Iraq, the US & other stuff too

Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
Bowling for Columbine is definitely flawed, however the inescapable truth is that there is no justification in the modern Westen world for Civilians to require Semi Automatic Rifles, Machine Pistols etc etc, especially within Cities (not much game hunting to be found there).

And if you really are a gun-o-phile, why not buy a gun and store it at a shooting range or hire one while you are there? Is there really any need to have a gun in your house?
Originally posted by Innervision961
I agree with you crabcakes66, and why is it when a republican supporter gets confronted with these issues that we are talking about, they have to resort to calling us "liberal commies" instead of an actual retort to our facts that we present? Is the truth that hard to face? I'm not democratic, I guess you could consider me independant, but if I were to pick one side or the other I would pick democratic, and in 04' i'll vote democratic, I would like to see Bush unseated...
For the most part, I would consider myself under "mid class" Since Bush has been in office, my father lost his job, as did my mother, and myself... I've recently found new work, and so has my father, but the pay is now where close to what it was before, and we have no medical/dental etc. benefits.. My Father lost his job due to the company not being able to afford to pay him anymore, so yes I have a right to blame that on this administrations handling of the economy. Our current household income is probably one fourth of what it used to be, so if anyone wants to argue with me go ahead, but I have first hand knowledge of what is going on and yes times have changed..

My familys financial situtation is remarkably similiar to yours, as well as my political beliefs.. the democrats can be just as bad as the republicans, sometimes...allthough i lean more towards the democrats.

I was watching a debate last night and its kind of funny that you mentioned that republicans(politicions anyway) like to dodge questions....becuase i was thinking the same thing.

Why is it so hard to counter what the democrats are saying without completly brushing it aside as untrue?

When infact 80% of it is true.

Basically it all comes down to this.....
Honestly, I'd vote for Democrats, but all them are not very good candidates, as I found:

Dean = psycho
Clark = liar, inexperienced
Lieberman = good, but against violence in video games

So you might vote for "anyone but Bush" and the next day find HL2 outlawed in the US because it's too violent. :dozey:
Ill re-elect in 2004

I havent seen any good evidence why Bush is bad. other than omfgoozle conspiracy theories.
i think in the first few years lieberman rather would have to do more important things than censoring computer games ;). and he first would have to get through some (old) debates ..violence in pc games vs. films etc..
You do realize the reason for not taxing the rich right? And that all republicans are racist is utter crap, and entirely untrue.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
You do realize the reason for not taxing the rich right? And that all republicans are racist is utter crap, and entirely untrue.

No......Its not, republican ideals are racist. Most of you guys arent even old enough to vote anyway, so why do you care?

You need to elaborate a little more sircrap.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
No......Its not, republican ideals are racist. Most of you guys arent even old enough to vote anyway, so why do you care?

You need to elaborate a little more sircrap.

Elaborate on?
I admit it, I haven't read through all pages...

All I want to see is, despite being a non-US citizen is a democratic president chosen in the next election in US.

I found this article on the net:
dunno, if it has any significance to this debate but it's an interesting read nonetheless.
Originally posted by Dax
I admit it, I haven't read through all pages...

All I want to see is, despite being a non-US citizen is a democratic president chosen in the next election in US.

I found this article on the net:
dunno, if it has any significance to this debate but it's an interesting read nonetheless.

Ha @ the article , its not like that brother. They might have interviewed one lying soldier. The odds of one man being in a unit that had 30 dead from the same unit are very small , there havent been that many casualties at one time. Anyway , my brother is going there , 3 days and the soldiers dont think like that.

BTW- I dont think you really know what the political situation is in the US , you just jumped on the 'hate Bush + teh repurcans' bandwagon and are along for the ride.

PostPS - That whole damn interview is made up , I woudlnt doubt it for 10 damn seconds. Its so unprofessional its outrageous lol.
Originally posted by Dax
I admit it, I haven't read through all pages...

All I want to see is, despite being a non-US citizen is a democratic president chosen in the next election in US.

I found this article on the net:
dunno, if it has any significance to this debate but it's an interesting read nonetheless.

I agree with Dimitri on this one, that doesn't look true at all.
Well what do they think then?
Yes, the article seems a tad exaggerated now that I re-read it. Still, it'd be interesting to hear the soldiers' opinion about the war. British or American. And rather from someone who know them personally seeing how the internet ain't always so trustworthy.. lol
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Ha @ the article , its not like that brother. They might have interviewed one lying soldier. The odds of one man being in a unit that had 30 dead from the same unit are very small , there havent been that many casualties at one time. Anyway , my brother is going there , 3 days and the soldiers dont think like that.

