a serious effect on the team scores.

One other point of advice is to practice on 'aim_' maps. Although these do not help you to learn strategic playing, if you play them enough, they will vastly improve your aiming and ability to kill. My favourite aim map is 'aim_glockon'. This is quite common, so you can normally find it to play on somewhere. I am often playing on this map, so you might see me (I'm called 'Penfold').
Thanks to the tips Ive picked up on here there is no way Im gonna give up now,im regularly gettin goodish scores now and have even been top scorer on my team once or twice :D

If any other noobs are reading this I would say the two tips that have helped the most are

1- keep moving and strafe alot

2- keep the gun at head height(previous to this although I was hitting my opponent they still managed to kill me first,now I seem to be getting plenty of those lovely headshots)
mikey388 said:
As the title of the thread suggests,I am new to the game(been playing a couple of weeks)

i'd recommend you take the advice of most of the people here and practice it constantly, the hardcore CS players have been playing before Steam and i am guessing have logged over 1000 hours easily playing and learning

also watch how other players play through their eyes (the ones with top kills) after you are out of the round
-shooting habits
-sneaking around corners
-knowing when to run when the Heat is too hot
The amount of advice that can be dispensed on getting the edge is CS is huge.

So i'll just suggest what I find the most important: Map awareness.

By that I don't mean just knowing the layout of the maps well, but knowing the maps inside out; What routes a certain team will usually take, how long into a round you can go before the other team will get the chance to circle round back on you, how quickly the other team can get to a certain area on a round start, basically just knowing inside out how the map plays. In this way, you can genuinley outhink someone who may have a better aim or reflexes as you. The great part is, your 'skills' as commonly referred to will gradually increase just through playtime.
as most have said the main thing is 2 or 3 shot bursts with AK and Colt. and i always buy every 'nade i can. use Q to switch between 2 weapons 'cause it is faster. and just PLAY ALL THE TIME. even following all of these tips,the guys that have been playing since CS 1.1 will still own you. and finally, play a map a lot, even if you are good, an unknown map can throw you off.
mikey388 said:
Thanks to the tips Ive picked up on here there is no way Im gonna give up now,im regularly gettin goodish scores now and have even been top scorer on my team once or twice :D

If any other noobs are reading this I would say the two tips that have helped the most are

1- keep moving and strafe alot

2- keep the gun at head height(previous to this although I was hitting my opponent they still managed to kill me first,now I seem to be getting plenty of those lovely headshots)
Good for you! :E

I'm juuuust turning that corner from being a noob to being half-decent and here are some things that I've learnt:

- Ease up on the trigger
- Always aim for the head
- Watch/follow the best players
- Don't be afraid to play as a T
- Grenades are your friend
- Take your time
- Think about what you're doing before you do it

Alright, just a few little tips for now. I'm off to play! :cheers: