Image Dump III

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Quote for awesomeness. Genius. Pure genius.
in korea, little girls pedophile you

meh, couldn't think of anything good
There are two types of plasma...

What pesh said. There's two types of plasma. The type you're thinking of, and the type that makes up about half of your blood. It's a yellowish/clear liquid.

Yes, so? I fail to see the funny. We have milk in bags here too...

Milk in bags is so... bizarre. How the hell do you consume it regularly? fluff up the edges, pick it up hoping to not spill it everywhere in the process and pour it out? Or stick a cup in it and pour it in the container you want?

Here in the states, we just pop off the lid, pour it out, pop on the lid, put it back in the fridge.
Milk in bags is so... bizarre. How the hell do you consume it regularly? fluff up the edges, pick it up hoping to not spill it everywhere in the process and pour it out? Or stick a cup in it and pour it in the container you want?

That is... bizarre. :D

I'll keep my plastic jugs that don't deform, and in which I can store the milk until it's gone thank you! :O

P.S. that little girl is giving me the evil eye.
You can keep your damn jugs.

Bags are better for throwing and creating messes anyway :D
Milk in bags is so... bizarre. How the hell do you consume it regularly? fluff up the edges, pick it up hoping to not spill it everywhere in the process and pour it out? Or stick a cup in it and pour it in the container you want?

You don't drink the milk straight out of the bag you silly. You have to cut one of the top corners off and pore the milk into a container first. Also usually a bag contains much more milk than a carton (4 liters or more and it's cheaper).

Here in the states, we just pop off the lid, pour it out, pop on the lid, put it back in the fridge.

Yes, because milk cartons are only in the states... We have both so you can either choose the more convenient way (milk carton) or the bulk, inconvenient way (milk bag):cheese:

You can keep your damn jugs.

Bags are better for throwing and creating messes anyway :D


Edit: Gah, Raziaar milk :x
You don't drink the milk straight out of the bag you silly. You have to cut one of the top corners off and pore the milk into a container first. Also usually a bag contains much more milk than a carton (4 liters or more and it's cheaper).

But remember, one 4L bag of milk actually contains three 1.333...L bags. Those are what you put in the pitcher.
You don't drink the milk straight out of the bag you silly. You have to cut one of the top corners off and pore the milk into a container first. Also usually a bag contains much more milk than a carton (4 liters or more and it's cheaper).

I see now that Stigmata showed me the image. From that milk in a bag picture, it looked like all the milk was supposed to be in that loose bag.

Yes, because milk cartons are only in the states... We have both so you can either choose the more convenient way (milk carton) or the bulk, inconvenient way (milk bag):cheese:

Ahh well good then. that means I can move to Canada and not worry about that. Yay!

Edit: Gah, Raziaar milk :x

I am the milkman. My milk is delicious. Muahahahaha!

What pesh said. There's two types of plasma. The type you're thinking of, and the type that makes up about half of your blood. It's a yellowish/clear liquid.[/QOUTE]
My way is a lot more fun.

Milk in bags is so... bizarre. How the hell do you consume it regularly? fluff up the edges, pick it up hoping to not spill it everywhere in the process and pour it out? Or stick a cup in it and pour it in the container you want?

Here in the states, we just pop off the lid, pour it out, pop on the lid, put it back in the fridge.
We have these packages:
We have these packages:

Yeah, those are the other kind we have here, and they're just as well but I don't get them because they don't hold a gallon usually.

Oh, no. I mean the other images in that series with the weird guy (whats his name again?) are too nsfw to post. Being porn and all.

The other pictures in your post were fine.
I still dont understand I didnt know the creepy hairy gremlin guy had a name. How is that porn? I guess you can kinda see below its waist but I dont see a wee wee place.
is that a real person? like does he have some weird condition which makes him look like a ****ing gremlin that's about to starve to death or something
I still dont understand I didnt know the creepy hairy gremlin guy had a name. How is that porn? I guess you can kinda see below its waist but I dont see a wee wee place.

Oh, I take it thats the only picture you've seen then? Its just one of a whole series of them.
I can imagine her doing some vigorous movement activity, like bouncing on a trampoline, and the skin tearing and separating from the body, trailing behind fat tissue in bloody ribbons that jiggle atop the trampoline like jello.

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