BTW- I dont think you really know what the political situation is in the US , you just jumped on the 'hate Bush + teh repurcans' bandwagon and are along for the ride.

PostPS - That whole damn interview is made up , I woudlnt doubt it for 10 damn seconds. Its so unprofessional its outrageous lol.

I agree.....seems fake.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Ill re-elect in 2004

I havent seen any good evidence why Bush is bad. other than omfgoozle conspiracy theories.

He's an idiot :E.
Originally posted by crabcakes66

Sounds like a wonderful idea!
Originally posted by crabcakes66
So your racist and rich? thats nice.

I was being sarcastic. I have a firm opposition to racism, and I'm certainly not rich.
Originally posted by Dax

DimitriPov, you're right I'm not so into the world politics, but the man won the election despite his opponent having more votes, doesn't that bother you?

Let me guess, you read Micheal Moore?
lmao.. never mind.. no I haven't read Michael Moore.. I'm not just familiar to how the U.S. voting system works compared to the one in my country. So I guess he won it legally after all.
Well, listen here.

Al Gore couldn't hold his OWN STATE... what does that show about his political skills??? Hmmmmm.... Anyway, I'm a Brit, a pro-US one :)
i really dont see how you can be anti-american, it just deosn't work. Most television comes from america, most games thet dont come from japan come from america, etc.

i guess you could be anti-american poeple though.
Originally posted by king John I
i really dont see how you can be anti-american, it just deosn't work. Most television comes from america, most games thet dont come from japan come from america, etc.

i guess you could be anti-american poeple though.

Yes, I know that. Look, I never said I was anti-america, more like anti-Bush administration. I simply don't agree with their decisions. Like Bush deciding not to support the Koyto Treaty for instance.
What's so holy about the Koyoto treaty? I'd love to know, becuase in my mind, enviromentallism is another bandwagon.

Anyway... yeah, sure Bush has made some stupid descisions, or decisions you don't agree with, but anyone who says that Bush is a Nazi needs to take a step back and think.
i meant no offense at you dax, i was replying to mr.bagerino.

why are you so likeable mr.badger? why god dammit!?
so you think protecting the environment doesn't have any use? it's pretty easy to see the consequences of what we do and i aint a weed smoking hippie or green peace member ;). no offence, but saying environmentallism is a bandwagon is like ignoring the facts (the disappearing ozon layer e.g.) cuz you don't want to know about them. most of the big nations signed it and so many ppl can't be wrong, can they?
Thank you John :)

I like compliments :)

Anyway, yeah, this is a friendly thread.. it better stay that way, or I'll close it.. :)

Anyway yeah... carry on

EDIT: I think it's a bandwagon simply becuase we haven't a clue what is really going on, the ozone layer could just be a fluctuation, and a lot of people who are enviromentalists are bandwagoners... which irritates me.

A nice little counter to "so many ppl can't be wrong"

Communism: 1 in 3 of the world's population can't be wrong...
Well all you guys who do not like bush won't have to worry about him for long.We have those up coming elections.So please just stop your bitching about him.I don't think any of you could do a better job.
Originally posted by mrBadger
Al Gore couldn't hold his OWN STATE... what does that show about his political skills??? Hmmmmm.... Anyway, I'm a Brit, a pro-US one :)
Al Gore would have (and should have) made a better president than Bush.

I find it ironic that a large chunk of the negative press surrounding Al Gore was based on a few misunderstandings that got pulled out of context and turned him into a "liar" (which played on the fresh mistruths of the newly ex-president Clinton) as he was called by many people... when we are now looking back on Bush's lies, like the ones he told us to get us to go to war and the many regarding all of those huge tax cuts for the rich.

On a related note: Someone in here said a while back that the economy is at its best right now. That's one of the two things that happen when you have a war. The other is unanimous unquestioning support in which whoever dares to disagree is labeled "anti-American," a "traitor," or the newly popular "terrorist."

I digress.
... back to Gore's many "lies".

"Lie" #1 -
The infamous "I invented the Internet." which he never said. Here are the first three results from a Google search of Al Gore Helped Internet:
If you research it at all you'll see that he was instrumental in the creation of what we know as the Internet.

"Lie" #2 -
He said that he and Tipper were the inspirations for the book 'Love Story'.
That is what he said... but he got this information from a Tennessee newspaper in which they wrote that Erich Segal (the author) said it was based on both Al and Tipper Gore.
Erich Segal later corrected him (the main character was indeed based on him, but the female character was not based on Tipper) and said that the newspaper had misquoted him.

