Least favirote chapter?

Follow freeman, mostly because the bloody NPC's kept on getting in the way down thos narrow corridors
Follow freeman, mostly because the bloody NPC's kept on getting in the way down thos narrow corridors

From what i remember, there weren't many corridors in Follow Freeman :p

Thats more Anti citizen 1.
The last level.
I diden't have enough fun yet and they had to end the greatest game of all time......

It's great quality-wise, but I just don't like horror-type scenarios. Of course, if you don't compare it to the other chapters, it's still barrels of fun.
Nova Prospekt and Highway 17, except the part where you go under the bridge. Nova Prospekt was boring with the Ant Lions, and I hated the driving in Highway 17.
I liked Ravenholm first time, the gravity gun and traps were fun to use against the zombies and headcrabs, but when I re-played it, it was very boring
I think the first few chapters (including Route Kanal) and the final two City chapters were the best
no rast i agree with you sandtraps was FUN the whole dont step on the sand was a nice touch but as well rast i agree again follow freeman. i HATE escort missions and that room with the FREIKING TURRETS AND LASER STUFF WiTH THE HOPPPER PISSED ME OFF.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KagePrototype said:
"Hey Freeman, I was looking to join you."

"Great! Could you lead the way to the Citadel? I have no idea where I'm going here, and I can't find Barney anywhere."




"Sorry, Freeman."


"Reload, Doctor Freeman!"

Lol, so true! I remember parts of the game when it seems like the NPC is in charge, but then all of a sudden you have to decide where to go, lol. This was a really great game, and my FAVORITE chapter was Ravenholm. I just love the shotgun, and though it may have been a bit hard/scary/annoying, i liked it. I did get stuck near the end where they spawn inifinitely for a while though, lol. Anyways, I guess my least favorite chapter would have to be Dark Energy. Like, it's mostly storyline, and the plot is ok, but there was not much left to do and it was way too short. There wasn't even any kind of battle at the end, it was just sorta over. Maybe some people didn't like the final battle at the end of HL1 or something, but at least there was something to do (shooting two energy balls each at two ships does not count as a battle, and, well, so you have to destroy the thingy...). Anyways, I loved this game (in fact, I just finished playing it for the first time just a few minutes ago). I'm gonna go play through it again as fast as I can. Maybe this time I'll remember the whole thing better. I can't really say how I liked a few of the chapters near the beginning because it has been a while.
I personally thought that Anti-Cit one and Follow Freeman were some of the most... most MOVIE-LIKE moments in the game. It was intense civil disobedience, revolution, uprising against the masters of the land, rockets, rebellion and the One Free Man in the drivers seat.. It was a movie, i was in it and i was kicking total ass.

I however feel it was stupid that there was only one route to the citadel. It's a city, how hard can it be to find alternate routes? EVERYTHING IS CO-INCIDENTALLY BLOCKED OFF!!!

What the heck was dog doing all that time? He went for a freaking FLYING LESSON!
I liked Ravenholm. Yes, there was parts where I would pause and stop and just wish I was out of the level, or would dread loading it up, but once I finally left, I realised how much I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed Sandtraps, too. Reminded me of Tremors. The part where Grady and the others, I forget they're names, are stuck on the rock and have to use the bits of wood to jump across. Slighty simular to me laying planks of wood, and a matress, across the sand.

Least fave, um... I haven't played for a while so I can't remember any parts I thought 'omgzz suckkage.' Although the last level, I forgot its name, was pretty bland. The grav. gun was fun for a while but I was hoping that the Combine would still be alive when you grabbed them. It would of been a more pleasing death to drop them off one of the balconys when they were still alive.
I wanted Ravenholm to end but the atmosphere was great so I cant choose that, hmmm... sand traps, or follow freeman was tedious at points, or maybe route kanal, hmm but that was ok some times to *cant make up his mind*
I don't think there was any chapter that I particuarly didn't like.
Some chapters had parts that I didn't find too fun, such as walking along the bottom of the bridge in Highway 17 and having stupid citizens cramping my style in the later levels. If they had slightly better AI that part would have been much more fun. All they seem to do is fire into the air, get in your way and die.
Route Kanal, Oh My F'ing God I Hate That Level So Much I Wanted To Kill It Along With Everything In It!!!
Entanglment too, it's not even a level just you riding around in some gayness coffin for half the level
Dog-- said:
Entanglment too, it's not even a level just you riding around in some gayness coffin for half the level