"Lie" #3 -
He is (mis)quoted as saying that he wrote the EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) proposal, which was written a year before he was elected to Congress.
In reality he said that he wrote the "Working Family Tax Relief Act" which was an expansion of the EITC.

"Lie" #4 -
Al Gore supposedly said that religion was very important to him and immediately followed that statement by messing up and saying his favorite verse was John 16:3 instead of 3:16... proving that he was faking his religiousness.
There is no evidence of this actually happening... and not even the media that spread all of the other lies said this was true.

Another jab at his religion:
"He was asked if he thought an atheist should be President and he said he'd rather have an atheist as President because tolerance is the more important than faith!"
When asked whether it would bother him if an atheist became president, Gore said, "No, it would not. I think that it would depend on who the person was, of course. But do I believe that someone can have an understanding of our Constitution [and] a true spirit of tolerance without affirming a particular and specialized belief in God? Yes, I do. I think that is incumbent upon anyone who affirms a respect for tolerance."

... and I have seen tons of Dan Quayle's dumb quotes being circulated as those of Al Gore.

Honestly, I would like to see him run again (but all the same problems would crop up, in addition to the "sore loser" stuff from the last election even though he did in fact win the popular vote by more than 500,000)... because he does his job and he, unlike the rest of the politicians, pushes for technological advances rather than against them.

Sure, he was a bit more boring... but I'd rather have a president that people make fun of for being serious all the time than a president that people laugh at when he tries to be serious. Which brings me to my closing statement:

The only good thing I can recall getting from Bush Jr is a good laugh.
I'm no communist, but I understand the principles, and there was more worth in what communism was aiming to achieve, than what capitalism clearly doesn't even bother to address.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
I'm no communist, but I understand the principles, and there was more worth in what communism was aiming to achieve, than what capitalism clearly doesn't even bother to address.

/me rolls eyes.
Whatever....You're a Commie, admit it. ;)
yeah i read michael moore, and yes, al gore won more votes than mr bush. the question whether he would make a better president is irrelevant at this point. the thing is, the guy in charge right now, with his finger on the button, got there by lying, cheating and scheming using a few of daddy's old friends. bush is even less competent than al gore is. i forget the exact ins and outs of the whole affair (i'll re-read and post tomorrow).

michael moore also writes about republicans and democrats, and how spineless the democrats are becoming and how evil the republicans are. is anyone a republican on these boards? take money from the poor and give it to the rich? tell me, where the HELL is the sense in that? i dunno about you, but communism sounds real good right now compared to what the republican party want.

capitalism aims at making people rich, communism aims at making people equally well off. if you put it in black and white like that, everyone's gonna want communism. except it doesn't work, because human beings are the worst kind of **** ups ever invented.
Good lord, first off how do you know Gore got more votes? Second, they aren't literally taking the money out of the poor people's hands then giving them to the rich, they don't tax the rich so that the rich spend more which gives the poor more money.
michael moore has apparently investigated and found out a few things. if you have any arguments about the fact that gore got more votes, then email michael moore, don't take it up with me. he investigated it and he wouldn't get a whole book published if it wasn't true. i know they're not literally taking money from the poor, it's their policies etc and slowly chip away. they give the rich tax breaks, thus, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer.
I love it when people in Europe (especially the French) get all worked up over American politics.

Here's a news flash: your opinion is meaningless. Just because the USA controls Europe doesn't mean you guys have a say in our politics. No one in the US buys your semi-socialist governmental theories because they're bull shit.

Oh, and here's another kernel of wisdom. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is sickeningly small. They are basically the same party, they just squabble over where to put a couple tax payer dollars. People who gripe about Bush and republicans should just shut their fuc king mouths. Nothing will be different if a Dem or a Rep is elected next term. Despite what your hippy parents have force fed you, the government has very little to do with the economy or the spiralling social decline that the Western world will continue to follow until its collapse. What about taking some responsibility into your hands and do something with your life, rather than blaming it on a government that can't change and never will change because of the millions of beauracrats that fuel it.

Since that won't happen for a long time, just calm the fu ck down and shut the fu ck up.

Thats is all.
Originally posted by Dedalus
michael moore has apparently investigated and found out a few things. if you have any arguments about the fact that gore got more votes, then email michael moore, don't take it up with me. he investigated it and he wouldn't get a whole book published if it wasn't true. i know they're not literally taking money from the poor, it's their policies etc and slowly chip away. they give the rich tax breaks, thus, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer.

As I said before, all of Michael Moores "investigations" are bull. Go to this site and read the whole thing.