There is no pod ride in Entanglement :|
Highway 17, the endless drving was a bit too long and dull. They should skipped that chapter and focus more on the City 17 not some stupid coasts where it was so little action anyway.
Sandtraps was cool... but entaglement bored me to death... place turret, stand up turret, shoot, repeat.
I say the canal one. I like how you can drive it and stuff, but it got boring to me after a while, the first time I played it I thought it would never end. But one of the best parts about this game is when you get in spots you dont like, the feeling when you exit them, I love that like the mines after ravenholm. I think sand traps got a little boring and anoying too. For the most part I just ran through the sand.:E
Highway 17 is one of the only parts you can come back to and still enjoy, I don't know what everyone else is on about
I don't know how anyone could even have a least favourite chapter, i mean people that moan about not enough action being in a chapter is just pathetic, there may not be much action in some areas but the surroundings within it are pretty cool to look at as you go along, all in all i thought it was a great game.
Yeh, a good game but surely you have a least favourite chapter. Its great the first time around but the second time some levels get a bit tiresome
The only poor chapter for me was Sandtraps. It was just a tiresome trek down the coastal road stopping off at various Combine checkpoints. Woop de do - something more interesting should have filled this gap. (The gap between highway 17 and Nova Prospekt)

The only decent bit of Sandtraps was the assault on Nova Prospekt, that was awesome.
Our Benefactors, pretty interesting chapter (I liked when you travelled around in the citadel in the pods and seeing those Stalkers building Gunships etc.) but not very fun to play imo.

Sandtraps and Nova Prospekt are teh b3st.
eatbugs - Yeh, a good game but surely you have a least favourite chapter. Its great the first time around but the second time some levels get a bit tiresome

Nope, i can honestly tell you now i enjoyed every single bit of the game, i have yet to play it through a 2nd time, just recently reformatted so probably will some time soon after i have completed a few other games, but i'll let you know if i get tired of any chapters the 2nd time round ;)
Sorry to say this but I have to say that I didn't like the whole singleplayer experience of half life 2. It was the biggest dissapointment for me.

The first time I fired up HL2 I liked it, I got through the trainstation and happily ran through the canals but when I got to water hazard I saw the game's true colors. I got my first vihicle, an airboat that could magically drive on land, gee, that's different from the buggy :rolleyes: From the water hazard area the whole game got tedious, after I finally got the **** off the stupid boat I found myself in eli's lab where the only real highlight was the cremator head in the jar which soon grew to be a dissapointment when I finished the game and realized he (the cremator) got cut along with an assortment of other enemies and levels.

I was glad to leave the BMS until I saw that I had to drive a buggy! Right after water hazard I had to drive ANOTHER vehicle. After the coma inducing eternity known as the highway 17 I got to sandtraps. "Don't walk on the sand" gee, sounds fun. Then near the end when I got my bugbait there was nothing special or fun about the level, it was basically a coastline with some ants and some soldiers. When I got to nova prospekt (which was one of my most anticipated levels) I was amused for exactly thirty minutes until I discovered just how innovative the level really was. Everywhere, force fields, force fields. It was overdone and made it boring and the best part of nova prospekt was the monitor with a stalker (cut from the game) and the shirtless combine soldier.

Finally came the main setting of HL2: C17. After some stupid shit excuse about a slow teleport or something for ValvE not having any ideas for levels getting back to C17 after NP, I was yet again dissapointed. The citizen models (metrocop outfit) we lame, the snipers weren't real and were lame. The friendlies were no help at all. It sucked. I liked how the citizens downed the big breencast monitor but that was about it. The strider fights were tedious, especially with two thirds of the originally intended weapons being cut from the game (I got tired of using the same 12 or so weapons, shoot me).

Then came the true prize, the citadel. I haven't lost faith in HL2 because I love the HL universe and I couldn't give up on it so fast. I was imressed with the size of the citadel and tried to recall a time that I may have encountered something of that size in an fps. I could not find anything that rivalled it's gargantuan self. It's size didn't stop the inside from being lame. It was the same ugly ass metal texture repeated over and over. The stalkers were cool and the one that hisses at you in the pod was cool and I didn't expect for him to do that so he caught me be surprise and I nearly shat myself but other than that the citadel levels were fairly pountless, good try though. The breenscene wasn't half as long as it should've been. When mossman set us free I was really annoyed that I had to follow breen's pussy ass because the gameplay was so damn repetetive. When I found him in the teleporter I was once again dissapointed (how many times have I used that word so far? A lot, I thought so.) because I was faced with a energy ball puzzle. Those puzzles (or should I call them tasks, they had no real thinking to them) are not fun. I don't want to pull shitty balls of energy out of a machine, I want to kick ass.

When I finally finished the game I almost uninstalled HL2 altogether because of how horrible the single player was. The end was the most unfulfilling lump of shit I've ever experienced. No I didn't want a boss battle but two gunships just doesn't cut it, it never did and it never will.

Final thoughts: This game was stripped of half it's original physics and effects, two thirds of the weapons, half the enemies and it's story and levels were completely rewritten at last minute. It's boring. I only liked about three levels. Nevertheless, I'm keeping it on my PC for expansions, DM and mods. Yes I might be a bit rough on the game and you might wonder why I'm even here but just to save time here is a FAQ:

Q: Why are you here if you found the game that bad?
A: Shut up

Q: You shouldn't have looked at the beta content in the first place.
A: If I didn't it would skew my respect for ValvE and HL2 infinitely because I'd think that they had this (the retail) the whole time.
fstick2 said:
Sorry to say this but I have to say that I didn't like the whole singleplayer experience of half life 2. It was the biggest dissapointment for me.

The first time I fired up HL2 I liked it, I got through the trainstation and happily ran through the canals but when I got to water hazard I saw the game's true colors. I got my first vihicle, an airboat that could magically drive on land, gee, that's different from the buggy :rolleyes: From the water hazard area the whole game got tedious, after I finally got the **** off the stupid boat I found myself in eli's lab where the only real highlight was the cremator head in the jar which soon grew to be a dissapointment when I finished the game and realized he (the cremator) got cut along with an assortment of other enemies and levels.

I was glad to leave the BMS until I saw that I had to drive a buggy! Right after water hazard I had to drive ANOTHER vehicle. After the coma inducing eternity known as the highway 17 I got to sandtraps. "Don't walk on the sand" gee, sounds fun. Then near the end when I got my bugbait there was nothing special or fun about the level, it was basically a coastline with some ants and some soldiers. When I got to nova prospekt (which was one of my most anticipated levels) I was amused for exactly thirty minutes until I discovered just how innovative the level really was. Everywhere, force fields, force fields. It was overdone and made it boring and the best part of nova prospekt was the monitor with a stalker (cut from the game) and the shirtless combine soldier.

Finally came the main setting of HL2: C17. After some stupid shit excuse about a slow teleport or something for ValvE not having any ideas for levels getting back to C17 after NP, I was yet again dissapointed. The citizen models (metrocop outfit) we lame, the snipers weren't real and were lame. The friendlies were no help at all. It sucked. I liked how the citizens downed the big breencast monitor but that was about it. The strider fights were tedious, especially with two thirds of the originally intended weapons being cut from the game (I got tired of using the same 12 or so weapons, shoot me).

Then came the true prize, the citadel. I haven't lost faith in HL2 because I love the HL universe and I couldn't give up on it so fast. I was imressed with the size of the citadel and tried to recall a time that I may have encountered something of that size in an fps. I could not find anything that rivalled it's gargantuan self. It's size didn't stop the inside from being lame. It was the same ugly ass metal texture repeated over and over. The stalkers were cool and the one that hisses at you in the pod was cool and I didn't expect for him to do that so he caught me be surprise and I nearly shat myself but other than that the citadel levels were fairly pountless, good try though. The breenscene wasn't half as long as it should've been. When mossman set us free I was really annoyed that I had to follow breen's pussy ass because the gameplay was so damn repetetive. When I found him in the teleporter I was once again dissapointed (how many times have I used that word so far? A lot, I thought so.) because I was faced with a energy ball puzzle. Those puzzles (or should I call them tasks, they had no real thinking to them) are not fun. I don't want to pull shitty balls of energy out of a machine, I want to kick ass.

When I finally finished the game I almost uninstalled HL2 altogether because of how horrible the single player was. The end was the most unfulfilling lump of shit I've ever experienced. No I didn't want a boss battle but two gunships just doesn't cut it, it never did and it never will.

Final thoughts: This game was stripped of half it's original physics and effects, two thirds of the weapons, half the enemies and it's story and levels were completely rewritten at last minute. It's boring. I only liked about three levels. Nevertheless, I'm keeping it on my PC for expansions, DM and mods. Yes I might be a bit rough on the game and you might wonder why I'm even here but just to save time here is a FAQ:

Q: Why are you here if you found the game that bad?
A: Shut up

Q: You shouldn't have looked at the beta content in the first place.
A: If I didn't it would skew my respect for ValvE and HL2 infinitely because I'd think that they had this (the retail) the whole time.

EDIT: I missed ravenholme, I guess it was so bad that my memory of it was repressed. Sorry.
Wow, you called me kid. You're a tough guy now go to your start menu<Run...<C:\format.

For a troll he sure went in depth in his description on why he hates Half-Life 2.

I've only really played through the whole game once, so I can't say what my least favorite chapter was. It'll probably be "Point Insertion" because once the awe factor wears off, it's all story and little combat (which doesn't hold up well on replayings, like the first level in the first game).
Why do people sign up just to flame, i hate it completely, it doesn't make sense, why come to a HL2 forum just to cuss HL2 :(
The only level I didn't really like was Water Hazard. I hated that fricken water boat.

I really hated the NPCs throughout the game. They never really had anything relavent to say. Would you tell someone you were going to mate after all the crap was over? And I know when I need to reload, they were just annoying and got killed too easily.
While I wish I could've played the leak... I'' say this. True, HL2 wasn't anything like what we were going to get. That was done to keep the game commercially viable. Anyways, I'm thinking a lot of the items lost in the leak return in full force during the expansions. Now, I'm probably going to get banned for asking, but is their any hope in finding the leak?? Or should I not have asked that??...